Hello? I have asked the store where my wallet could be away, they said so many Customer have lost their wallet today. Best regards, your Guest Experience Team Roermond. Responded 2 weeks ago. So please please be careful! Avec 150 boutiques, c'est un véritable concentré de marques tendances et haut de gamme affichant des prix jusqu'à -70 %. How could it be, haven‘t They even seen that someone was in this store for a whole time? However, we hope to welcome you soon again in our Designer Outlet in the future. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Besuchen Sie unsere Website, um mehr zu erfahren. - consultez 2 312 avis de voyageurs, 798 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour Roermond, Pays-Bas sur Tripadvisor. Designer Outlet Roermond Private Tour: Shop 'til you Drop! Share. We houden de situatie nauwlettend in de gaten en volgen het advies van de gezondheidsautoriteiten. Due to corona hand sanitizer was obligated in every store. (From US$572.16) secrets of the south (1day tour in the south of the Netherlands)Departure:AMS (From US$861.58) Self-Guided Walking Tour in Roermond with Qula City Trails (From US$35.95) See all Designer Outlet Roermond experiences on … I ... Because of corona, there are only a number of People, who Could enter the store at the same time. Hello Glaantingel, Thank you for your response. Nevertheless, we want to thank you for your visit. 3 juni 17.00 uur: gemeente Roermond stelt corona-fonds van 5 miljoen euro vast. Date of experience: June 2020. Hello? We appreciate this and are taking every feedback seriously. Wir zeigen wie. Because of corona, there are only a number of People, who Could enter the store at the same time. Check www.designer-outlet-roermond.com. The outlet center in Roermond was recently enlarged and a few selected stores and restaurants added. We will be updating the individual brand pages on our website regularly, so please check online to see if your favourite restaurant is currently open. ) This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Private Tour to Designer Outlet Roermond: shop till' you drop! We are looking forward to your next visit! Nächste Stadt überschreitet wichtigen Grenzwert +++. So we didn’t had the chance to go everywhere we wanted. Check www.designer-outlet-roermond.com. Book your tickets online for Designer Outlet Roermond, Roermond: See 2,310 reviews, articles, and 798 photos of Designer Outlet Roermond, ranked No.4 on Tripadvisor among 33 attractions in Roermond. I have only a Little Cash, Bankcard, my ID Card, Drivecard, insurancecard all in this wallet. Shopping at the Designer Outlet in Roermond means outlet shopping in style. Le centre abrite un véritable trésor architectural, composé d’églises et de maisons d’une grande diversité. Neue Reisewarnungen seit dem 7. We did go there, to see what it’s like. Thank you again for your message and we will of course ensure that your next visit will be as pleasant as you would expect from us. Complimentary WiFi is provided.The bed and breakfast provides guests with a patio, a seating area, satellite flat-screen TV, a fully equipped kitchen and a private bathroom with shower and a hairdryer. La cathédrale Saint-Christophe, érigée au XVe siècle, domine la ville. Doch die mehrfach verwendbaren Baumwollmasken müssen zum eigenen Schutz regelmäßig gereinigt werden. Doch die Lage hat sich extrem verschärft. Wer sich länger als 24 Stunden in einem Risikogebiet aufhält, muss in Quarantäne und sollte einen Coronatest machen. Following the latest Dutch Government’s announcement, business premises for trades and services were to close nationwide, we would like to advise our customers that all stores at McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Roermond are closing on Monday 14th December 2020 at 8pm until further notice. Following the latest Dutch Government’s announcement, business premises for trades and services were to close nationwide, we would like to advise our customers that all stores at McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Roermond are closing on Monday 14th December 2020 at 8pm until further notice. Dear Zhouj1105, We are very sorry to hear you're Shopping Experience wasn't good at all. Le village Outlet Roermond aux Pays-Bas est un centre de magasins d'usine du groupe Mc Arthur Glen. Darunter auch Limburg. 351K likes. Doch die Lage hat sich extrem verschärft. Come and join us to a trip to Roermond Fashion Outlet, the Netherlands. #happytoassist Bob. This is not an outlet, these are a lot of stores trying to convince you because they call them self 'Outlet'. Designer Outlet Roermond. Parmi les quelques 200 marques présentes, on peut citer Dolce & Gabbana, TagHeuer, Gucci, Armani, Guess, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Prada, Pay attention to your bag !!!! In Designer Outlet Roermond it is mandatory to wear face masks for visitors of 13 years and older. Dear Sampie_744, Thank you very much for your kind review! Have you already contacted our security or guest services? Find your favourite designer brands at up to 70% off, all year round. Coffeeshop Skunk Roermond in Roermond. Nevertheless, we hope to be able to take revenge and offer you a different experience next time. This is the first time, that i was stolen since so many years in Germany! Roermond. We … Are your restaurants currently open? Nice to hear that you liked some stores. more, Response from Guest Services , Guest Relations Manager at Designer Outlet Roermond, Response from Guest Services , Guest Experience Advisor at Designer Outlet Roermond, Architectural Buildings, Points of Interest & Landmarks, Sacred & Religious Sites, Churches & Cathedrals. This video is unavailable. 1. 16 219 personnes étaient ici. Village de marques de Roermond est à quelques minutes. Find your favourite designer brands at up to 70% off, all year round. I have heard that the thief prefer to steal asian people, that is true, it was proved this time. The safety and well-being of our guests and employees are most importance for us. We recommend booking Designer Outlet Roermond tours ahead of time to secure your spot. What restaurants are near Designer Outlet Roermond? It’s crowded, people getting too close, and brands it’s all about. En réservant avec Tripadvisor, vous pouvez annuler jusqu'à 24 heures avant le circuit pour être remboursé intégralement. The best place to shop in the South of NL. Dear Ciaran O, Thank you for your compliments! Village de marques de Roermond est à quelques minutes. Designer Outlet Roermond: Very crowded - See 2,289 traveler reviews, 790 candid photos, and great deals for Roermond, The Netherlands, at Tripadvisor. According to Tripadvisor travelers, these are the best ways to experience Designer Outlet Roermond: What hotels are near Designer Outlet Roermond? Bekijk hier alle updates op ggdlimburgnoord.nl In some store mouth mask were obligated, in most not. Check www.designer-outlet-roermond.com. Outlet Roermond: Bürgermeister bitten Deutsche zuhause zu bleiben – Outlet lockt trotzdem mit diesem Angebot, Outlet Roermond: Neue Regel! I, The best McArthur Glenn I've ever been. Lange galten der Urlaub in Holland und das Shoppen im Outlet Roermond als vergleichsweise sichere Aktivitäten in der Corona-Krise. We will have a closer look into your feedback and will consider it while continuously working and improving our safety and health measurements to ensure every day a safe shopping environment. Voici les horaires d'ouverture de Designer Outlet Roermond : lun - ven 10:00 - 20:00; sam - dim 09:00 - 20:00; Achetez vos billets en avance sur Tripadvisor. In some stores you couldn't try on the … Read more. Dans cette vidéo, je vous emmène avec moi et vous présente le village Outlet Roermond qui se trouve en Hollande. We are very sorry that you have had a bad feeling about your visit. Find your favourite designer brands at up to 70% off, all year round. Popular spots are always busy, but for me the best deals are found in the smaller shops. The Roermond Designer Outlet has an unparalleled collection of unique designer labels and international brands under one roof. Baumwoll-Maske richtig reinigen: So geht's! Your safety and welfare and that of our employees as well, are of the utmost importance for us. I have asked the store where my wallet could be away, they said so many Customer have lost their wallet today. 350K likes. Pendant plusieurs siècles Roermond fut membre de la Hanse et la capitale de la Gueldre supérieure. Located 2,650 feet from Designer Outlet Roermond, B&B N10 features accommodations with a bar, a shared lounge and a shared kitchen for your convenience. Response from Guest Services , Guest Relations Manager at Designer Outlet Roermond. Die Regeln sind eindeutig: Ob du dich nach Ausflug ins Outlet Roermond in Quarantäne begeben musst, hängt davon ab, wie viel Zeit du hinter der Grenze verbringst. Jetzt muss sich nur jeder persönlich die Frage stellen, ob ein Shopping-Ausflug nach Roermond, Maastricht oder Venlo derzeit das Risiko einer Infektion wert ist. L'accès Wi-Fi et le parking sont des services gratuits et cet hôtel propose également un restaurant. I ... Because of corona, there are only a number of People, who Could enter the store at the same time. Dear DavidMartijn, Thank you for taking the time to inform us about your observations in our centre. In Deutschland herrscht vielerorts Maskenpflicht, um andere zu schützen. Les voyageurs d'affaires sont ravis du petit-déjeuner gratuit. Découvrez les offres pour l'établissement Hotel Roermond Next Door, et notamment les tarifs intégralement remboursables avec annulation sans frais. Designer Outlet Roermond: Outlet de marques.. - consultez 2 301 avis de voyageurs, 798 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour Roermond, Pays-Bas sur Tripadvisor. No one is to blame, mind you. Op dinsdag 2 juni 2020 heeft de gemeenteraad van Roermond unaniem besloten een Corona-fonds van 5 miljoen euro in te richten. Anlass für die Reisewarnung sind die sprunghaft gestiegenen Corona-Infektionszahlen in den Niederlanden. Restaurants near Designer Outlet Roermond: What attractions are near Designer Outlet Roermond? (Symbolbild), Outlet Roermond jetzt auch Corona-Risikogebiet – das musst du jetzt wissen, Corona in NRW: Hohe Zahl an Todesfällen ++ Pleite in Köln: „Pascha“ dicht, Lost Places in NRW: Mann fotografiert in verlassener Klinik – er kann nicht glauben, was er dort findet, Winterberg: Nach unfassbarem Chaos-Wochenende – Besucher berichtet über Zustände im Sauerland, Wetter: Meteorologe mit schlimmer Winter-Prognose – „Ganz schön dicke Hausnummer“, „Wer wird Millionär?“: Kandidatin fällt DAS an Günther Jauch auf – „Krankenhaus und Operation“, „Bares für Rares“ (ZDF): Frau hofft auf 1.000 Euro – dann entdeckt Wolfgang Pauritsch ein entscheidendes Detail, „First Dates“: Roland Trettl begrüßt Kandidatin – ihr Tatto wirft sofort Fragen auf, Lidl-Kunde kann es nicht fassen – „Riecht ganz stark nach Abzocke!“, Bulgarien: der Verwaltungsbezirk (Oblast) Targowischte, Kroatien: die Gespanschaften Vukovarsko-srijemska, Sisačko-moslavačka, Krapinsko-zagorska županija, Slowakei: Regionen Zilina, Prešov, Bratislava, Nitra und Trnava, Slowenien: Regionen Zasavska, Gorenjska, Osrednjeslovenska und Savinjska, Ungarn: Regionen/Komitate Nógrád, Baranya, Hajdú-Bihar, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Komárom-Esztergom und Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg. Découvrez les offres pour l'établissement Theaterhotel De Oranjerie, et notamment les tarifs intégralement remboursables avec annulation sans frais. Hello guys, welcome back to my channel for watching another exciting video. I think the village should do something to provide the Customer experience. Finden Sie mehr Informationen, Adresse, Öffnungszeiten, Fotos und … If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund. Watch Queue Queue All our brands are obligated to offer prices 30% to 70% cheaper than the regular Retail prices. TV SPOT Designer Outlet Roermond. Jetzt hat das Auswärtige Amt bis auf eine einzige Provinz die komplette Niederlande zum Risikogebiet erklärt. #Happytoassist Heike. Book your tickets online for Designer Outlet Roermond, Roermond: See 2,312 reviews, articles, and 798 photos of Designer Outlet Roermond, ranked No.4 on Tripadvisor among 33 attractions in Roermond. Designer Outlet Roermond. I liked it beforehand, but now it really lives up to international standards with a good atmosphere, Stadsweide 2, 6041 TD Roermond The Netherlands. We are very sorry that your last visit was disappointing. (From US$569.73) secrets of the south (1day tour in the south of the Netherlands)Departure:AMS (From US$857.91) Self-Guided Walking Tour in Roermond with Qula City Trails (From US$35.80) See all Designer Outlet Roermond experiences on … Lange galten der Urlaub in Holland und das Shoppen im Outlet Roermond als vergleichsweise sichere Aktivitäten in der Corona-Krise. We can help you with reporting to the police and other handling. My favorite is Colombia. Unfortunately, this could lead to waiting queues. Nur die südwestlichste Provinz Zeeland ist wegen vergleichsweise niedriger Zahlen von der Warnung ausgenommen. Dear Anmar68, thank you for your review! Find your favourite designer brands at up to 70% off, all year round. L'accès Wi-Fi est un service gratuit, et cet hôtel propose également 2 restaurants et un centre de fitness. Ein Tagesausflug fällt darunter nicht. Oktober, 19 Uhr: Bereits vor dem Tag der Deutschen Einheit hatten einige niederländische Bürgermeister die Deutschen gebeten, zuhause zu bleiben. The outlet center in Roermond was recently enlarged and a few selected stores and restaurants added. Bis zu 70% sparen auf eine Vielzahl von Designermarken im McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Roermond. But you will also find such offers in ordinary shops. Helpful. Find your favourite designer brands at up to 70% off, all year round. With kind regards, your Guest Experience Team Roermond. So many thieves here, someone have stolen My wallet. Hola las chicas ! La cathédrale et … Roermond Das Designer Outlet im niederländischen Roermond hat eine Masken-Pflicht eingeführt. Enjoy your weekend. With kind regards, Your Guest Experience Team Roermond, Hotels near (AMS) Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport, Things to do near Designer Outlet Roermond, Points of Interest & Landmarks in Roermond, Surfing, Windsurfing & Kitesurfing in Roermond, Designer Outlet Roermond: Tickets & Tours, St. Christoffelkathedraal: Tickets & Tours, Het oude Kerkhof Roermond: Tickets & Tours, Saint Christoffel Cathedral: Tickets & Tours, Roermond Tourism Office: Tickets & Tours, Shoppingcenter Roercenter: Tickets & Tours, Nationaal Indie-monument: Tickets & Tours, Designer Outlet Roermond Tours and Tickets, See all 6 Designer Outlet Roermond tours on Tripadvisor. Les voyageurs d'affaires apprécient le petit-déjeuner gratuit. But They are not! We will continue to monitor the situation closely and follow advice from our local health authority. En déambulant dans les rues de la cité, classée au patrimoine historique, vous découvrirez à chaque coin de rue les vestiges d’une longue histoire. Only very few thing are indeed a bit cheaper. Ab sofort müssen Besucher ab 13 Jahre Mund … Restaurants près de Designer Outlet Roermond sur Tripadvisor : consultez 4.391 avis et 1.427 photos de voyageurs pour connaître les meilleures tables près de Designer Outlet Roermond à Roermond… This is a really bad experience i have had ever! Our beautiful setting close to the centre of Roermond and with cafes and restaurants, children’s play area, free parking and more than 150 boutiques, we have something for everyone. Private Tour to Designer Outlet Roermond: shop till' you drop! Designer Outlet Roermond: Un haut lieu du shopping! Depuis 1559 la ville est, avec une interruption de 1801 à 1853, siège épiscopal. I have asked the store where my wallet could be away, they said so many Customer have lost their wallet today. We strive to make a visit to our centre for our guests and employees as safe as possible but also to provide a nice shopping experience especially in these exceptional and extraordinary times. Zeigen Sie den Standort dieses Coffeeshops auf einer Karte an. Our cafes and restaurants have re-opened as of June 1, based on the regulations from the government. Don't be fooled. We are looking forward to welcoming you in the near future in our Designer Outlet. De website van de GGD Limburg-Noord houdt u op de hoogte van de actuele situatie in Limburg, en adviezen hoe hier mee om te gaan. they think they are all Rich! Hello? Mehr dazu erfährst du hier >>>. Because one has to make compromises I visited the outlet. We took several breaks from shopping, so we really thankful for these restaurants and cafe, The outlet center in Roermond was recently enlarged and a few selected stores and restaurants added. Keine Züge mehr zwischen Dortmund und Hamm, Wetter in NRW: Wetterdienst warnt vor Sturmböen – in der Nacht droht die nächste Gefahr. Private Tour to Designer Outlet Roermond: shop till' you drop! Outlet Roermond: Das Auswärtige Amt warnt vor einer Reise in die Niederlande. More choices of restaurants/cafes offering good foods and beverages. Naar aanleiding van de laatste aankondiging van de Nederlandse regering zijn alle winkels in Designer Outlet Roermond vanaf maandag 14 december, 20.00 uur, tot nader order gesloten. secrets of the south (1day tour in the south of the Netherlands)Departure:AMS, Self-Guided Walking Tour in Roermond with Qula City Trails, See all Designer Outlet Roermond experiences on Tripadvisor, View all hotels near Designer Outlet Roermond on Tripadvisor, View all restaurants near Designer Outlet Roermond on Tripadvisor, View all attractions near Designer Outlet Roermond on Tripadvisor. Drohen Deutschen nach dem Shopping-Ausflug zum Outlet Roermond damit Konsequenzen? Doit-on réserver en avance pour visiter Designer Outlet Roermond ? Do you need to book in advance to visit Designer Outlet Roermond? DARAUF musst du jetzt beim Shoppen achten, Bahn in NRW: Zwei Wochen Vollsperrung! We kijken ernaar uit u binnenkort weer in ons center te verwelkomen. Due to Covid-19, we are dealing with a maximum number of visitors in our centre, but also in our stores. What's the best way to see Designer Outlet Roermond? +++ Corona in NRW: Zahlen steigen weiter! Some stores are nice, but because of COVID, one had to line up. Roermond Tourism; Roermond Hotels; Roermond Bed and Breakfast; Roermond Vacation Rentals; Roermond Vacation Packages; Flights to Roermond; Roermond Restaurants; Things to Do in Roermond; Roermond Travel Forum When you care about the label on your clothes go here.. when you don’t, and care about some personal space.... don’t. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and follow advice from our local health authority. Designer Outlet Roermond: solde a roermond - consultez 2 311 avis de voyageurs, 798 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour Roermond, Pays-Bas sur Tripadvisor. Check www.designer-outlet-roermond.com.