This lecture aims at establishing a basis of knowledge and competence for understanding fundamental structureâproperty relations of polymers, such to arc ⦠Additional information about this page. Page-Name:FB 09 - Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, ⦠Scientists from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and Evonik Performance Materials GmbH have been able to successfully develop a novel and innovative approach to important fine chemicals. By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is the noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; third, by experience, which is the most bitter.â (Confucius) This quote attributes the method of reflection as the most elegant way of learning, which is reliable, because it is this ⦠Email: loewe@uni-mainz⦠Logo of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Dr. Jesco Panther Phone: +49 6131/39-20466 E-mail: jpanther@uni-mainz⦠Unter finden Sie eine Übersicht über das Gesamtprojekt. Nanobiotechnology-Group Prof. Dr. C. Sönnichsen Department of Chemistry Duesbergweg 10-14. Dr. Birgit Janza Phone: +49 6131/39-20479 E-mail: This year again, our university offers a variety of summer schools. End of Project The LOB-Project (which is responsible for this website) will end by the end of this year (2020). MicroChem Co. Ltd DLUT Science Building B-511, Software Road 80 116023 Dalian, P.R. B. für mehrere Klausuren gleichzeitig lernen, eine Haus- oder die Abschlussarbeit schreiben, mit Zweifeln und Rückschlägen umgehen. Logo of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Tutorinnen und Tutoren, Konzeption und Umsetzung von Angeboten zum Thema „Berufsorientierung“. Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Department of Chemistry Duesbergweg 10â14 Building 2.222 Room 2.118 55128 Mainz Phone: +49 6131/39-26067 E-mail: Born: 1976: 1996â2001: Studies in Chemistry at Münster University with a fellowship of the âStudienstiftung des Deutschen Volkesâ ⦠FB 09 - Organische Chemie - AK Löwe. Additional information about this page. 09.032.2082 Seminar to Polymer Chemistry II (PC Part) This lecture, as well as its organic-chemistry counterpart, will be accompanied by a literature seminar. Page-Name:FB 09 - Organische Chemie - AK Löwe Last Update:1.October 2018 ; Interfacial States Cause Equal Decay of Plasmons and Hot Electrons at GoldâMetal Oxide Interfaces Nano Lett. Recent publications. IM30 loses its complex ring structure under stress conditions and forms a protective carpet on the membrane surface / Surface structure observed for the first time, Patrick Windpassinger and his team demonstrate how light stored in a cloud of ultra-cold atoms can be transported by means of an optical conveyor belt, Measurements in thorium-229 take a step towards the direct laser excitation of an atomic nucleus in this unique isotope, Carl Zeiss Foundation grants some EUR 2 million in funding to the ECHELON project at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Scientists from Heidelberg, Mainz and Darmstadt publish results in Nature, Surprising discovery at the ATTO measuring tower in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, Logo of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, FB 09 - Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography and Geosciences, Protective shield: A membrane-attached protein protects bacteria and chloroplasts from stress, The new heavy isotope mendelevium-244 and a puzzling short-lived fission activity, Hunting for the lowest known nuclear-excited state, Paving the way for environmentally friendly electrochemistry, Reversed ratio of chiral volatile organic compounds over the Amazon rainforest reveal insects as unexplored important source of forest emissions. Building 2121 Room 00.130 . Lecture: Wed., 12:15 - 13:45, HS C03 Exercise: Tue., 13:00 - 13:45, Seminar room 107 . Students are required to present a paper in this seminar in the form of a talk. Nearly each of our faculties offers a programm for the summer break, designed for students eager to stay in the flow, to use the break to get some more knowledge or simply experience Mainz, our university, culture and ⦠Li Changhong. Application The Summer School will be accompanied by a colorful program, such as introducing the partici-pants to the city of Mainz and its history. Professor Dr. Dirk Schneider. Furthermore, we will visit the Baroque Schloss-theater in Schwetzingen of 1753 in which archi-tectural conventions of Gluckâs time come to ⦠Teaching Fundament . FB 09 - Organische Chemie - AK Löwe. Since 09/2019: Project and Editorial Assistant in the group of Prof. Pol Besenius, JGU Mainz: Since 06/2019: Project Assistant LOB-Project, JGU Mainz: 11/2018 - 05/2019: Master thesis in the group of Prof. Katja Heinze, JGU Mainz: 2017 - 2019: Master of Science in Chemistry, JGU Mainz: 08/2016 - 10/2016 Prof. Dr. Holger Loewe. ; CTAB Stabilizes Silver on Gold Nanorods Chem.Mater. Scripts - Physical Chemistry of Polymers 1 (login with your JGU account). more Chemie, Pharmazie, Geographie und Geowissenschaften an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. D-55128 Mainz. The LOB-Project (which is responsible for this website) will end by the end of this year (2020). Scientists are developing an environmentally friendly process for the production of fine chemicals . Öffnung der Labore von Merck in Darmstadt für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler â Ziel sind wirksame Alternativen zur Bekämpfung der Schistosomiasis Additional information about this page. The Nanobiotechnology Group (headed by Prof. Dr. Carsten Sönnichsen) at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Mainz studies the physical chemistry of nanoparticles.The research focuses on noble metal nanoparticles as molecular sensors for single bio-molecules, plasmonic particles ⦠Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Department of Chemistry Duesbergweg 10â14 Room 1.125 55128 Mainz Phone: +49 6131/39-24381 E-mail: 2013â2017 E-Mail: Fax: +49 6131 39 26747. Plasmonic Nanosensors for the Label-Free Imaging of Dynamic Protein Patterns J.Phys.Chem.Lett. Logo der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Zusätzliche Informationen zu dieser Seite, Fachbereich 02: Sozialwissenschaften, Medien und Sport, Fachbereich 03: Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Fachbereich 05: Philosophie und Philologie, Fachbereich 06: Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft, Fachbereich 07: Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Fachbereich 08: Physik, Mathematik und Informatik, Fachbereich 09: Chemie, Pharmazie und Geowissenschaften, Weiterbildungsprogramm "Management von Studium und Lehre", Fachbereich 07: Altertumswissenschaften, Kunstgeschichte und Musikwissenschaft, Weiterbildungsprogramm „Professionell beraten“, Schnupperstudium für studieninteressierte Schülerinnen und Schüler ab Klasse 12, Umsetzung eines Maßnahmenbündels für einen erfolgreichen Studienstart der Studierenden, Mentoring-Programm für Studierende im ersten Semester – Weiterführung und Ausweitung auf spezifische Zielgruppen, Workshop-Angebot zum Thema „Erfolgreich im Studium“, Fachspezifische Beratungs- und/oder Unterstützungsformate zur Förderung der Schreibkompetenz der Studierenden, Schulung von Übungsgruppenleiterinnen und Übungsgruppenleitern bzw. ; Selected publications E-mail: Google Scholar ResearcherID ORCID. Studienportal FB 09 Uni Mainz. Show/Hide Navigation. 17.12.2020. Additional information about this page. Please get current advice and information from The Gutenberg International School Services (GIS Services) or from your Erasmus coordinators . Johannes Gutenberg Universität Institut für Organische Chemie Chemische Mikro Prozesstechnik Duesbergweg 10-14 55128 Mainz Tel: +49 6131 392 6667 Fax: +49 6131 392 6677 loewe@uni-mainz⦠Different âsyntheticâ pathways like E-beam lithography, photo- and electrochemical techniques, and soft-chemical routes are explored. If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to contact us at Central Administration: Preferred for all general requests Phone: +49 6131/39-26068 E-mail: 09.09.2020. Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Department of Chemistry Duesbergweg 10â14 Room 2.124 55128 Mainz Phone: +49 6131/39-20466 E-mail: Born: 1983: 2005-2008 Bei Interesse schreiben Sie bitte eine Email an Es empfiehlt sich die Seminarreihe "Nanobiotechnology", Montag 12:00-13:00 Uhr Seminarraum 00 220 ⦠55129 Mainz Tel: +49 6131 55550-0 Fax: +49 6131 55550-52 . Page-Name:FB 09 - Physikalische Chemie - Seiffert Last Update:1.November 2020 Die LOB-Homepage für Studierende zeigt Studierenden für jedes Studienfach ⦠The organizers and participants fully agree that there have to be more events like this in the near future, and group leaders of the Johannes Gutenberg University currently plan together with group leaders of the MPI-P to establish a larger research and training consortium, so that more people can enjoy working on ⦠Home; Contact; ... Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Institute of Organic Chemistry Duesbergweg 10-14, 55128 Mainz, Germany. Faculty 09 FB 09 ... Ada-Lovelace-Projekt Mainz ; Chemistry students' council ; LOB ; ... Student Advising Offices ; Additional information about this page. Das Projekt ist Teil des universitätsweit vernetzten LOB-Projekts, das mit 28 Einzelprojekten in 9 Fachbereichen und 10 zentralen Einrichtungen eine nachhaltige Verbesserung der Studienbedingungen zum Ziel hat. Internship at the Department of History, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz: 02/2013-07/2017: Student assistant within the Mentoring Programm of the LOB-Projekts for the Course of studies Egyptology/Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz: 02/2013: Student ⦠Logo of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. by July 1, 2018 to Carl Zeiss Foundation grants some EUR 2 million in funding to the ECHELON project at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz . Page-Name:FB 09 - Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry - Helm Group Last Update:28.January 2010 Additional information about this page. Bekämpfung von Schistosomiasis voranbringen: JGU und Merck vereinbaren Open-Lab-Initiative. Page-Name:FB 09 - Organische Chemie - AK Löwe Last Update:16.May 2019 Page-Name:FB 09 - Physikalische Chemie - Seiffert Last Update:9.December 2020 Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Department of Chemistry Duesbergweg 10â14 Room 2125-00/321 55128 Mainz Phone: +49 6131/39-27604 E-mail: 2012â2016 The latter one being at the same time the most flexible, resulting in single-crystalline particles not restricted to any surface, but as well the most unpredictable one concerning ⦠Goal. China Phone: +86-411-84891968 . Tel +49 (0) 6131 39-23605 | E-Mail: Gemeinsames Bund-Länder-Programm für bessere Studienbedingungen und mehr Qualität in der Lehre Dieses Vorhaben wird aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung unter dem Förderkennzeichen 01PL17055 gefördert. Fachbereich 09: Chemie, Pharmazie und Geowissenschaften Studierende gewinnen â Studierende begleiten â Übergang gestalten Projektmaßnahmen in der ⦠Paving the way for environmentally friendly electrochemistry. Chemical Micro Process ⦠Im Studium müssen Studierende immer neue Herausforderungen bewältigen: z. Tel +49 6131 39-22273 Fax +49 6131 39-23521 E-Mail 55128 Mainz Tel: +49 6131 392 6667 Fax: +49 6131 392 6677 . Spend your summer@unimainz! September 03-09, 2018 Forster Summer School Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany For application and more information scan the QR-Code or
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