The operating profit for the segment deteriorated markedly compared with the first half of 2019. |2020 COLOGNE, GERMANY – EQS Newswire – 11 August 2020 – DEUTZ, a leading global manufacturer of innovative drive systems, registered a significant overall decline in business performance in the first half of 2020 as a result of the coronavirus crisis. })(). It was established in 1968 after the acquisition of the majority of share capital in FAHR, a leading company already producing agricultural equipment in the previous century, by the Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz AG (KHD) group. The DEUTZ Group sold a total of 73,859 engines in the reporting period, which was 27.3 percent fewer than in the first half of 2019. The InvestorPortal can be accessed here. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; | Explore our tools. The EBIT margin stood at minus 8.0 percent in the reporting period, compared with 5.1 percent in the prior-year period. Full-year guidance for 2020 remains under review. Overall, the segment’s business performance was positive in the reporting period. Following on from this, DEUTZ is planning to launch a voluntary program encompassing a further 350 jobs at its sites in Germany. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; DEUTZ Service Center Chicago. var gcse = document.createElement('script'); of Vienna-based Pro Motor Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. The segment’s operating profit was weighed down by a fall in revenue of almost 38 percent, payments to suppliers going through insolvency proceedings to enable them to continue supplying DEUTZ, and impairment losses on a development project. Its core competencies are the development, production, distribution, and servicing of diesel, gas, and electric drive systems for professional applications. Its goal is always to supply the farmer with state of the art but reliable agricultural vehicles that facilitate his work and maximize his productivity. The details of the underlying action plan were drawn up in the second quarter. MODELS TRACTOR The supervisory board of Deutz AG has appointed Dr. Sebastian Schulte to the board of management of Deutz AG effective no later than February 1, 2021. DEUTZ AG (DEZX:GER) financials, including income statements, growth rates, balance sheets and cash flow information. The remaining reduction in headcount is to be achieved by the end of 2022 as fixed-term contracts come to an end and through natural attrition. The segment’s total unit sales dropped by 30.1 percent to 9,442 engines. The subsidiaries sell and service diesel engines in Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Perkins. DEUTZ CORPORATION. Under the equity method, this revenue is not recognized in the consolidated financial statements. We have therefore already entered into an ongoing dialog with the employee representatives to discuss the details of a voluntary program,” stressed DEUTZ CEO Hiller. Only the Construction Equipment application segment recorded an increase, with its unit sales advancing by 13.7 percent to 1,755 engines thanks to the business involving drives for mining equipment. Deutz AG is an independent diesel engines manufacturer based in Germany. Tractors and Agricultural Machinery: DEUTZ-FAHR is a brand that invests massively in technology. ... Τελευταία τροποποίηση 07:09, 18 Απριλίου 2020. Working together, the parties will be able to develop an engine that provides customers additional and exceptional value upon initial purchase while retaining … The progression and timeline of the coronavirus crisis going forward is very difficult to predict, as is its impact on the economy and thus on DEUTZ’s engine business. Manufacturing. NEW TRACTOR NEW DEUTZ Customized Solutions (DCS): key figures for the segment. Data as of Dec 30 2020. After spinning off Deutz Power Systems, the company has made a full circle back to MWM. 2020 deutz-fahr TRACTOR PRICE The company engages in customized and compact diesel engines that are cooled by water, ... Fiscal Year End Dec 31, 2020. * dgap-adhoc: deutz ag: deutz is ramping down production and retracting guidance for 2020 * WILL BE SHUTTING DOWN LARGE PARTS OF ITS PRODUCTION IN EUROPE, AT FIRST FROM APRIL 1 THROUGH APRIL 17, 2020 The Other segment includes not only Torqeedo’s business with electric motors for boats but also Futavis GmbH, which was acquired in October 2019. 2020 TRACTOR PRICE | NEW TRACTOR MODELS 2019 TRACTOR BRANDS, 2020 NEW deutz-fahr TRACTOR Dr. Frank Hiller, CEO, and Dr. Andreas Strecker, CFO, will discuss the company’s business results for the first nine months of 2020 with journalists on November 10, 2020, at 9 a.m. CET in a teleconference. Growth is likely to be driven mainly by the continued internationalization and rapid expansion of the service business, but also by the expansion of the core business and the further development of the product portfolio. The Construction Equipment, Material Handling, Agricultural Machinery, and Stationary Equipment application segments recorded double-digit percentage reductions in new orders. DEUTZWORLD 1 / 2020 . DGAP-Ad-hoc: DEUTZ AG / Key word(s): AGM/EGM/Miscellaneous DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ proposes suspending its dividend payment for 2019 - Annual General Meeting will now take place as a virtual event on June 25, 2020 04-May-2020 / 12:50 CET/CEST Disclosure of an inside information acc. View all financials. Measures under the Transform for Growth efficiency program defined and initiated – annual cost savings of around €100 million expected from 2022, Group guidance for 2020 remains under review; medium-term targets confirmed, Revenue target for China in 2022 raised to €800 million. DEUTZ AG / Key word(s): AGM/EGM/Miscellaneous DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ proposes suspending its dividend payment for 2019 - Annual General Meeting will now take place as a virtual event on June 25, 2020 04-May-2020 / 12:50 CET/CEST Disclosure of an inside information acc. DEUTZ Asia News. The segment’s unit sales declined by 41.2 percent to 48,173 engines and revenue contracted by 37.8 percent to €453.7 million, with decreases in all regions and application segments. The segment’s operating profit was also weighed down by impairment losses on two development projects that were recognized due to the expected decrease in demand for the affected engine series. Alerts. Revenue decreased across all regions and application segments, falling by 21.6 percent year on year to €145.0 million. deutz-fahr TRACTOR | Deutz AG has acquired the subsidiaries Deutz Austria GmbH, Motorcenter Austria GmbH, and Pro Motor Servis CZ s.r.o. | However, it is clear that the entire DEUTZ team will do everything they can to ensure that we emerge stronger from the crisis. All regions contributed to this growth. By contrast, the Miscellaneous application segment and the service business notched up further increases of 16.4 percent and 0.8 percent respectively. TRACTOR DEUTZ TRACTOR In 2012, SAME Deutz-Fahr sold a majority of its holding in Deutz AG to Volvo, selling more than 22 Million shares. Consequently, it is still not possible to provide updated guidance for 2020 at the present time. The Xchange engine also comes with a full 3 year new warranty to give that customer the peace of mind in purchasing. These factors include those that DEUTZ has described in published reports, which are available at The main areas of action are optimization of the global production network, automation and digitalization of production and administrative processes, and groupwide streamlining of the organizational structure. Despite the currently difficult situation, the Company reaffirms its current outlook for 2022, when it expects to generate revenue in excess of €2.0 billion and an EBIT margin before exceptional items in the range of 7 percent to 8 percent. “Our utmost objective is to avoid compulsory redundancies and find a socially responsible solution for our employees. Deutz Tier 3 engines come with common rail fuel injection, advanced electronics and the addition of an EGR system. EBIT margin before exceptional items (%), Earnings per share before exceptional items (€). * Measures under the Transform for Growth efficiency program defined and initiated - annual cost savings of around €100 million expected from 2022 * Group guidance for 2020 remains under review; medium-term targets confirmed * Revenue target for China in 2022 raised to €800 million[1]DEUTZ Group: overview of key figures€ millionH1 2020ChangeQ2 2020Change New orders623.6-34.6%266.9 … DGAP Voting Rights Announcement: DEUTZ AG DEUTZ AG: Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution 26.11.2020 / 16:29 Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG. Fundamentally, it can be assumed that the remainder of 2020, particularly the third quarter, will continue to be heavily affected by the impact of the coronavirus crisis, although to a lesser extent than the second quarter. to Article 17 MAR of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG. The DEUTZ Group’s revenue fell by 33.3 percent compared with the first six months of 2019 to €620.0 million. As at June 30, 2020, orders on hand stood at €253.5 million (June 30, 2019: €462.6 million). At present, nobody can predict how the coronavirus crisis will continue to unfold. Deutz Xchange is a full tear down of a Deutz engine and rebuild with Deutz only parts and 300 point inspection. Deutz AU. These impairment losses were recognized due to the expected decrease in demand for the affected engine series. Customers then sold these engines, putting a further strain on the business. 2020 TRACTOR PRICE LIST | Despite the current situation, we believe we are on the right track to be able to achieve our medium-term targets,” said DEUTZ CEO Dr. Frank Hiller. As a result, DEUTZ is also adhering to its revenue target for the service business, which it has brought forward to 2021 and envisages revenue of over €400 million. Head Office DEUTZ Australia P/L 136-140 South Park Drive Dandenong South, VIC 3175 Tel: +61 (0)3 9549 8400 Fax: +61 (0)3 9549 8445 New orders fell by 8.4 percent year on year to €165.4 million. This was due not only to the sharp drop in new orders triggered by the coronavirus crisis but also to the high level of new orders in the prior-year period as a result of customers building up their inventories of engines before new emissions standards came into force. Currency figures normalised to DEUTZ AG's reporting currency: Euro EUR. To access the InvestorPortal, shareholders or their authorized representatives need the individual login details sent out with the confirmation of registration. Last update: 01.10.2020 DTCList_MD1_DOC_DPF_DE_EN.pdf This DTC list can be used for MD1 software revisions till revision number "ST5_V662a_X8d". DEUTZ AG, Köln, Deutschland. Miscellaneous was the only application segment with an increase in new orders, registering a substantial rise of 52.6 percent to €29.6 million that was largely attributable to new orders for rail vehicle drive systems. 2019 DEUTZ TRACTOR Deutz-Fahr is a brand of tractors and other farm equipment. In the period under review, the Other segment’s operating loss improved by €4.6 million. Furthermore, business operations were significantly disrupted in the second quarter as a result of a temporary production shutdown and the introduction of short-time working. Frank Hiller (Vorsitz), Dr. Andreas Strecker, Michael Wellenzohn | 2,500.
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