Amsterdam, Netherlands - March 2, 2015: Second hand clothes at the Waterlooplein market in Amsterdam These days you can wander through this Amsterdam flea market every day except for Sundays and public holidays. Buying 2nd Hand Bike - Markets (Waterlooplein) IS Waterlooplein the best place to buy a second hand bike in Amsterdam for very low price? The heyday of the present Waterlooplein Market was in the sixties and the seventies. The store regularly updates its collections in response to current trends and changes its stock according to the season. Amsterdam flea market Situated in the former Jewish quarter, the Waterlooplein market and dates back to 1885, when it was open every day except the Sabbath. answered on 7/7/11 by. Geöffnet ist der Flohmarkt von ca. Bis! At this daily flea market, you can find a good number of vintage fashion stalls and huge piles of second-hand clothes. In collaboration with Box 15 the most special and Vintage clothes! Although it may take time rummaging, finding affordable, on-trend clothing is rarely difficult in Amsterdam, thanks to the city’s many second-hand shops. This has been ended in 1941, with the persecution of Jews by the Nazi Germany. Book Waterlooplein. These awesome vintage stores are mainly concentrated around the city’s historic centre and are often within walking distance from one another (for example, Bis, Episode Waterlooplein and Kiloshop). Der Waterlooplein, benannt nach der Schlacht bei Waterloo, entstand 1882, als die Leprozengracht und die … These awesome vintage stores are mainly concentrated around the city’s historic centre and are often within walking distance from one another (for example, Bis, Episode Waterlooplein and Kiloshop). Amsterdam’s largest daily flea market is located on the Waterlooplein in the centre of the city. While it may appear rather small from the street, once inside Zipper, shoppers will discover one of the largest second-hand stores in Amsterdam featuring two cavernous floors crammed full of vintage clothing, separated by a mezzanine level dedicated to accessories. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde der Markt wieder geöffnet und ist nun wieder einer der größten Flohmärkte der Stadt.Über 300 Stände sind auf dem Waterlooplein Flohmarkt von Montag bis Samstag zu finden, von dem nicht nur Menschen aus aller Welt angezogen werden; er ist gleichermaßen geliebt von den Einheimischen. Waterlooplein ist seit über hundert Jahren das lebendige Zentrum von Amsterdam. 3 Stunden Wanderung (ab 457,83 $) Sehen Sie sich alle Erlebnisse in Waterlooplein Market auf Tripadvisor an. Although the stores have different collections that depend on their current stock, both usually feature a wide range of clothing from the 1970s to 2000s. Der Waterlooplein ist ein Platz in Groot Waterloo Bezirk der niederländischen Hauptstadt Amsterdam. Our top ten represents the cream of shops in Amsterdam, spanning mainstays like Concerto and Rush Hour as well as the more obscure specialist shops to be found in Jordaan’s labyrinth of romantically lit alleyways. The fitting rooms have been moved to our top floor, to create more space for our second hand clothing on the main floor, and new lighting has been placed throughout the store. Die Verkäufer sind für ihren typisch Amsterdamer Humor bekannt, dem Sie wahrscheinlich nicht entkommen werden. Each store centres its collection around specific types of clothing, namely menswear, womenswear and military surplus. Am Platz und dem angrenzenden Zwanenburgwal wird sechs Tage in der Woche ein Flohmarkt abgehalten. Die absolute Nummer eins ist der „Albert Cuyp“-Markt im Viertel „De Pijp“. Es wurde nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wiederbelebt und ist heute einer der am betriebsamsten und größten Flohmärkte in der Stadt. Though there are many wardrobes to scour through in each of the four Episodes in Amsterdam, the chain’s largest store is found on Waterlooplein and probably has the widest selection of vintage wares. Es ist der größte Freiluftmarkt Europas! The square itself has been created in 1880, on the place of the two canals, Leprozengracht and Houtgracht. What price would i be expected to pay for a bike there - and do people often "barter" at Amsterdam Markets to get lower price? Fast alles kann dort gefunden werden, von neuer Kleidung und Vintage- sowie Second-Hand-Kleidung zu Büchern, Musik und Antiquitäten sowie alten militärischen Gegenständen wie … Der Waterlooplein hat eine eigene Metro-Station und ist auch einfach mit den Straßenbahnlinien 9 und 14 zu erreichen. A msterdam is well-known for its colourful and vivid markets, especially flea markets which are a great way to experience local Dutch life on the cheap. Start rifling! Waterlooplein Market: Focused on second hand / vintage clothing - See 594 traveler reviews, 301 candid photos, and great deals for Amsterdam, The Netherlands, at Tripadvisor. There are also many hardy, ex-military items available at Bis!, including camouflage jackets and brand-new striped Russian telnyashka t-shirts. Thursday June 1st, 2017. Amsterdam. Not really. Wednesday May 17th, 2017 has three storefronts on Sint Antoniebreestraat, that are almost located next to one another. Mood Indigo also sells other vintage classics that only look better with age, including leather jackets, printed tees and overalls. Dort findet ihr neben Second Hand Kleidung und Schmuck auch viele außergewöhnliche Dinge wie alte Schallplatten, Vintage Kameras oder bunte Fahrradreifen. To allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience please click "OK", At KiloShop Waterlooplein, weighing scales are used to price items, Mood Indigo sells almost pristine, secondhand denim, 1 Waterlooplein, Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, 1011 NV, The Netherlands, 7 Huidenstraat, Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, 1016 ER, The Netherlands, 158 Jodenbreestraat, Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, 1011 NS, The Netherlands, 25A Sint Antoniesbreestraat, Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam, 1011, The Netherlands, 193 Kinkerstraat, Amsterdam-West Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, 1053 DR, The Netherlands, 8 Nieuwe Hoogstraat, Amsterdam-Centrum Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, 1011 HE, The Netherlands. Tourismus Amsterdam; Hotels Amsterdam; Pensionen Amsterdam; Ferienwohnungen Amsterdam 1. The store has two entrances that each lead onto its menswear and womenswear sections. Customers can also check given items’ prices by weighing them at several scales spread around the store. These are just some examples of the updates and improvements put in place during the renovations. Rather than labelling items with price tags, this vintage clothing store on Waterlooplein weighs items in order to determine their value. The stalls at the Waterlooplein flea market are also well worth a visit if you have time. Both of these departments feature whole areas dedicated to specific types of clothing, including knitted sweaters, jeans and vintage leather jackets. Marbles Vintage. Episode Paris closed on Sundays. You can unlimited wander, look and possibly buy. Spend a couple hours browsing through its many stalls to get a taste of the local culture. You can buy here trendy t-shirts, old military There are a ton of options for buying second hand bikes in Amsterdam but there are a few things you absolutely need to know such as avoiding getting previously stolen bikes (it happens) or simply just knowing where to get them. Amsterdam ist eine faszinierende Stadt mit vielen interessanten Orten. Even though its selection moves with the ebb-and-flow of contemporary fashion, Zipper always keeps its shelves stocked with evergreen items such as jeans, army jackets and flannel shirts. Every stall has something different on offer, including (second-hand) clothes, antiques, knick-knacks, souvenirs, bicycle parts and much more. Und ist Gastgeber für einen der geschichtsträchtigsten Flohmärkte in Amsterdan. It is pretty common to find high-end, branded clothing stashed among Kiloshop’s wares, including items made by Levi or Ralph Lauren, so get rummaging! Am Sonntag ist der Markt geschlossen. These stores collectively house an almost unfathomable amount of high-quality vintage clothing, ranging from printed t-shirts to worn-in Doc Martens boots. Once you make it to the city of canals, going either to Dapper Market, IJ-Hallen or Waterlooplein is a must! Where to get second hand bikes in Amsterdam but most importantly, what to watch out for when buying used bikes. According to Tripadvisor travelers, these are the best ways to experience Waterlooplein Market: Absolutely Amsterdam: Tip-Based Walking Tour With Super Local Guide (2,5 Hours) (From $8.01) Open boat tour - All drinks included - 60 Minutes - Live guide (From $28.09) After the World War II, the Waterlooplein market was reborn, first as a general bazaar, then in the 60s and 70s of the XXth century, as a trading place connected with the youth culture. Clothing, furniture, worldly goods, vintage, gift items .. Von 1893 bis 1941 wurde der Platz als der Standort eines jüdischen Marktes bekannt, der der größte und wichtigste Markt in ganz Amsterdam zu dieser Zeit war. Waterloo Square is the oldest flea market of Amsterdam but also in the Netherlands. Lassen Sie sich den traditionellen Waterlooplein Flohmarkt in Amsterdam mit seinen über 300 Ständen nicht entgehen. While every secondhand store in Amsterdam sells preloved jeans, Mood Indigo goes the extra mile when it comes to denim and stocks many items that look almost brand new. Der Markt, der von Montag bis Samstag läuft, besteht aus mehr als 300 Ständen, die eine breite Palette von Waren zur Schau stellen. a VT member from Hengelo. It is one of the biggest flea markets in Europe, so take your time when you go there. Waterlooplein Flea Market is Amsterdam at its best. Der „Albert Cuyp“-Markt ist täglich geöffnet außer sonntags. 7 Answers. Browse for hours and rummage through every crate and box, you are sure to go home with a real Van Gogh reprint. Book Waterlooplein. Waterlooplein Market: Second-hand goods - See 594 traveler reviews, 301 candid photos, and great deals for Amsterdam, The Netherlands, at Tripadvisor. Amsterdam has Waterlooplein Market, traditionally a Jewish market for the sale of everyday goods, but because of the persecution of the Jews in WW II the character of the market changed. 11. For your wallet, the earth and for the unique items that you will not find in fast fashion stores. Amsterdam ha… De IJ-Hallen. Vintage cameras, to used books, to jewelry and the latest fashion for little. Amsterdam Winterspaziergang und Stadtbesichtigung (ab 24,81 $) Amsterdam Jiddisch History + nasch, meine Eltern verstecken sich im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Es gibt dort rund 300 Verkaufsstände. Copyright © 2021 habitat apartments. Wednesday May 17th, 2017 You will be happy with the good prices you can find here. Hier finden Sie alles von Tropenfrüchten und Fischen über Bücher bis hin zu Elektronikartikeln. We and our partners use cookies to better understand your needs, improve performance and provide you with personalised content and advertisements. Der Waterlooplein Markt befindet sich im Herzen der Stadt in der Nähe des Rembrandthauses und ist ein Must-See bei eurem Besuch in Amsterdam. Lassen Sie sich also einen Spaziergang über den Markt nicht entgehen, selbst wenn Sie nicht nach etwas Speziellem suchen.Der Waterlooplein Flohmarkt ist geöffnet von Montag bis Freitag von 9:00Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr und am Samstag von 8:30 bis 17:30 Uhr.Hinweis: Achten Sie auf Ihre Wertsachen - der Markt ist stets gut besucht.Adresse: Waterlooplein, 1011 PG AmsterdamTram: 1, 2, 5, 13 von "Magna Plaza" oder 14 von "Central Station" bis zur Station "Stadhuis"Credits Pics:Amsterdam Waterlooplein Flickr Gallery Udo GeislerWaterlooplein in Amsterdam Flickr Gallery tinkenJunk Flickr Gallery Incase. 4,683 Followers, 2,897 Following, 1,004 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kilostore Amsterdam (@kilostore_amsterdam) Der Waterlooplein-Markt war ein jüdischer Markt, aber verlor seinen Charakter mit Beginn des 2. Wann: Mo-Sa von 9.30 bis 18 Uhr Traditionally oldest and most interesting market of Amsterdam, Waterlooplein has been during the last decennia’s connected with the youth culture. Waterlooplein Flea market is a big outdoor bazaar, best for the second hand clothing and full of general bric-a-brac. The IJ-Hallen is a must-visit for any thrifter. Thursday June 1st, 2017. Dieser Flohmarkt hat eine lange Geschichte: sein Anfang reicht zurück in die 80er Jahre, als ein Platz geschaffen wurde, wo einst die Leprozengracht und die Houtgracht lagen. 8.30 Uhr bis 17.30 Uhr … Second-hand clothing stores in Amsterdam. Über 300 Stände sind auf dem Waterlooplein Flohmarkt von Montag bis Samstag zu finden, von dem nicht nur Menschen aus aller Welt angezogen werden; er ist gleichermaßen geliebt von den Einheimischen. One hundred and thirty-tree years ago established, six days a week and about three hundred stalls, one of the nicest and friendliest places in the heart of Amsterdam. Here are the best places to shop for second-hand clothing in Amsterdam. Doch als die Nazis die Verfolgung der Juden im Jahr 1941 begannen, wurde der Markt geschlossen. Fast alles kann dort gefunden werden, von neuer Kleidung und Vintage- sowie Second-Hand-Kleidung zu Büchern, Musik und Antiquitäten sowie alten militärischen Gegenständen wie Uniformen bis hin zu ethnischen Objektenaus der ganzen Welt. The collections tends to lean towards older strains of vintage fashion and revolve around classic, smart-casual items such as turtleneck sweaters, straight-legged slacks or tailored jackets. Here are the best places to shop for second-hand … Since 1893, a Jewish market has been created there, the biggest and the most important Jewish market in Amsterdam. This two-level store on Damstraat always has an incredible selection of high-end denim items, including Levi 501s, western shirts and jean jackets. Let us know your favourite Amsterdam record shops and record shopping experiences in … Waterlooplein in Amsterdam Waterlooplein Flohmarkt. Waterlooplein. 3 Flea Markets in Amsterdam Not to be Missed. All rights reserved. Antique; Books; Gems; Food & Drinks; Bikes; Secondhand everything; Clothes & Accesories Although it may take time rummaging, finding affordable, on-trend clothing is rarely difficult in Amsterdam, thanks to the city’s many second-hand shops. Der Handel mit alten Bücher, neue oder gebrauchte … Nowadays, almost every neighbourhood in central Amsterdam has its own Episode and the stores have even started appearing in other major cities around western Europe, including Paris, Brussels and Copenhagen. Hippies, flower power, American tourists; those were the days! We Are Vintage has two stores in Amsterdam that are located on the western and eastern sides of the city centre, on streets called Kinkerstaat and Eerste Van Swindenstraat, respectively. Weltkrieges und wurde erst wieder in den 60er Jahren belebt und entwickelte sich nach und nach zum Flohmarkt. The stores’ selections changes by the season and always include secondhand sportswear, formalwear, streetwear and accessories. Es werden eine breite Palette von Waren wie Second-Hand-Kleidung, Antiquitäten, Militär-Artikel, Bücher, Musik, und eine Vielzahl von Nippes verkauft. Amsterdam Flea Market at Waterlooplein is a feast for the eyes. Shopping for second-hand clothing is good for several purposes.

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