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"position": 7, "teamplayed": true "state": "ALL_MATCHES_FINISHED", "position": 12, "matchday": 13, Ekstraklasa; Division 1; Division 2; III Liga - Group III; III Liga - Group IV; Polish Cup Portugal. { "teamplayed": true "state": "NO_MATCH_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", "teamplayed": true { "matchday": 20, "matchday": 22, "position": 11, "state": "NO_MATCH_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", "state": "NO_MATCH_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", "position": 12, "position": 10, "team": "TVE Netphen", { "state": "NO_MATCH_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", "teamplayed": true "matchday": 17, "position": 10, "matchday": 14, "position": 7, { { }, { "state": "ALL_MATCHES_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", }, { "position": 2, "position": 10, { "matchday": 5, "position": 7, }, We have live handball score updates & handball match stats for every game in the 2020/21 Europe - Champions League and all other handball match results from the European Champions League! }, "teamplayed": false Handball Bundesliga Frauen 2020/21: Liveticker, Tabelle und Spielplan . 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A-Jugend Bundesliga West Jugend; "team": "HSG DJK Marpingen - SC Alsweiler", }, "matchday": 4, "teamplayed": false "teamplayed": true { "teamplayed": true "teamplayed": true Bundesliga gespielt. "teamplayed": true { "state": "ALL_MATCHES_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", "state": "NO_MATCH_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", "teamplayed": true "matchday": 7, "teamplayed": true "teamplayed": true { "matchday": 8, }, { "position": 8, "position": 6, "state": "NO_MATCH_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", } "teamplayed": false Liga Nord-West Handball 2020/2021. { "teamplayed": false "teamplayed": true "matchday": 12, }, "matchday": 16, Frauen-Handball-Liga. "state": "NO_MATCH_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", "position": 5, }, { "state": "NO_MATCH_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", "matchday": 20, }, "teamplayed": false "state": "ALL_MATCHES_FINISHED", }, "state": "ALL_MATCHES_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", { "teamplayed": true Präsidium und Vorstand des Deutschen Handballbundes beschlossen am 11. }, { "matchday": 16, { }, }, "matchday": 15, 3. 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"position": 9, "matchday": 6, }, }, }, Eliteserien; OBOS-ligaen Peru. }, { { "state": "ALL_MATCHES_FINISHED", } "teamplayed": true "position": 4, Handball Liga Frauen: 14 Teams in der Tabelle mit 4:0 Punkten. "matchday": 14, { "teamplayed": true { "matchday": 20, Hinweis für unsere Nutzer: Der spusu LIGA 2020/2021 Live-Ticker auf LiveTicker.com bietet Handball Live Zwischenstände, Ergebnisse, spusu LIGA 2020/2021 Tabellen, Match Details, Wettvergleiche und direkte Vergleiche. "teamplayed": true { }, "matchday": 22, 54 talking about this. }, { "teamplayed": true "matchday": 5, ] { "position": 4, "state": "ALL_MATCHES_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", }, "teamplayed": false "teamplayed": true { }, "position": 6, "matchday": 4, "matchday": 7, "matchdays": { "teamplayed": false Liga Nord-West - Frauen - Handball 31.10.2020 | Stand 31.10.2020, 20:45 Uhr }, { "teamplayed": false "matchday": 15, "matchday": 11, }, }, ] "teamplayed": true "state": "ALL_MATCHES_FINISHED", "position": 3, "teamplayed": true "matchday": 18, "teamplayed": true "teamplayed": true "matchday": 13, Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the league announced 1 October 2020 as the start date and the season will end on 27 June 2021.. As there were no relegated teams last season, this season is being played with 20 teams. { }, Die 3. 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"position": 9, "teamplayed": true } "matchday": 22, "teamplayed": true "position": 1, "matchday": 21, "state": "NO_MATCH_OF_MATCHDAY_FINISHED", }, Die Saison 2020/21 der 3. }, "teamplayed": true }, "teamplayed": false "matchday": 7, { "teamplayed": true { { Die Spielkommission 3. "matchday": 4, "position": 4, "position": 8, "matchday": 15, "position": 3, "matchday": 21, }, "position": 10, "position": 1, { "matchday": 13, "position": 4, "teamplayed": true "state": "ALL_MATCHES_FINISHED",
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