Coronavirus and entry restrictions: 6 things travellers to Germany need to know, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Podgorica, Germany and Montenegro: Bilateral Relations. Kind regards und stay healthy It is still the name of the German foreign ministry today. Montenegrinisch Auswaertiges Amt. Kontaktinformationen eines Landes können sich ändern, ohne dass das Auswärtige Amt davon unterrichtet wird. Info Because of deterioration of the current pandemic situation in Montenegro, the Consular and Visa Section of the Embassy will be temporarily closed as from Monday, 09.11.20 until Friday, 4.12.20 for all public traffic. … This site uses cookies in order to provide you with the best possible service. 6 people. In order to submit your application, please attend your appointment at the German Embassy Podgorica in person. Der internationale Personenverkehr von und nach Montenegro (Flug, Bahn, Bus) ist derzeit ausgesetzt, alle Grenzen für den Personenverkehr geschlossen… März 2020 temporäre Maßnahmen beschlossen, u.a.zusätzliche Ein- und Ausreisebeschränkungen. 81000. The Auswärtiges Amt was split into three factions competing against one another, namely one faction of men loyal to Bismarck, another faction loyal to Friedrich von Holstein, and yet another faction led by Prince Philip von Eulenburg and Prince Bernhard von Bülow, who would later become chancellor. Since 2007, Montenegro has been receiving financial support from the EU via the Instrument for Pre‑Accession Assistance (IPA). Tel. Aber nicht nur das. Town. Visa requirements for German citizens are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of Germany.As of 7 April 2020, German citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 189 countries and territories, ranking the German passport 3rd in terms of travel freedom (tied with the passport of South Korea) according to the Henley Passport Index. Willkommen! Schengen visas allow to stay in the Schengen area up to 90 days within each 180-day timeframe. Already booked appointments have been cancelled in our appointment systems. German Embassy in Podgorica, Montenegro Address, Phone number, Location, Consular assistance number, Opening hours, Email, Visa services and consular services . Note: Higher charges may apply when contacting the Embassy via satellite (Satcom) phone or fax. Keine passenden Schlagwörter gefunden. Visit the Embassy's COVID-19 page for more information on COVID-19 in Montenegro. The Albanians in Germany (German: Albaner in Deutschland; Albanian: Shqiptarët në Gjermani) refers to the Albanian migrants in Germany and their descendants. Dezember 2020 sowie am 01. und 07. Warm regards und stay healthy Außerdem die Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise und wichtige Infos zu jedem Land. Montenegro. Germany and Montenegro: Bilateral Relations. Januar 2021 geschlossen. During this appointment, we kindly ask you to submit all of your application documents, pay the fee and answer questions about your planned trip. The next vacation and time to relax will come up for sure. Candidate country since 2010. Montenegro has resumed most transportation options (including airport operations and re-opening of borders) and business operations (including day cares). Head. On Friday, 4 December 2020, the Parliament of Montenegro elected the 42nd Government of Montenegro, headed by Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić. +382 20 441 000. We hope that you and the host find the best solution to ensure the health and safety for you and your family. EU/EEA/EFTA rights: …you are a national of the EU/ EEA/ EFTA …you are a spouse (married/civil partnership) or child of an EU/ EEA/ EFTA national AND you travel with the EU/ EEA/ EFTA national AND you hold one of the following British Residence permits displayed here.However, these rights will no longer apply once the transition period has come to an end. Hier finden Sie Beiträge über das Auswärtige Amt und deutsche Außenpolitik. Please enter your complete search term. Pandemic travel regulations from Germany to Slovenia for tourists and residents; including face mask, quarantine, and documents required before your trip. Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise und Adressen zuständiger diplomatischer Vertretungen. No suitable keywords found. Außerdem: Informationen zur Politik und zu den bilateralen Beziehungen mit Deutschland. Auswärtiges Amt; Bundesgesundheitsministerium; Bundesregierung; Deutscher Tourismusverband; Robert-Koch-Institut; WHO; Verbraucherzentrale; We are very happy that travelling is partly possible again. Federal Foreign Office website. We hope that you and the host find the best solution to ensure the health and safety for you and your family. Tragen Sie sich in die Krisenvorsorgeliste ein! Pandemic travel regulations from Germany to Albania for tourists and residents; including face mask, quarantine, and documents required before your trip. We hope that you and the host find the best solution to ensure the health and safety for you and your family. Die Ausbreitung der Atemwegserkrankung COVID-19führt auch in Montenegro zu verstärkten Einreisekontrollen, Gesundheitsprüfungen mit Temperaturmessungen und Einreisesperren. Botschaft von Montenegro in Deutschland bei Montenegrinisch Auswaertiges Amt Berlin Area, Germany International Affairs. The next vacation and time to relax will come up for sure. Apartment Zvijezda mora has a total surface of 50 m² on the Second floor. While other improved conditions have been reported within Montenegro, local conditions are subject to change. Address: German Embassy In Podgorica, Montenegro 5th Floor, Capital Plaza, Diplomat Tower Street Seika Zaida 81000 Podgorica Montenegro. 1 connection . Submit your application. Warm regards und stay healthy Your team from Traum-Ferienwohnungen. Montenegro, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, San Marino, Serbia, the Seychelles, Singapore, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Taiwan, Uruguay, the Vatican and Venezuela, who may also apply for their residence permit after entering Germany without a visa. Name. Kind regards und stay healthy German missions. Im Zweifelsfall wird die Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Auswärtigen Amt empfohlen. Infos zur deutschen Außenpolitik aus erster Hand und zu einer Karriere im Auswärtigen Dienst. Montenegro, along with the rest of our Western Balkan partners, is also included in EU initiatives to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, like the joint procurement schemes of protective personal and intensive care equipment, and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control's project for enhancing capacities to survey and control communicable diseases, public health emergency preparedness … Postal code. Auswärtiges Amt; Bundesgesundheitsministerium; Bundesregierung; Deutscher Tourismusverband; Robert-Koch-Institut; WHO; Verbraucherzentrale; We want you and the host to find the best solution to ensure the safety and health for you and your family. The term Auswärtiges Amt was the name of the Foreign Office established in 1870 by the North German Confederation, which then became the German Empire 's Foreign Office in 1871. Citizens of certain countries need a Schengen visa for short stays in the Schengen area. Deutsche Auslandsvertretungen in Ihrem Reiseland, Vertretungen Ihres Reiselandes in Deutschland, Reise- und Sicherheit: Letzte Aktualisierungen, Tätigkeit bei Internationalen Organisationen und EU, Montenegro: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise (COVID-19-bedingte Reisewarnung), Deutschland und Montenegro: Bilaterale Beziehungen. You can enter Germany without a visa, as long as you don’t plan to do any paid or self- Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Hercegovačka 10, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, Official language in the host country: Montenegrin. Ländername: Montenegro, Crna Gora Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen: 03.06.2006 (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) Staats- und Regierungsform: … Auswärtiges Amt; Bundesgesundheitsministerium; Bundesregierung; Deutscher Tourismusverband; Robert-Koch-Institut; WHO; Verbraucherzentrale; We are very happy that travelling is partly possible again. Fax +382 20 441 018 Montenegro; Montenegro. Kind regards und stay healthy Your team from Traum-Ferienwohnungen. Die Botschaft bleibt am 24., 25. und 31. We use cookies This site uses cookies in order to provide you with the best possible service. Dr. Robert Weber, Ambassador. All short term visas issued by the German Embassy are so-called Schengen visas, i.e. Diese Seite verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen den bestmöglichen Service zu gewährleisten. Podgorica. New York, Geneva, Vienna, 15 April 2020: In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the undersigned chairs and members of the Groups of Friends on the Safety/Protection of Journalists are calling on all states to protect journalists’ and media workers’ safety, safeguard a free and independent media and ensure unhindered access to information, both online and offline. they they allow you to stay not only in Germany, but also in other countries of the Schengen area. Bitte tippen Sie Ihr Suchwort komplett ein. Pandemic travel regulations from Germany to Bosnia and Herzegovina for tourists and residents; including face mask, quarantine, and documents required before your trip. A short term visa is the right visa for you if your stay in Germany is less than 90 days within 6 months. Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. Die Einschätzung des Auswärtigen Amtes beruht auf Informationen des Nationalen Koordinierungsrates für ansteckende Krankheiten in Montenegro. Related content. Auswärtiges Amt; Bundesgesundheitsministerium; Bundesregierung; Deutscher Tourismusverband; Robert-Koch-Institut; WHO; Verbraucherzentrale; We want you and the host to find the best solution to ensure the safety and health for you and your family. Denken Sie an Ihre Reisekrankenversicherung! Phone: (+382) (81) 20 10 70 (+382) (81) 667 285. The accommodation is ideal for max. Die montenegrinischen Behörden haben seit dem 13. Auswärtiges Amt; Bundesgesundheitsministerium; Bundesregierung; Deutscher Tourismusverband; Robert-Koch-Institut; WHO; Verbraucherzentrale ; We are very happy that travelling is partly possible again. Opening hours: 09.00-17-00. The EU supports the European integration of Montenegro, for example by means of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA).