The pilot studies begun by the Reagan-Bush Administration a few years ago have resulted in child survival programs that today are reaching hundreds of thousands of women and children in the developing world. • Deny the century-old right of the minority party to offer its final alternatives to bills. "Deep in our hearts, we do believe": • That bigotry has no place in American life. • As detailed elsewhere in this platform, we will advance tenant management and resident ownership of public housing as a proven means of upgrading the living environment of low-income families. The Reagan-Bush approach produced dramatic results. Government must never hinder it. • To protect residents of public housing, we will evict persons dealing in drugs. Eight years ago, the country was strangling in red tape. From freedom comes opportunity; from opportunity comes growth; from growth comes progress. delivered 18 August 1988, Superdome, New Orleans, LA. I thank the gallant men who entered the contest for the presidency this year, and who have honored me with their support. This should include a greater commitment to its own defense, commitment to leading the way in alleviating Third World debt, and fostering economic growth in fragile democracies. This election will bring change. Americans cannot afford a future administration which eagerly attempts to embrace perceived, but as yet unproven, changes in Soviet policy. Under our constitutional system, the execution of foreign policy is the prime responsibility of the executive branch. We will increase, strengthen, and reinvigorate minority business development efforts to afford socially and economically disadvantaged individuals the opportunity for full participation in our free enterprise system. These new weapons will deter our adversaries by threatening significant targets with very precise conventional weapons. We all have a stake in maintaining the environmental balance and ecological health of our planet and our country. This is the direction in which George Bush will lead our country. • We will energetically use the Job Training Partnership Act and a newly enacted worker retraining program to ensure that rural workers are fully integrated into the work force of the future. Our citizens are the nation's most precious resource. We are part way there. We seek to minimize the financial burdens imposed by government upon families, ensure their options, and preserve the role of our traditional voluntary institutions. Rural America is our country's heartland and pillar of economic and moral strength. As we look to the future, the Republican Party will continue to press for improved transportation safety, reduced costs, and greater availability and convenience of transportation through more open markets and other mechanisms. The recently signed INF treaty has proven that NATO's dual track policy of improving NATO nuclear forces in Europe, while negotiating arms reductions with the Soviet Union, was the only way to make the Soviet leadership accept meaningful nuclear arms reductions. Incumbent Vice President George H.W. • We will support educational programs in federal prisons that will allow prisoners the opportunity to become literate and to learn an employable skill. The former president was under observationâ¦, First Lady Barbara Bush talked about her role in the Republican National Convention and the upcoming general election.â¦, First Lady Barbara Bush responded to questions on her first four years as First Lady, the upcoming presidential campaign, and theâ¦, We met that task. • Continued reduction in crime rates, especially street crime and the violence that destroys community life. We support the desire for freedom of Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, the people of the Caucasus, and other peoples held captive in the Soviet Union. • The typical family is now paying almost $2,000 less per year in income taxes than it would if the Democrats' antiquated income tax system of the 1970s were still in place. Today's Republican foreign policy has been tested and validated. These liberals call America's prosperity an illusion. Republicans condemn the cynical Marxist governments, especially in Ethiopia, which used planned starvation as a weapon of war and a tool for forced migration. Billy Graham gave the benediction at both the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention. Our challenge is to assure that today's positive signals from the Soviets translate into a tangible reduction of their military threat tomorrow. The people did. The recovery is no accident. In 1981, Republican leadership replaced the Democrats' energy crisis with energy consensus. We welcome those from other lands who bring to America their ideals and industry. We can help them. The Home Work Rule, banning sale of certain items made at home, must go. Republicans want to hold accountable to the people, the Congress and every other element of government. Republicans believe that this nation can and must develop a private sector capability to compete effectively in the world marketplace as a provider of launches and other services. • More Americans are working than ever before. Despite opposition from liberals in the Congress, we have at least slowed the expansion of federal control. We put the government of Vietnam on notice that there will be no improvement in U.S.-Vietnam relations until such a satisfactory full accounting has been provided by the government of Vietnam. This is the reality of Soviet military posture. Getting a completely verifiable agreement will be difficult, requiring tough, on-site, on-demand verification. Because Republicans have faith in individuals, we welcome the challenge of world competition with confidence in our country's ability to out-produce, out-manage, out-think, and out-sell anyone. We established the national commission that developed the plan to restore the system and led the way in enacting its recommendations into law. • Taxes skyrocketed every year as the Democrats' inflation pushed everyone into higher tax brackets. These newborns start life at severe disadvantage and often require massive health care investments to have a chance for normal childhood. On the critical issues of defense burden sharing, Republicans reflect the belief of the American people that, although we must maintain a strong presence, the alliance has now evolved to a point where our European and Japanese allies, blessed with advanced economies and high standards of living, are capable of shouldering their fair share of our common defense burden. Private institutions, communities, States, and the federal government must support and stimulate that parental role. We will increase efforts to resettle Vietnamese refugees under the orderly departure program. Accordingly, we call for fetal protection, both in the work place and in scientific research. The growth of democracy and freedom throughout Latin America is one of the most positive foreign policy developments of the 1980s. • We will use federal programs to foster excellence, rewarding "Merit Schools" which significantly improve education for their students. It has been abundantly documented during the Reagan-Bush Administration in terms of real jobs and real progress for individuals, families, and communities urban and rural. • Over 17 million new jobs have been created. © 2021 National Cable Satellite Corporation. We will foster resident review committees to screen out drug abusers and dealers. Republicans welcome the millions of forward-looking Americans who want an "opportunity society," not a welfare state. • Implement the budget reform agenda outlined elsewhere in this platform—a balanced budget amendment, line-item veto, and other steps—to restore accountability, order, and truth in government to the way Congress spends the people's money. The agricultural industry is, and always has been, on the leading edge of the technological revolution, and it must continue this tradition in order to be internationally competitive. At the same time, we support continued reductions in public subsidies. Bush. We salute the liberation of Grenada. As we shape our foreign and defense policies, we must never lose sight of the unique leadership role the United States plays in the world community. America's place in the 21st century will be determined by the family's place in public policy today. Republicans support the policy that, in all areas where there are no VA hospitals or long-term care facilities, veterans needing medical attention for service-connected disabilities should have the option of receiving medical care within their communities with adequate funding. This freedom should be afforded to all speakers with a minimum of harassment. • We endorse major national projects like the superconducting Super Collider. • Reform Federal Home Mortgage Association rules to retain mortgage eligibility for homeowners who offer family child care. America again leads the world, confident of our abilities, proud of our products, sure of our future, the pacesetter for all mankind. • In a summit of Western Hemisphere nations, we will seek total cooperation from other governments in wiping out the international drug empire. Freedom is not an abstract concept. The possibility of imprudent action by government breeds fear, and that fear can shake the stock and commodity markets worldwide. • We put into law protection for pupils in federally funded programs, to shield students and their families from intrusive research and offensive psychological testing. We will vigorously fight against AIDS, recognizing that the enemy is one of the deadliest diseases to challenge medical research. We believe continued economic progress requires an adequate and secure supply of electricity from every possible source in addition to energy conservation. Despite these gains, much hard work remains. • In southern Africa, Cuban troops may soon be leaving Angola; Namibia may soon enjoy independence. • The key to rural development is effective local leadership working in partnership with private business and federal, State, and local governments. The Soviet retreat from Afghanistan is not the result of luck or the need of the Kremlin to save a few rubles. The primary objectives of foreign policy must be defending the United States of America and its people; protecting America's vital national interests abroad; and fostering peace, stability and security throughout the world through democratic self-determination and economic prosperity. The Reagan-Bush Administration supported legislation mandating that if the U.N. and its agencies were to deny Israel's right to participate, the United States would withhold financial support and withdraw from those bodies until their action was rectified. We cannot afford to return to failed Democrat approaches to arms control. Even though more people are flying, the overall safety record for commercial aviation during the past four years has been the best in history. It will affect every American: the way we live, the food we eat, the land we cherish. • We will continue to lead the effort to develop new clean-coal technologies and to remove the barriers that prevent cleaner, alternative fuels from being used. Republicans believe that an active, engaged America, clear of purpose and steady in action, is essential to continued progress in Latin America. It is a case of all or nothing, and we believe that free people can have it all. The Republican Party pioneered the right of women to vote and initiated the rights now embodied in the Equal Pay Act, requiring equal pay for equal work. • We are opposed to the establishment of government mandated professional practice fees and services requirements as a condition of professional licensure or license renewal. We recognize that Israel votes with the United States at the United Nations more frequently than any other nation.