Crystal Rose. Here, the last co-referential NP is the possessive pronoun seine which itself is co-referent with the subject NP Döring8. Description: A Child Theme for Directory Starter, built to be used with the GeoDirectory plugin to create a Yelp like directory website. Demonstrative Pronouns and Personal Pronouns: German “Der” vs. “Er”. If d-pronouns always referred to the less accessible of two potential antecedents, it should not have been used here. Mia Scarcello Photography. An inspection of the examples did not provide evidence that the d-pronoun generally goes along with special emphasis, although – as discussed below – in some cases emphasis does indeed seem to play a role. 9 In the original questionnaire, the referents that are underlined here were surrounded by a frame. The first issue concerns the relationship between givenness and topichood. 2018 - Soyez à l'affût des tendances mode en optant pour une coloration de cheveux prune! There are two main differences between the study of Bosch et al. D-pronouns are much more frequent in spoken German than in written German (see Ahrenholz, 2007; Bosch et al., 2007). 34All instances were inspected and all NPs co-referent with the pronoun were coded by hand. your own Pins on Pinterest Discover (and save!) The accessibility value thus ranges from 0 to 3., l'animalerie en ligne au meilleur prix. Alice Hoffmann ist gar keine Saarländerin Die Schauspielerin, die am 16. Perfekte Entscheidung , wenn Sie nicht für langes oder kurzes Haar entscheiden können,. In M. Schwarz-Friesel, M. Consten & M. Knees (eds. The asymmetry is strongest for the syntactic function of the antecedent (84.7% vs. 15.3%) and weakest for the givenness of the antecedent (64.3% vs. 35.7%). For the p-pronoun, a local competitor is present in 35.7% of all cases. Ein Besucher, der grüngefärbte Haare hatte, provozierte den Sicherheitsmann. Vehicle classification . In order to identify cases that are not captured by accessibility, we consider first how far we get when we use accessibility alone for deciding whether to use a p- or a d-pronoun. Sundair, Airline, Top-Reiseangebote, Mallorca, Gran-Canaria, Kreta, Fuerteventura, Antalya, Kassel, Flughafen Kassel, Urlaub Both may account for some part of the observed difference. Here, the d-pronoun seems to be used for reasons of emphasis. Watson has been ranked among the world's highest-paid actresses by Forbes and Vanity Fair, and was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2015. London – New York: Routledge. Here, the discourse-given NP den Clown (“the clown”) occurs clause-finally whereas the discourse-new NP ein Mann (“a man”) occurs clause-initially. This is the prototypical context for the use of a d-pronoun, and p-pronouns are therefore least expected. Because of the prescriptive rule mentioned above, we consider only the distinction between humans and non-humans in our study. [C -2] The company will be 10 years old and the ball room of the Ritz-Carlton is just sufficient for congratulations. Available online: 9 avr. When the antecedent was a p- or d-pronoun itself, it was almost always given. Er trug ihn so bis ins Tal. Ellert (2013) nevertheless interprets her results in terms of information structure and not in terms of surface properties like syntactic function or linear position within the sentence. EDNA International – votre partenaire compétent pour des produits boulangers surgelés de haute qualité. 7This paper presents a corpus study and an experiment that have investigated the factors that determine the choice between personal pronoun (p-pronoun for short) and d-pronoun during written language production. The corpus data show that such an absolute notion of accessibility can be defined in terms of givenness and syntactic prominence, which comprises both syntactic function and clausal position. Wild Dogs Productions. The WaCky Wide Web: A Collection of Very Large Linguistically Processed Web-Crawled Corpora. Thus, the subject pronoun er occurred more often after than before the finite verb. The possessive pronoun is part of a non-subject in the large majority of cases. However, the frequency difference is only moderate, and in absolute terms, both constructions are of very high frequency. Surprisingly, however, the frequency of examples where the antecedent has the highest possible accessibility value of 3 does not go down even further but increases to a value of about 7.7%. For example, in a sentence with subject-object (SO) order, the subject is always more accessible than the object because it is favored by two of the three defining properties – syntactic function and clausal position. Our vehicles undergo a series of checks and inspections. Cliquez pour vous inscrire, Art. May 7, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Alice Laidlaw. Percentages of given vs. new, subject vs. non-subject, and non-final vs. final antecedent NPs, depending on pronoun type. The context sentence is followed by the target sentence [4b], which starts either with a p-pronoun or a d-pronoun. We coded narration for sentences that (temporally) continued the discourse by responding to the event of the preceding context sentence. Les données de corpus montrent que le choix entre « p-pronom » et « d-pronom » dépend de plusieurs facteurs. 2013. Percentages of given vs. new, subject vs. non-subject, and non-final vs. final antecedent NPs, for possessive pronouns as antecedents and for antecedents of possessive pronouns. Since the definite article and the d-pronoun share forms (or are even the same lexical item, as proposed by Wiltschko, 1998), a definite determiner may increase the probability of using the d-pronoun. Section 4 presents the production experiment. 18To sum up so far, experimental investigations of the interpretation of p- and d-pronouns converge on two conclusions. In this case, a relative decision rule can be used. Participants’ continuations were coded according to which type of pronoun (p- or d-pronoun) they chose to refer to the underlined entity of the previous sentence. The antecedent of a d-pronoun, in contrast, is typically a new NP that occurs as non-subject in clause-final position. As the overview in Ellert (2013: 6) shows, most studies have found that a p-pronoun preferentially takes a subject NP as antecedent, independently of its discourse status or clausal position, whereas the preferred antecedent of a d-pronoun is a discourse-new NP in clause final position, independently of the NP’s syntactic function. First, the p-pronoun’s antecedent is a p-pronoun itself in a substantial number of cases, whereas p-pronouns are rarely the antecedent for the d-pronoun, although some cases still occur. The second question addressed in the following experiment thus is how the rate of choosing a d-pronoun differs depending on whether an object in clause-final position is new or given. For the d-pronoun, however, we see a difference regarding the four coherence relations. Pragmatic Aspects of Scrambling and Topicalization in German: A Centering Approach. ‘The cook pushed a baker, who was standing at the end of the line. As the dependent variable, we took proportions of the choice of the d-pronoun. Works: Schütz: "Gloria patri" for the 111th psalm from Psalmen Davids, SWV 34, Es steh' Gott auf, SWV 356, from Symphoniae sacrae, part two (20), Der Engel sprach zu den Hirten, SWV 395, from Geistliche Chormusik (20), O Jesu süss, wer dein gedenkt, SWV 406, from Symphoniae sacrae, part three (20), Ach Herr, du Schöpfer aller Ding, SWV 450 (20), Güldne Haare, gleich Aurore, SWV 440 (20). Based on their specific characteristics, they are divided into three categories - Premium, Comfort and Standard - in order to best meet the needs of the customers. 77A different picture emerges when reference was made to the object of the context sentence, as can be seen in Table 14. Because a logistic regression cannot be computed when one or more cells contain a value of 0% or 100%, we set the mean value in the cell “given antecedent in first position” to 2% by random resampling. Possible limitations resulting from this restriction are discussed below. We present a corpus study and a production experiment that investigated the choice between two types of pronouns in written German – personal pronouns and so-called d-pronouns, which have properties of both personal and demonstrative pronouns. Most of the continuations serve as a result for the event of the preceding context sentence. 91The question thus is whether the antecedent in these cases was not only given but also a topic. Paderborn University’s learning centres provide students with learning support, in particular in subject-related issues. Anne Hoffmann - Herzmensch Fotografie. Barr, D.J., Levy, R., Scheepers, C. & Tily, H.J. Table 3. Target items were separated from each other by at least two filler items. In particular, it could follow from the fact that p-pronouns are subject-oriented whereas d-pronouns are object-oriented. La recherche déjà existante concernant ces pronoms s’est concentrée sur la compréhension du langage. We then describe how the corpus examples were extracted and prepared for later analysis. Berlin: Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS): 39-51. Discours 12: 1-24. This condition has been neglected so far, because prior research has typically investigated sentences where the first NP was given and the second NP new. Ariel, M. 1990. 12.03.2018 - Finden Sie hier die passenden Bob Frisuren für ihr Gesichtstyp! La tendance burger de demain ! After all, when a referent is salient at the current point of discourse, it will be in a highly activated state in working memory and a reduced or even null expression will suffice to refer to this referent. In this case, the pronoun’s antecedent is discourse new, occurs sentence finally, and is an object. thèmes intéressants, La base optimale pour toutes les spécialités à garnir. In such a case, it is hardly possible to replace the d-pronoun das by the corresponding p-pronoun es. From the standpoint of accessibility theory, this is no surprise because a central assumption of this theory is that accessibility is a complex property that cannot be defined in terms of a single feature. Kaiser and Trueswell (2008) obtained the same pattern that was found for German – a subject preference for the Finnish p-pronoun and a preference for the final, new NP for the Finnish d-pronoun. Definiteness and the Processing of Noun Phrases in Natural Discourse. This way, we can let our data decide which NP is the antecedent of the p- or d-pronoun – the possessive pronoun or its antecedent. How these differences account for the different ratios between p- and d-pronouns is an open question7. ‘Maria won an important price. Choice of syntactic construction, 3.3.1. / Schwerer als der Tisch ist der Schrank. Nasti van der Weyden. We will not discuss this issue at this point, but come back to it in the general discussion. 48Table 4 shows that the p- and the d-pronoun are associated with different distributions of the antecedent’s definiteness (Fisher’s exact test, p < 0.001). This implies a focus on ambiguity, which is present when the preceding context contains at least one competitor to the actual antecedent. More recently, the interpretation of p- and d-pronouns has been the subject of several experimental investigations, all concerned with the question of how pronouns are interpreted when the context contains more than a single potential antecedent (Bosch & Umbach, 2007; Bouma & Hopp, 2007; Colonna et al., 2012; Ellert, 2013). Mel Riot. Ces derniers ont pour but de déterminer l’accessibilité d’un référent (Ariel, 1990), en particulier le «, einen Mann, der ganz wirre Haare hatte, Portail de ressources électroniques en sciences humaines et sociales, 2. 11.05.2013 - This is my first major composite photo. Both pronouns seem to require an antecedent that occurred recently and is therefore in an activated state in working memory. 63To broaden the picture of pronominal referential choice in sentence production, we conducted a sentence completion experiment investigating the preferred choice of p- and d-pronouns in German. 66In the first sentence, an individual was introduced using a proper name or indefinite NP. The results show a preference for the subject referent when hearing the p-pronoun er. (2003). [i] Maria hat einen wichtigen Preis gewonnen. Finally, in five examples the d-pronoun der was feminine, thus acting as a dative object. Recency, givenness and syntactic prominence, 3.4. 3.000.- Euro gewinnen Enie und Bodo für die Sinnesschulung für Kinder mit körperlichen und seelischen Einschränkungen in Wilhelmsdorf. Sie hat blonde Haare und braune Augen. [C -2] The only one finding words for this feeling is, (corpus = “DeWaC-7” text = “659508” id = “, (corpus = “DeWaC-9” text = “862984” id = “, [C -4] Der Zoll hat einen Briten mit 30 Kilo Marihuana im Gepäck festgenommen. In the first one, a reflexive pronoun is the last co-referential element, as in [8]. In [14], the continuation brings us to notice that the cook performed the action of pushing because he was in a bad mood. For p-pronouns with an antecedent in the immediately preceding clause, the antecedent was a subject in 86.7% of all cases and a non-subject in the remaining 13.2% cases. Our vehicles undergo a series of checks and inspections. The fact that a d-pronoun is nevertheless used to refer back to ein Kerl thus indicates that pronouns are inherently more accessible than lexical NPs4.