Podmínkou studia je předchozí získání vysokoškolského vzdělání. List of bachelor's programs at the FernUni, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Full time: 6 semesters / Part time 12 semesters, Enrollment only in the winter semester, online self-assessment required (German), Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Full time: 6 semesters / Part time 9 semesters, LL.B. Der höhere Dienst gilt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als höchste Beamtenlaufbahn und ist daher für viele Menschen interessant, die als Führungskraft tätig werden möchten. : Full time: 7 semesters / Part time 10 Semester First Legal Examination: Full time: 9 semesters / Part time 14 semesters, To help your decision: voluntary online self-assessment (German). Both degrees tend to have online, part-time programs that you can generally complete within two years. Programme Structure. The Master of Public Administration is the flagship professional program of the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, western Canada's newest School of Public Policy. Fusing public administration with leading cross-disciplinary research in exciting societal domains. You can find more information about our preparatory courses on our German-language website. Der Studiengang vermittelt im Rahmen verschiedener Module Wissen aus den Bereichen Personalmanagement, öffentliche BWL, Controllingun… It is available to anyone, regardless of age or previous educational experience, and there are no entry requirements. MPA programmes are designed to school the future leaders in organisations that are part of or closely work with the government. The master’s degree also provides you with the flexibility to choose a concentration or customize one to your needs. The Master of Public Administration degree is the recognized professional degree in public administration, public management, and public service. Please refer to the relevant faculty's information regarding the courses and exams offered. You can simply plan your studies around your individual life circumstances. To enroll in a bachelor's program at the FernUniversität, you will need a German higher education entrance qualification (either a "Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife" or "Zeugnis der fachgebundenen Hochschulreife"), an equivalent internationational qualification, or relevant vocational experience. Required core courses comprise 27 credit hours, including a Public Administration Capstone class. You can work with organizational design and leadership, management in public administration, private firms and voluntary organizations. For certain master's programs at the FernUni, there are additional admissions requirements. It's about finding solutions to complex societal challenges, and organising the implementation of these solutions through policies. This 9-course, 9 c.u. The master’s programme in International Public Administration and Politics provides you with solid knowledge and insight into how public policy is made and implemented at multiple territorial levels. Das MPA-Team sowie die Modulkoordinatorinnen und Modulkoordinatoren stellen sich vor. With an MPA, you will have developed your analytical skills through scientific work and presentations - particularly when it comes to organizational issues, democracy, politics, administration and service delivery. Admission Requirements for the Master of Public Administration. You can view a list of the bachelor's programs offered at the FernUniversität below, with links to further information in German about each program. The Master of Public Administration (MPA) is a unique, interdisciplinary program designed exclusively for experienced professionals. Nutzen Sie die Vorzüge des Masterstudiums an der HS Bund, vergrößern Sie Ihre Verwendungsbreite in der öffentlichen Verwaltung und erwerben Sie gleichzeitig einen international anerkannten Masterabschluss an der größten Hochschule des Bundes (120 ECTS-Punkte)! Master of Public Administration (MPA) Lead in Solving Public Problems. 1 Both degrees can put you on a path to success, and each has its own specific advantages. In addition, we have continuing education programs to support you in your career. Der Master Public Administration (MPA) ist auf die Herausforderungen höherer Managementaufgaben und Führungstätigkeiten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zugeschnitten. The Masters of Public Administration requires the completion of 96 units, which must consist of: Completion of the following pre-sessional component: CRWF7900 Graduate Academic and Research Skills for Public Policy. The FernUniversität offers a variety of forms of continuing education. Our online Master of Public Administration can position you for success while allowing you to continue to work. Hier erhalten Sie Informationen zu den Zugangs- und Zulassungsvoraussetzungen zum Masterstudium. Dann freuen wir uns auf Sie! Hier erhalten Sie ausführliche Informationen zu den verschiedenen Bewerbungsmöglichkeiten auf die Studienplätze des Masterstudiengangs (ordentliches Studium und Gasthörerschaft). The eight courses include four compulsory courses, and four courses from a list of electives. Das Masterstudium " Master of Public Administration " an der Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung ist einzigartig in Deutschland. 48 Units from completion of the following compulsory courses: In contrast to studying at a traditional university, distance learning at the FernUniversität in Hagen offers you maximum flexibility in terms of your time and location. vergleichbar.. Der DPA wurde ursprünglich an … Hier erhalten Sie einen Überblick zu den Studienzielen, den Studieninhalten sowie zum Studienabschluss. Zudem ist eine Teilnahme als Gasthörerin oder Gasthörer möglich. This is made possible through the use of blended learning, which combines face-to-face instruction with online learning. The key objectives of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) programme are to equip students with the latest knowledge needed to understand the organisation and operation of the public sector; and to acquire skills that will enable them to become effective public managers in Hong Kong and beyond. Die Kernziele wurden 2010/ 11 in zahlreichen Workshops gemeinsam mit den Ressortbehörden des Bundes konzipiert und seitdem ständig weiterentwickelt. It provides an intensive, interdisciplinary course of study for professionals who wish to work on increasingly complex issues shaping national, regional and global policies and projects. Hier finden Sie eine Presseschau sowie Absolventenstimmen zum Masterstudiengang. Graduates with their Masters in Public Administration degree can help major news outlets vet current policy designs being put forth by politicians in D.C. Mögliche Studienorte sind Brühl oder Berlin. To enroll in a master's program at the FernUniversität, you will need a completed bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification. The Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree program at NIU was one of the first accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), integrating both theory and practice into the course of study. Applicants must have a regionally or nationally accredited bachelor’s degree with a … Neben E-Learning-Elementen stehen Ihnen hier weitere Studienmaterialien sowie Kommunikationsmöglichkeite… Konsequent sind die Studieninhalte auf alle wichtigen Gebiete des Verwaltungshandelns ausgerichtet. The FernUniversität's continuing education programs are aimed primarily at working professionals who wish to build on their practical experience with academic education. Der Masterstudiengang ist daher als ein umfassendes, vertiefendes und interdisziplinäres Studium angelegt. Do you have a head for administration and a heart for building stronger communities? Information about recognition of international qualifications. Zum Masterstudium zugelassen werden können auch Beschäftigte der Bundesverwaltung, die derzeit (noch) kein Aufstiegsverfahren absolvieren. The Master of Public Administration (MPA) focuses on preparing students for administrative and leadership positions in governmental and nonprofit organizations. Ein erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Master-Studium gilt in der Regel als Grundvoraussetzung für den höheren Dienst, so dass sich der Master of Public Administration als exzellente Wahl erweist. The master of public administration (MPA) is designed to provide a developmental framework for those interested in leadership and management in the public service. Information about recognition of international qualifications The Master of Public Administration (MPA), which emphasizes a comparative approach to domestic politics and institutions, prepares students to address major national policy issues and manage organizations in the US and other countries around the world. Hier finden Sie Antworten rund um Fragen zum Masterstudium (innerhalb und außerhalb eines Aufstiegsverfahrens; Gasthörerschaft, Anerkennung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen). The one-year full-time Master in Public Administration (MPA) programme prepares students for senior management roles in the public sector. 12 credit hours are electives that can comprise an area of concentration. The Master of Public Administration (MPA) is an interdisciplinary two-year degree covering the broad field of public policy and administration in a global context. As a rule, it is no longer possible to enroll in these programs. A career in public administration is a demanding but extremely rewarding way to improve the lives of the people around you. Be­rufs­in­te­grie­ren­de Fern­stu­dien­gän­ge, Stu­di­um am zen­tra­len Hoch­schul­cam­pus. It is designed principally, but not exclusively, for those who are pursuing careers in public service. Seit 2014 sind nicht mehr nur Beamtinnen und Beamte des gehobenen Dienstes sowie vergleichbare Tarifbeschäftigte im Rahmen eines Aufstiegsverfahrens in den höheren Dienst des Bundes zugangsberechtigt. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 in all coursework is required to … Sein Markenkern ist die Verknüpfung von Wissenschaftlichkeit und Praxisnähe. 100% online. The talking heads and commentary style journalists need the insight of those who understand how to research and understand where different political minds rest on these issues. Rechtliche, politik-, wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden werden ebenso gelehrt wie soziale und Führungskompetenzen. Politics, Public Administration, Sociology (German), Business Administration and Economics (German), voluntary online self-assessment (German), First Legal Examination (“Erste Juristische Prüfung”) (German), European History - Periods, Changes, Interdependency (German), Philosophy - Philosophy in the European Context (German), Sociology - Approaches to Contemporary Society (German), Modern German Literature in a Media Cultural Context (German), Business Administration and Economics for Engineers and Natural Scientists (German). You will also be able to give advice on organizational and policy issues in the private and public sectors. Graduates are employed in government agencies at all levels, national associations, public interest groups, research and consulting firms, and in the private sector. The focus is on the interplay between politics and public administration and the interaction between different levels of governance in policy making. We offer a broad range of internationally accredited bachelor's and master's programs in five faculties. Our alumni work in a variety of positons, such as 1. A Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) is the government and public service equivalent of the common MBA degrees in the business world. In Onlinephasen lernen Sie etwa 15-20 Stunden pro Woche flexibel über die Lernplattform Moodle. 1.5 year Masters degree with up to .5 year (24 units) credit available; Understand the complexities and challenges of facilitating public action; Disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives on public administration; This degree is an effective way to jumpstart your leadership and management career in public administration. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. This one-year, English-taught Master’s programme offers you the chance to develop outstanding expertise in public administration and to combine that with cross-disciplinary research in a … Master of Public Administration (ve zkratce MPA, či M.P.A.) Classes are completely on your schedule. The MPA prepares students to take on leadership roles working in and with government. Hier finden Sie weiterführende Informationen zu den Themenbereichen "Selbstlernphasen", "Präsenzphasen", "Betreuung der Studierenden" und "Familienfreundliches Masterstudium". You can find more information on our German site. Copyright © 2020, HS Bund. Two of the most popular degrees for public sector workers are a master's in public policy (MPP) and a master's in public administration (MPA). Der Doctor of Public Administration (DPA) stellt einen höchsten akademischen Grad in der angelsächsischen universitären Lehre der Verwaltungswissenschaft dar. Master of Public Administration. je studium určené zejména pro manažery v oblasti veřejné správy a nestátních neziskových organizací (NGO). The Master of Public Administration (MPA) requires 39 credit hours of approved graduate work for students entering the program with a bachelor's degree. We're connected professionally, so you can be too Take classroom learning into real job situations with our paid summer internship program. It will equip you with the skills to address policy issues at local, regional and international levels. Das Masterstudium vermittelt gezielt die wissenschaftlichen Methoden und Kenntnisse, die für die Erfüllung der Aufgaben im höheren nichttechnischen Verwaltungsdienst erforderlich sind. Er richtet sich an berufserfahrene Beschäftigte in der öffentlichen Verwaltung und kann als Fernstudium berufsbegleitend studiert werden. The FernUniversität's Open Access Studies program (or "Akademiestudium") is similar to auditing a course at a traditional university. POGO7901 Graduate Preparatory Economic, Social and Political Analysis. Public administration is the implementation of government policy and also an academic discipline that studies this implementation and prepares civil employees for working in the public service. 2017 konnten erstmals Beamte aus den Finanzverwaltungen der Länder zum Masterstudium begrüßt werden. National co… Learning and Leading for Global Human Well-Being The University of Pennsylvania, known as Penn, is a highly selective and top-ranked Ivy League university that is located on a beautiful urban campus in historic Philadelphia. The main focus of the Master in Public Administration is on the management, steering, and coordination of political, administrative, economic, and social actors and the contexts in which they act. The Full-time Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree delivers the specialized knowledge, practical experience, and valuable connections students need to achieve their career goals in just one year. In addition to core coursework in public policy, budgeting, analytical methods, and other aspects of organizational administration, MPA students choose a field of specialization.. Search over 500 different accredited Masters of Public Administration degrees online or on-campus and learn how you can engage in a career in the public sector, within government, at non-profit organizations, or within the public or private public administration industry. For certain master's programs at the FernUni, there are additional admissions requirements. Students are required to complete eight taught courses and one capstone project or dissertation in order to graduate. Der Bundesmaster von der Praxis für die Praxis. Charakteristika. Der DPA hat keine direkte Entsprechung im deutschen Hochschulsystem und ist in Deutschland am ehesten mit einer Promotion in Verwaltungswissenschaften zum Dr. rer.publ. Master's Programs To enroll in a master's program at the FernUniversität, you will need a completed bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification. Full time: 4 semesters / Part time 8 semesters, Full time: 4 semesters / Part time 6 semesters, Full time: 3 semesters / Part time 4 semesters. Wir haben Sie überzeugt? The FernUniversität offers you the chance to get ready for your study program with individual preparatory courses for certain programs. Our Open Access Studies program is available without admissions requirements and allows you to pursue further education based on your individual interests. Learn more about our program that has been successful in finding internships for 100% of students. The MPA is offered on a 2-year part-time or 1-year full-time basis. You can view a list of the master's programs offered at the FernUniversität below, with links to further information in German about each program. Information about international qualifications, Information about vocational qualifications (German). Sein Markenkern ist die Verknüpfung von Wissenschaftlichkeit und Praxisnähe. As a "field of inquiry with a diverse scope" whose fundamental goal is to "advance management and policies so that government can function". Das Masterstudium "Master of Public Administration" an der Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung ist einzigartig in Deutschland. Review MPA programs - on campus and online, based on NASPAA. The MPA program is a professional degree and a graduate degree for the public sector and it prepares individuals to serve as managers, executives and policy analysts in the executive arm of local, state/provincial, and federal/national government, and increasingly in non-governmental organization (NGO) and nonprofit sectors; it places a focus on the systematic investigation of executive … Graduates completing the Master of Public Administration will: 1. have an integrated and advanced understanding of a complex body of knowledge in the field of public sector administration and understand contemporary trends and developments in the field in both developing and developed countries 2. acquire the ability to analyse critically, reflect on and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the field of public sector administration 3. research and apply establ…