Elmar Heggen joined RTL Group in Luxembourg in 2000 as Vice President Mergers & Acquisitions. Elmar Heggen serves as Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director, Member of the Executive Committee of the Company. From 2013, he led the launch of RTL Group channels in India, and was appointed Chief Executive Officer of RTL CBS Asia, which was launched across 19 territories. Stephan Schäfer, neuer Chief Executive Officer (CEO) von Gruner + Jahr und Chief Content Officer (CCO) der Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, wird mit sofortiger Wirkung in das Group … Bjorn Bauer biography. The company operates 68 television channels and 31 radio stations in Germany, France and other European countries. RTL Group (pour Radio Télévision Luxembourg) est un groupe audiovisuel international possédant un siège principal à Luxembourg et un autre siège administratif à Cologne [2], [3].Il exploite 68 chaînes de télévision et 31 stations de radio en Allemagne, en France et dans d’autres pays d’Europe. APPOINTMENTS AND REMUNERATIONS COMMITTEE. She will leave our Group’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee at her own request, with effect from the Annual General Meeting on 19 April 2017. RTL Group today announced changes to its executive management team, which will ensure long-term continuity in the leadership of the Group. Guillaume de Posch, co-chief executive officer of RTL Group will deliver a keynote speech at TV tradeshow MipTV April 4-7 in Cannes. Joint statement of RTL Group’s Executive Committee (Thomas Rabe, Elmar Heggen and Björn Bauer): “We would like to thank all colleagues who have worked hard on the reorganisation of our Corporate Centre – from negotiating and implementing the Social Plan to setting up our new offices in Cologne in a short period of time. Those employees affected were told today that the group plans to reduce this entity by a third. In 2000, Thomas Rabe became CFO and member of the Executive Committee of RTL Group. Elmar Heggen biography. MEMBERS CURRICULUM VITAE CORPORATE TITLE RTL Group chief executive Thomas Rabe said Divimove will in the future work more closely with RTL's sister companies, including music group BMG and the Bertelsmann Content Alliance in … RTL Group’s Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Group Management Committee (GMC) defined a strategy that builds upon three priorities: Strengthening the Group’s core businesses. From 2006 to 2008, he was also responsible for Bertelsmann AG’s music Anke Schäferkordt, currently Co-CEO of RTL Group, will leave the Group’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee at her own request, with effect from the Annual General Meeting on 19 April 2017. Bertelsmann has appointed three new members to its Group Management Committee (GMC), effective immediately: Rolf Hellermann, CEO Arvato Financial Solutions, Shobhna Mohn, Executive Vice President Growth Regions Strategy and Bertelsmann Investments, and Bernd Reichart, CEO Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, strengthen the top management committee, which advises and supports the Bertelsmann Executive … European broadcast group RTL said Anke Schaeferkordt would leave her post as co-chief executive alongside Guillaume de Posch to be replaced by Bert Habets, currently CEO of RTL's Dutch business. The GMC is advancing the strategic agenda of RTL Group and fostering cooperation. RTL Group (for Radio Television Luxembourg) is an international media company based in Luxembourg with another corporate centre in Cologne, Germany. In addition, 2019 was marked by far-reaching changes He was previoulsy Head of Corporate Centre, Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Committee and Non-Executive Director of RTL Group SA as of January, 2018. Appointed as COO and member of the RTL Group Executive Committee in January 2012, de Posch was named Co-CEO of RTL Group in April 2012 overseeing the Group’s broadcasting operations outside Germany and its content production arm, FremantleMedia, whose numerous hits Idols, X Factor, Got Talent and The Price is Right are some of the most adapted formats worldwide. Expanding RTL Group’s growth businesses, in particular in the areas of streaming, content production and technology. Since January 2006, Elmar Heggen has served on the RTL Group Executive Management team, and since 1 October 2006, he has been Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Head of the Corporate Centre of RTL Group. The Executive Committee is vested with internal management authority Active dialogue with the Board of Directors about the status and development of the Group Proposal of annual budgets, to be approved by the Board of Directors The Bertelsmann Executive Board, together with selected executives from the Group, constitutes the Group Management Committee (GMC). Executive and Proprietary * 16/06/2003: 24/04/2019: General Shareholders Meeting ... EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Led by Thomas Rabe, the GMC reflects Bertelsmann’s diversity and internationality, as well as its most important markets. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEOF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Elmar Heggen Chief Operating Officer and Deputy CEO Thomas Rabe Chief Executive Officer Björn Bauer Chief Financial Officer Deputy CEO since 2018 COO since 2019 Portfolio esponsibility:r Groupe M6, RTL Nederland, RTL Belgium, RTL Hungary, RTL Croatia, Divimove, BroadbandTV Bert Habets, who has been Co-CEO of RTL Group since 19 April 2017, will now lead the Group as sole CEO, with overall responsibility for the strategy and day-to-day management of the Group. advised the Executive Committee, in particular with regard to RTL Group’s strategy, approved the Group’s budget and reviewed the Group’s business and financial performance on an ongoing basis. It also offers national streaming platforms, content productions and a range of digital services. https://www.broadbandtvnews.com/.../all-change-for-rtl-group Guillaume de Posch has decided to step down as Co-CEO of RTL Group, but he will continue to serve as a non-executive member of RTL Group’s Board of Directors. RTL Group’s executive committee has also approved a plan to add short-form video content and technology/data to Divimove’s portfolio. It is composed of the members of the Executive Committee (Thomas Rabe, Elmar Heggen, Björn Bauer) and the CEOs of the Group’s three largest business units – Bernd Reichart (CEO of Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland), Nicolas de Tavernost (CEO of Groupe M6) and Jennifer Mullin (CEO of Fremantle). RTL Group’s Executive Committee has also approved a growth plan to significantly expand Divimove’s capabilities in the areas of talent management, production of short-form video content, advertising sales and technology/data. Stephan Schäfer, the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Gruner + Jahr and Chief Content Officer (CCO) of Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, has been appointed to Bertelsmann's Group Management Committee (GMC) with immediate effect. He joined RTL Group in 2007 in various strategy and business development positions. NAME CURRICULUM VITAE OFFICE CONDITION; Download: José Creuheras Margenat: ... *** representing RTL Group. We also decided on plans to strengthen the Group’s compliance and risk management systems. Bjorn Bauer serves as Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Executive Committee of the Company. Anke Schäferkordt, Co-CEO of RTL Group, has decided to focus on leading Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland and on serving as a member of the Bertelsmann Executive Board. With effect from 1 January 2006, Thomas Rabe was appointed to the Executive Board of Bertelsmann AG as the Group’s CFO. The Board of Directors has mandated the Executive Committee to review the role and size of RTL Group's Corporate Centre in Luxembourg which currently employees 190 individuals. In March 2003, he was also appointed Head of the Corporate Centre. He succeeds Julia Jäkel, who is leaving the company at her own request and on the best of terms. In 2017, he served for two years as Head of iflix Asia – rolled out in 13 countries. Thomas Rabe, CEO of RTL Group, said: “RTL Group’s digital video businesses have built significant reach among young audiences …
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