November 11, 2013 at 2:16 pm.
Na Heurece využíváme personalizaci a cílenou reklamu. Kompletní technická specifikace produktu Aischa und Mohammed - Pasha, Kamran a další informace o produktu. It was quite different for men on the other hand, because physical power and the ability of living an independent life had always been and will always be a mandatory requirement for men to have in life. June 16, 2013 at 12:23 pm, well in pakistan is 18 or plus and other parts of world have their own….. i am not saying that Muhammmad the prophet did “Right” or “wrong”. Allah bless you. Jazakallah brother it was greatly helpful to answer the haters of islam. This is not a debate for you to rebut opponents. Aischa und Mohammed: Ein Roman über die Seele des Islam BECAUSE HE WAS TAKING ARTICLE IN DIFFERENT WAY ! March 22, 2014 at 2:28 pm. Sayyidah Aisha’s mother and the Muslim women back then were O.K with her marriage. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) then told him that a brother in faith was not an actual blood brother to be placed in the prohibited category. This story is… Aisha, then still a pre-pubescent virgin, was betrothed by her father BUT DID NOT PHYSICALLY BECOME MUHAMMAD’S WIFE UNTIL SHE WAS CONSIDERED SEXUALLY MATURE, AFTER HER MENSTRUATION.” (The Prophet Muhammad: And the Roots of the Sunni-Shia Schism [Hachette Digital, 2003], by Barnaby Rogerson page 55) 3. Jh.) Read the following Hadith; That the Prophet said to her, “You have been shown to me twice in my dream. Von nun an wird sie ihren eigenen Weg gehen: Sie wird das Andenken ihres Mannes bewahren und Lehrerin, politische Führerin und Kriegerin werden. If you don’t believe me then see here is the proof; The news item is from the New Straits Times, 10/3/2001. Anyway, the reason no one objected was to the Prophet’s marriage was:1-People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia. Es gibt nun äußerst umfangreiche Literatur zu diesem Thema. prophet muhammad and aisha love story. Aischa genießt als „Mutter der Gläubigen" eine hohe Stellung bei den Muslimen und viele authentische Überlieferungen über das Leben des Propheten stammen von ihr. THIS ARTICLE IS SHOWING THAT EVEN IF SHE WAS 9 : Was this Marriage wrong before 1400 years ? Furthermore as to the Holy Prophet’s marriage with Sayyidah Aisha, something people will notice is that the completion of the marriage was done when Sayyidah Aisha was 9 years old, not when she was 6, and there is a reason for that. what will be the problem ? Arwa Bin Zubair says, “I did not find anyone more proficient (than Aisha ) in the knowledge of the Holy Quran, the Commandments of Halal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited), Ilmul-Ansab and Arabic poetry.
This was the objection raised by Abu Bakr himself, when the Prophet (peace be upon him) made the proposal. May 5, 2014 at 11:49 pm, hz aisha r.a had a sister 10 years older we know her date birth and death so we can count the real age of hz aisha r.a, 7 | Sajjal She said she was playing on the swing. Finally, the stories handed down are FACTUAL, just like the stories of Jesus. ( Log Out / Following the death of Muhammad the Quran ceased to be revealed, and companions who had memorized the Quran began to die off (particularly after the Battle of Yamama in 633). Really this is great information. Aisha war übrigens 9 Jahre alt als Mohammed sie geheiratet hat, und 12 Jahre alt als er Sex mit dem Kind hatte. This indicates the age of marriage and engagement in Prophet’s time. Aischa bint Abi Bakr (arabisch عائشة بنت أَبي بكر, DMG ʿĀʾiša bint Abī Bakr; geboren 613 oder 614; gestorben 678 in Medina) war die dritte und jüngste der zehn Frauen des islamischen Propheten Mohammed.Sie war die Tochter des Geschäftsmanns und späteren Kalifen Abu Bakr und seiner Frau Umm Ruman. Muslims would have tried there best to conceal at that time. It is important to know that girls during the Biblical and Islamic days used to be married off at young ages when they either had their first periods, or their breasts start showing off. Visit this link to see how common were the child brides in the Byzantine Empire.This article clearly states;”Child brides, whether Byzantines or foreign princesses, were the norm rather than the exception, especially from the late twelfth century”. Allah did not condemn the marriage, and we mortals have no right to condemn it. Greet Wilders Party Member Accepted Islam. maam before saying anything better go through what actually the religion is and what it really says..dont talk bullshit here…. King More justifications for the cult of islam. In relation to women, well these days they are plastered all around our tv’s/laptop screens….ofcourse the first natural thought would be of desire and lust, because they are shown in sexualized and demoralizing ways! Daily jang(Saturday, June 15, 2013, Shaban ul Muazzam 05, 1434 A.H. ) share news that 9 year girls was given in marraige but she ran to her grand father for help and police arested the person, 50 years old, who married her.But Muhammad the beloved prophet married with 9 years girl Asia and her father was helpless…because in the beginning he tried to save her child by tellin Muhammad, the prophet that we are brothers ….according to Arabs calture and moral values…they do not marry with half brother’s children …but Muhammad married her by abolishing moral values…and Asia’s father could not say her child….So sorry…. Der Hadith, nach dem der Prophet Mohammed seine Lieblingsfrau Aischa geheiratet habe, als sie sechs Jahre alt gewesen, und die Ehe vollzogen habe, als sie neun gewesen sei, wird zunehmend ein Stein des Anstoßes. Moreover, the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has never forced anyone to marry 9 year old girl / woman. Islamkritiker und -hasser nehmen ihn zum Anlass den Propheten noch mal so richtig zu… Don’t work but make good excuse to Loot and subjective people. ʿĀʾishah, in full ʿĀʾishah bint Abī Bakr, (born 614, Mecca, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]—died July 678, Medina), the third wife of the Prophet Muhammad (the founder of Islam), who played a role of some political importance after the Prophet’s death. Top 100 9/11 Questions Waiting for Answers ! This is very untrue, no messenger of God would even think of commiting any form of evil and I firmly believe that the Prophet Muhammed is the best, shining example of any man that ever lived. That is why you see girls as young as 9 or 10 were married to men as old as 30 or even older. Eine Jahrhunderte zurückliegende Heirat und die gar nicht so alte Debatte über Pädophilie. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. There is no certain proof to say how old was she? Aisha's union would also have cemented Muhammad's longstanding friendship with her father, Abu Bakr.
The guy had to develop both his body and mind before he was ready for marriage. . June 22, 2014 at 5:50 pm. Aber in der Stunde des größten Triumphes, der Rückeroberung von Mekka, wird Mohammed plötzlich krank und stirbt in den Armen seiner Lieblingsfrau. 163), [post this Article on your facebook wall,and share with above “Share” button …], [where ever you post,please add source link.either in website or even in facebook NOTE…please….spread the link of site..]. Mohammed (Gott segne ihn) und Aischa hatten eine sehr liebe- und rücksichtsvolle Beziehung zueinander. Occupation 101-Israel vs Palestine Conflict. Daily jang(Saturday, June 15, 2013, Shaban ul Muazzam 05, 1434 A.H. ) share news that 9 year girls was given in marraige but she ran to her grand father for help and police arested the person, 50 years old, who married her.But Muhammad the beloved prophet married with 9 years girl Asia and her father was helpless…because in the beginning he tried to save her child by tellin Muhammad, the prophet that we are brothers ….according to Arabs calture and moral values…they do not marry with half brother’s children …but Muhammad married her by abolishing moral values…and Asia’s father could not say her child….So sorry….
Any comments can be directed to the Editor. (This much is true, and was also the case in Europe: five centuries after Muhammad's marriage to Aisha, 33-year-old King John of England married 12-year-old Isabella of … 2-Another bad custom was that the Arabs did not give the hands of their daughters to those who they “called” their brothers (though were not actual brothers). Updated On : 14-feb-2013. The girl above even gave birth at the age of 9! Mohammed und Aisha setzen eine junge Frau frei. June 16, 2013 at 12:25 pm, What do you say?
Aus einer Mohammedbiographie (Ende 16. Mate if Taliban & Al Queada etc etc (they all claim to be muslims and “fighting jihad” or “soldiers of allah” or some other dillusional cause) why you and all the other “peace loving muslims” get rid of these “factions”? why did prophet Muhammad pbuh marry Aisha ra, 3 | Ruqayat Answer: Lady 'Aisha was the noble daughter of the honorable companion, Abu Bakr who was loved the most by Prophet Muhammad among all of his companions. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! You are trying too hard to protect Ayiesha at the expense of prophet(s). Islamkritiker und -hasser nehmen ihn zum Anlass den Propheten noch mal so richtig zu… This means, you cannot directly compare the rules of states with the rules of Islam. So as we can see, Sayyidah Aisha got ill and her body was going through some changes, indicating that she was going through her puberty. I am sure if he was a real “pmessanger of god” .God would not have his messanger’s name tarnished in the future!!!
… Als Allahs Prophet [Muhammad] – Allahs Segen und Heil seien auf ihm – Aischa geheiratet hat, war er schon über … Click here to leave your feedback. What I am saying is simply this “Is it acceptable in our time to marry with underage girl? 163). 2 likes. ‘This is your wife.’ When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. or not, Jamil Qadri Muhammad ibn Yūsuf überlieferte von Sufyān, und der letztere von Hishām ibn Urwa, der es von seinem Vater [Urwa ibn az-Zubair] gehört hatte: Es erzählte Aischa, dass der Prophet sie heiratete, als sie sechs Jahre alt war; sie wurde in sein Haus gebracht, als sie neun Jahre alt war, und … Aischa zu seinem Hause. Mohammed (Gott segne ihn) und Aischa hatten eine sehr liebe- und rücksichtsvolle Beziehung zueinander. Aisha had an important role in early Islamic history, both during Muhammad's life and after his death. Darauf nahm Mohammed a.s.s. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Dass Mohammed in Mekka gelebt hat, steht auch nicht drin. As was the tradition in Arabia (and still is in some parts of the world today), marriage typically served a social and political function – a way of uniting tribes, resolving feuds, … Er vollzog die Ehe mit ihr, als sie neun Jahre alt war. or not. Don;t Work ? Seems to me if taliban or al queada and other muslism wankers commit atrocities, killing thousands of innocents including their own kind, not much is done but burn the koran or insult the “prophet” and all hell breaks loose. Aischa war zu diesem Zeitpunkt etwa sechs Jahre alt. You are sick. 1 like. According to traditional Islamic scholarship, all of the Quran was written down by Muhammad's companions while he was alive (during CE 610–632), but it was primarily an orally related document. Foto: Public Domain. Na základě vašeho chování na Heurece personalizujeme její obsah. Islamkritiker und -hasser nehmen ihn zum Anlass den Propheten noch mal so richtig zu… Only difference is they do not profess to say it was “Allah’s will,” or “gods will”, or claim to be “prophets”. Pasha, Kamran: Aischa und Mohammed, Frankfurt-Höchst. Jetzt eBook sicher bei runterladen & bequem mit Ihrem Tablet oder eBook Reader lesen. In matter of marriage, age is not the issue. And those ‘girls’ infact raised much better families.
Mike, with all due respect Islam is very ‘modern’ and humane, the moral values that live within us havent just been invented overnight; no, they were implanted looong ago in many civilizations.
Extremely Inspiring Revert Story of Aminah Assilmi . 8. (Sirat-I-Aisha, on the authority of Trimidhi, pg.
If we read the hadiths, we find that right before Sayyidah Aisha got married off to the Holy Prophet that she was sick and not feeling too well: 8-Sayyida Aisha never showed her displeasure: Sayyidah Aisha’s mother and the Muslim women back then were O.K with her marriage. Tell me..I Will Give you your history how ur faith brothers kill….rapes…and loot. In the first instance, people may think that a Muslim woman is a victim of man and society. If we read the hadiths, we find that right before Sayyidah Aisha got married off to the Holy Prophet that she was sick and not feeling too well: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Aischa und Mohammed by Kamran Pasha 9783596185573 | Brand New | Free US Shipping at the best online … But, keep trying to justify muhamad’s actions and comparing them with today’s paedophiles. Mohamed und seine Kinderbraut Aischa sind Vorbild. Later, a woman named Kholeah Bint Hakeem suggested for Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to marry Sayyidah Aisha, because the Prophet and Abu Baker became best friends. 10 | Jamil Qadri Lousy! Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) engaged Sayyidah Aisha for 3 years before he married her. Yes. It was not for a sexual relation. Similar is the case of Prophet Muhammad’s marriage with Umm al Momineen Aisha (R.A.). Buy Aischa und Mohammed: Historischer Roman (German Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - What matters is the motive behind marrying. (Wer ausführlicher zu diesem Thema lesen möchte, kann das hier tun) Dass der Prophet Mohammed seine Lieblingsfrau Aischa als sechsjähriges Mädchen geheiratet und die Ehe mit ihr vollzogen haben soll, als sie neun war, ist immer wieder ein Stein des Anstoßes. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not marry Sayyidah Aisha out of his physical desires. The fact that it was a completely acceptable thing can also be seen from the response of the pagans at that time. February 18, 2014 at 3:39 pm. Allah subhanahu wa Ta’alaa is the best Judge. The reason why this happened is because Sayyidah Aisha had been through puberty by the age of 9, and in Islam a female who under-goes puberty is considered a lady and is fit for marriage. just type in Youtube ” when you lost your virginity ?” you will be amazed how any women give you the same age in your country ? A simple analyses of the divorce rate then and know would certainly make it clear that maturity level earlier used to be different i.e. Aischa und Mohammed (SAS).
It was part of the Arab custom and still is in many of the Muslim and non-Muslim countries today for girls to marry at a very young age. Aisha had never been in centre of his live. Let us see how Islam valued woman and protected her from being a commodity that could be sold and bought, let us see how Prophet Muhammad was a women rights hero in the Arabian Peninsula.. August 13, 2014 at 7:16 pm. About the Site, TROP is a non-partisan, fact-based site which examines
Der Hadith, nach dem der Prophet Mohammed seine Lieblingsfrau Aischa geheiratet habe, als sie sechs Jahre alt gewesen, und die Ehe vollzogen habe, als sie neun gewesen sei, wird zunehmend ein Stein des Anstoßes. whats your problem? Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) engaged Sayyidah Aisha for 3 years before he married her. Islam allows something and prohibit another with real reasons and backgrounds. Was this marraige Wrong according to society and environment ? The best proof for that is that Muhammad a.s still lived continuesly with Hadija after that marriage and two years after Hadija give birth to Fatma. 2. That is why, even senior companions of the Prophet used to consult Aisha in resolving intricate issues”. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. One must first understand that 1400 years ago was very different than now, times have changed and so have humans. it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different, "Our Prophet (peace be upon him) was the best example of proper ethical and moral behavior for mankind. Dieses Zurückweisen stößt jedoch wiederum auf innerislamischen Widerstand, weil damit auch als authentisch (ṣaḥīḥ) eingestufte Traditionen negiert werden. they don;t have Sex ? Perhaps you are a Hindu. Free shipping for many products! Join Facebook to connect with Aisha Mohammed Kunduri and others you may know. Eine Kurzfassung dieses Texts ist in Arbeit. The only reason why Sayyidah Aisha’s father, Abu Baker Al Sidique, broke her engagement with Jober is because he was a non-Muslim. I want you to send me more stories about Islam. Aischa und Mohammed: Ein Roman über die Seele des Islam [Kamran Pasha] on people used to come of age rather quickly. Was Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him a Pedophile?? Predigtauszug des Schwert-Bischofs vom 19.11.2017 – Themen: Mohammed führte auch Kriege – Die Lehre JESU und die Lehre Mohammeds sind ganz konträr… Bei Allah und Mohammed gibt es keine Liebe … This Page is automatically generated based on what Facebook users are interested in, and not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with the topic.
*FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Islamische Webseiten gehen davon aus, das sie zum Zeitpunkt der Eheschließung 7 Jahre alt war, und beim ersten Sex 9 Jahre alt war. Why Prophet Muhammad Married Aisha When She Was Only 9? Highlighting pitfalls in the study of history and factors related to puberty in general the details of the marriage are explored. She contributed to the spread of Muhammad's message and served the Muslim community for 44 years after his death. Farbenprächtiger historischer Roman über die Anfänge des Islams Im 7. Implement social justice to untolerent sharia, KING-slave of ALLAH ! so, if it’s accepted by community, by her family, herself and even prophet enemy at that time. The problem is not with what is true, the problem is with people who in trying to hide Ayiesha’s lie, end up destroying the true image of prophet(s). i feel proud to say the messenger of our creator called MUHAMMED (PBUH) shows a example to this world that a man can ” MARRY “a younger women who have attained puberty and that too with her permission…. Mary and her partner do not claim to be the go given role model for the world. jamil qadri who said to you Ayesha (ra) was raped ……???? Furthermore as to the Holy Prophet’s marriage with Sayyidah Aisha, something people will notice is that the completion of the marriage was done when Sayyidah Aisha was 9 years old, not when she was 6, and there is a reason for that. 5 | italia rimini Všechny informace o produktu Kniha Aischa und Mohammed - Pasha, Kamran, porovnání cen z internetových obchodů, hodnocení a recenze Aischa und Mohammed - Pasha, Kamran. Kompletní specifikace produktu Aischa und Mohammed, porovnání cen, hodnocení a recenze Aischa und Mohammed. We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj then I got ill and my hair fell down. Even in Indo-Pak Sub-Continent girls used to be married at 12-13 even 50-60 years ago. That’s right. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Aischa und Mohammed, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US at the best online prices at eBay! I agree with you……am a NON-Muslim,married lady who shares a very good relation with MUSLIM friends…..not just me even my husband is very fond of my closest Muslim friend(more of a brother than a friend)………the reason for all the ‘anti-islam’ is psuedo, media,politically created…. So Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was usually ordered by the Almighty ALLAH to refute such traditions through personal examples. May 20, 2013 at 3:16 am. 30 Beautiful Hadiths and Quranic Verses on The Etiquettes of Speech ! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. 1400 years ago it was something very common to marry young girls, in fact they were not considered young girls, and rather they were considered young women back then.