About See All. The building's free-standing design ensured easy access to the amphitheatre. Location: Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. On-page Analysis, Page Structure, Backlinks, Competitors and Similar Websites. Cancel. Quick Description: römisches Amphitheater, heute genutzt als Freilichtbühne Roman amphitheater now used as an open-air stage. View into the vaulted passageways under the spectators' terraces. From the lively reports of ancient writers we know that people came to the towns from far and wide to watch the spectacles. Uložit. www.apx.lvr.de Video: … Posted by: cache-catcher. Get Amphitheater, Xanten, Germany setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Amphitheater, Xanten, Germany fans for free on setlist.fm! Most ticket sites will offer seating maps for particular venues and outdoor events, so before you click “purchase,” take a look and figure out where you’d like to spend your time outdoors, and whether you’ll need to bring a chair or blanket. If you into history, go see the mueum. Amphitheater On-Campus Supervision Service. To download this image, create an account . Once the scene of fights between gladiators and animals: the Colonia's amphitheatre. Eintrittskarten sind zu den Öffnungszeiten vor Ort und über unser Ticket-Portal erhältlich. Download this stock image: Amphitheater, amphitheatre in the archaeological park in Xanten, Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Xanten - CW6RWB from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Menu. Comments (-1) Technology Assistance for Remote Learning By Necessity. While the common people sat in the upper rows, the three bottom rows provided sufficient space for the city's dignitaries to make themselves comfortable in armchairs. Seitenanfang | All reviews original roman roman baths green space excellent museum temple romans amphitheater bathhouse ruins dutch windmill crossbow playground europe objects. Startseite | An amphitheatre or amphitheater (/ ˈ æ m f ɪ ˌ θ iː ə t ər /) is an open-air venue used for entertainment, performances, and sports. Traveler190511 wrote a review Sep 2020. Roman engineers invented a new type of building in which to entertain the masses with spectacular performances: a theatre enclosed on both sides (Greek: amphi-theatre). August 2016 um 22:14 Auer fir d'lescht geännert. Auf der Spur der alten Römer am Niederrhein und im Ruhrgebiet. Juni gilt bis auf Weiteres ein pauschaler reduzierter Eintrittspreis. 201 - Im Nordsternpark (4,922.10 mi) Gelsenkirchen, Germany 45883. Artistes of international renown come to Xanten to perform in the operas, operettas and musicals during the Summer Festival. Large public events, such as fights in the amphitheatre and chariot races in the circus, were by far the most popular form of entertainment for the masses in antiquity. Xanten, Německo. Seit dem 30. Comments (-1) SAT and ACT Testing Information Informacion del Examen . Schrift: Das Schalke Museum ist eine der Attraktionen auf dem Schalker Vereinsgelände. Amphitheater, Insula, Tempel, Thermen und Gemeinschaftstoiletten: Für die Besichtigung einer römischen Siedlung braucht man nicht in die teure italienische Hauptstadt nach Rom zu fahren. 32U E 325172 N 5723758 . 4,262 people follow this. Waymark Code: WMBTKR. An allen Kassen des APX kann bargeldlos mit EC-Karte bezahlt werden. The APX is one of the few places north of the Alps where the fascination of these buildings is still tangible. Archeologické naleziště . 9h 3° 3 m/s 0,4 mm. thieschi has uploaded 1949 photos to Flickr. Amphitheatre of Xanten is situated nearby to Lüttingen, close to Klever Tor. Amphitheater staff and teachers work with parents and students to ensure that each child has opportunities to grow and excel in all subject areas and we are dedicated to maximizing the academic experiences and results for all students. Find Similar … Eintrittspreise. Sdílet. 0h 1° 2 m/s. Druckversion | 12. Xanten, Germany. Sign up with Google. Inhaltsverzeichnis, Sie sind hier: Archäologischer Park Xanten > Willkommen > Service & Info > Eintrittspreise. N 51° 38.258 E 006° 28.412. 4° Sobota. Rooms for the gladiators prior to their performance and cages for the wild animals led off from a passageway running through the vaults below the terraces. The high contrast looks fabulous. ‹ › × × Previous Next × Crop Cover Photo. Little is known about the actual events that took place in Xanten's amphitheatre, but they generally involved bloody animal chases and fighting gladiators. Seit dem 30. Wegen technischer Wartungen ist das LVR-RömerMuseum vom 7. bis 11. Community See All. Today, the amphitheatre is once again the scene of regular performances, albeit without shedding a single drop of blood. best sights and cultural attractions travel guide for Xanten, Germany. By clicking on Sign up, you agree to Depositphotos Membership Agreement * Xanten Germany, old architecture and town panorama — Photo by nadisja. Do plánování. Author nadisja Depositphotos. Impressum | Datenschutz | Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit |. Impressum | Datenschutz | Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit |. Druckversion | Für Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren ist der Eintritt frei. Date Posted: 6/20/2011 1:08:01 PM. 2018-05-23 10:59. Sites we have visited. Buy tickets for an upcoming concert at Amphitheater Xanten-Birten. Sign up with Facebook. Dünencamp. Kon ang usa ka internal nga sumpay ang midala kanimo dinhi, palihog tabangi kami sa pag-ugmad sa Wikipedya pinaagi sa pag … Amphitheater Um möglichst viele Menschen mit aufwändigen Spektakeln unterhalten zu können, erfanden römische Ingenieure eine neue Bauform: das beidseitig (griech. Concerts 2021. Log In. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis dafür, dass darüber hinaus keine zusätzlichen Rabatte gelten. Ricks Beach. Um eine rund oder oval angelegte Arena steigen stufenweise Sitzreihen an. 15h 3° 1 m/s. Geschichtliche Sehenswürdigkeit des Ensembles der Aena des Amphitheater im Archäologischer Park in Xanten im Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland. Amphitheatre in Xanten, built by ancient Romans in Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany. Font Size: 21h 2° 2 m/s. Amphitheater Xanten. Grothusstr. The lower terraces and roughly one-quarter of the upper terraces have been reconstructed, thus revealing the building's dimensions: it was 99 metres long altogether with an outside wall roughly ten metres high. The large amphitheatres were regularly filled with spectators eager to see people and animals fighting in the arena. Comments (-1) … Tipy na výlet. Amphitheater Xanten/Birten. SEO rating for kulturinfo-rheinland.de. An allen Kassen des APX kann bargeldlos mit EC-Karte bezahlt werden. List of all concerts taking place in 2020 at Amphitheater Xanten-Birten in Xanten. 2° Pondělí. 12h 3° 2 m/s. Larger/Smaller Xanten Amphitheatre's Concert History. The top 10 sights and cultural attractions include Archaeological Park of Xanten, Dom-Museum, Klever Tor, Stiftskirche Sankt Viktor, Amphitheater Xanten-Birten, Xanten Cathedral, RömerMuseum travel guide Explore thieschi's photos on Flickr. Every last seat is occupied, as in former times. 3h 3° 3 m/s 0,2 mm. 24,063 check-ins. 764 likes. Beautifully composed photo. Dës Säit gouf de(n) 10. Einer der schönsten und idyllischsten Strandbäder am Niederrhein, liegt am Südwestlichen Ufer des Freizeitsees Menzelen Ost Gesterstrasse. Archaeological Park of Xanten. History and Etymology for amphitheater Middle English amphitheatre, borrowed from Latin amphitheātrum, borrowed from Greek amphithéātron, noun derivative from neuter of amphithéātros " (of a stadium) having seats for spectators all around," from amphi- amphi- + -theātros, derivative of théātron "place for viewing a drama, theater entry 1 " 0h 2° 4 m/s 0,3 mm. amphi-) umschlossene Theater. This place is vast and in mid-summer, a visit may be quite unpleasant. Gladiator fights are one of the highlights of the Roman Festival Swords, Bread and Games. Für Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren ist der Eintritt frei. 3° Dnes. The term derives from the ancient Greek ἀμφιθέατρον (amphitheatron), from ἀμφί (amphi), meaning "on both sides" or "around" and θέατρον (théātron), meaning "place for viewing".. 4° Pátek. Auf unserem Ticket-Portal können Sie bereits vor Ihrem Besuch Eintrittskarten erwerben. Bitte wählen Sie hierzu die Telefonnummer 02801 988-9213 oder 02234 9921-555 (kulturinfo rheinland). Säiten an der Kategorie "Amphitheateren" An dëser Kategorie sinn dës 4 Säiten, vu(n) 4 am Ganzen. Due to the corona pandemic, the APX is closed until at least December 20th. Dezember 2020 geschlossen. Amphitheater (ampitiyatro sa Pilipinas), Central Visayas, Kining maong panid sa pagklaro nagtala sa mga artikulo nga may samang titulo. 18h 2° 1 m/s. Welcome Back Panthers! Published By: … Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. 2° Neděle. LVR Archäologischer Park Xanten & RömerMuseum. Počasí 2° Čtvrtek 31. 4,189 people like this. Auf mehr als 600 m2 erlebt ihr die einzigartige und wechselvolle Geschichte der Schalker Knappen und könnt euch über 500 exklusive Exponate, einzigartige Fotos und viele emotionale Filme … Seitenanfang | Amphitheater seating ranges from general lawn admission to tiered, specific-chair tickets, and each open-air theatre is different. That would also have been the case in Xanten. Get Directions +49 209 5083405. Führungen und Aktionsprogramme sind im Voraus über unser Servicetelefon zu buchen. If you travel with a tent, it is especially important to have a comfortable place in the immediate vicinity of the sanitary facilities. Der APX ist aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie bis auf Weiteres geschlossen. Download this stock image: Amphitheater, Archaeological Park Xanten, Xanten, Lower Rhine, Rhine, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - PT2JX9 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Concerts; Jump to section: Top; Concerts; Comments; Xanten Amphitheatre has had 1 concert Date Concert Venue Location ; Sep 05, 2001 Bryan Adams : Xanten Amphitheatre: Xanten, Germany: Comments & Reviews: Sign Up or Login to comment. Already have an account? Today, the amphitheatre is once again the scene of regular performances, albeit without shedding a single drop of blood. Amphitheater, landmark of Xanten Germany - stock image. 2020, 00:56. 6h 3° 3 m/s 0,6 mm. Das Amphitheater Gelsenkirchen, seinerzeit auch Kanalbühne genannt, entstand zur Bundesgartenschau 1... See More. Der Archäologische Park ist an diesen Tagen normal geöffnet. The gladiators also present their authentic equipment during the Roman Weekends in summer. ConcertBoom provides the latest and most accurate list of concert tours and musical events in your city. Little is known about the actual events that took place in Xanten's amphitheatre, but they generally involved bloody animal chases and fighting gladiators. Xanten Concerts 2021. gröÃer/kleiner Startseite | Sie sind hier: Archäologischer Park Xanten > Willkommen > Service & Info > Eintrittspreise. Der APX ist einer der wenigen Orte nördlich der Alpen, an denen die Faszination dieser einst kolossalen Bauwerke spürbar wird. Comments (-1) Virtual tour. Contact Amphitheater Gelsenkirchen on Messenger. Eintrittskarten sind zu den Öffnungszeiten vor Ort und über unser Ticket-Portal erhältlich. Skip to content Ein Amphitheater ist ein Rundtheater der römischen Antike, typischerweise ohne geschlossenes Dach, aber unter Umständen mit einem Sonnensegel bestückbar. Comments (-1) AHS Registration 2020-2021. Sign up with E-mail. Comments (-1) STUDENT AND PARENT INFORMATION FOR FIRST DAY OF CLASSES: August 10th . in Ancient Roman Civilization. Are you looking for concerts 2021, concert tickets, concerts 2021, concert tours, music events? Amphitheatre of Xanten is a tourist attraction in North Rhine-Westphalia. Classical Antiquity. Rotterdam, The Netherlands 261 contributions 78 helpful votes. The amphitheatre's seating was sufficient to accommodate roughly the entire population of the Colonia, The reconstruction built in the early 1980s rests on the original pillars which were discovered during the excavations. Overview: Map: Photo Map: Satellite: Directions: Overview: Map: Photo Map: Satellite: Directions: Overview: Map: Photo Map: Satellite: Directions: Photo: Raymond, CC BY-SA 4.0. Notable Places in the Area . Contents, You are her: Archäologischer Park Xanten > Archaeological Park > Reconstructed buildings > Amphitheatre.