This situation will be encouraging for you to meet the new challenges. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Gradually by 20th April 2020 there will changing of Rahu Nakshatra and change of weather condition and step-by … When we talk about the planet, transit (GrahGochar) The fourth place on the planet transit is owned by planet Mercury, Budha (Budh). The Sun, and also known as Ravi is the star in the centre of our Solar System. Children with weak memory can also be benefitted by this gem. Mars Transit 2021. It clears the confusion in mind and gives stability in life and enhances positive energy of Rahu. A deep study in the domain of astrology shows that. Transit of Saturn in third house will give positive results most of the time..... read more, This month will generally be considered favorable for those who are born with Gemini as their Moon Sign. Atmosphere at workplace may be satisfactory... read more, You may feel dullness in your family life due to lack of cooperation and understanding. Dabei interessieren wir uns oft für die “großen” Transite von langsamlaufenden Planeten wie Saturn oder Neptun. Most probably the cure will come from the North-west direction to India. Und das geht oft sogar viel besser mit den schnelllaufenden Planeten wie Merkur oder dem Mond, die ein kurzes Ereignis oder eine Tagesstimmung symbolisieren können. Dann bekommen Sie wenige Mond-Transite angezeigt. Family members will be generally supportive except spouse. Rahu presence with Jupiter may cause some hurdles at your professional front and may prevent you to reap the good results of Jupiter.... read more, After couple of years of married life some misunderstandings creeps in this relationship in the form of disagreements and differences of opinion. Subtle energy may be described as vibrating energy stored in various layers of our body... read more, Saturn is considered a malefic planet in Astrology. In other words, back in 2016, he was having advantageous astrological transit. Children also may not understand your attitude. Overall this month can be considered to give positive results most of the time during the month for those who are born with Virgo as their Moon Sign... read more, Ketu is changing its sign from 18th August 2017 and moving to Capricorn Sign. Impact of Saturn transit 2020 in Capricorn for Sagittarius Sign:- Planet Saturn will be transiting in the second house for those born with Sagittarius as their moon sign. So richtig spannend wird es aber erst, wenn man mit Hilfe unseres Wissens demnach in die Details geht. According to Hindu scriptures, Venus is also known as demon... Read More. Professional life will be generally satisfactory. It is observed that Rudraksha controls the various chakras in the body... read more, Those who are in the field of surgery, medicines, marketing, technical, computer, electricity, fire- works manufacturing, engineering etc. Wenn … If one knows date, time and place of the birth then the precise Horoscope of a person can be generated. WRITTEN BY. He will get angry soon but at the same time his anger will last no longer... read more, From 2nd November 2014, Saturn is transiting in the next house Scorpio. During the last election in 2016, Donald Trump was just beginning his Jupiter return in Libra, which is a 13 year transit in which fortunate Jupiter returns to the degree in which you were born. Venus transit is also favorable. We can understand this by taking the example of Moon; the movement of the moon affects one-zodiac sign in and for 2 ¼ (2 days and 6 hours (54 hours approx.). As per... Rahu has been placed in the eighth (8th) position in the planetary system as per Indian astrology. Like past month, professional front appears to be supportive... read more, Most of the planets are moving in favorable houses and as such this month can prove to be a favorable month for those who are born with Aquarius as their Moon Sign. Wearing Ruby can help in curing these diseases... read more, Mars is considered malefic but for Cancer and Leo ascendant, this becomes Yogkaraka and bestows the native with prosperity and wealth. There may be difference of opinions with spouse... read more, Mercury will transit in its debilitated Sign of Pisces on 28th March. In the same way, Saturn changes its zodiac in the entire two and a half years. This may enhance the possibility for Aries born to get engaged during this month if Jupiter and Venus are strong and well placed in the chart... read more, Rahu will confer materialistic pleasure but at some cost while Ketu will take away but will reward with self realization and liberation. 2020 Parallels and Conjunctions, Contra-Parallels and Oppositions – focus in on planetary alignments in the year … Jan 3. Tatiana Borsch. Moon gives negative results, if a person has debilitated Moon i.e. PLUTO. As per... Read More. „Wie man einen Pluto Transit überlebt“ – diesen sehr ansprechenden, hilfreichen und auch humorvollen Text fand ich auf der Website meiner amerikanischen Kollegin Lynn Koiner. But when placed in beneficial sign and house, he bestows a person with great wealth and fame... read more, Rudraksha bestows the wearer with overall health, wealth, prosperity and worldly pleasures and yet it keeps him unattached with this materialistic approach. 9-nov-2020 - Dit bord is mijn verzameling als astroloog. This transit will prove to be beneficial and will be able to yield favorable results. It behaves like Mars. The native will have little interest in world affairs. However, during the month, transit Saturn will give results of Scorpio Sign... read more, Mars will be transiting in Leo Sign throughout the month. You should also be alert at your workplace as someone at workplace may plan against you... read more, Like past month, most of the planets are still moving in favorable houses and as such this month can also prove to be a favorable month for those who are born with Aquarius as their Moon Sign. Doch die Transite eines jeden Planeten, und auch die von Sonne und Mond, haben ihren Platz in der Astrologie. Here are the general predictions of Ketu in different houses of a chart.... read more, Rahu is a powerful and malefic planet. Transit of Moon in Signs and Nakshatras and Transit of Planets in Signs according to Vedic | Sidereal System (Nirayan Indian System) of Astrology In Vedic Astrology, the planetary transits (called gochar in Indian Astrology) are important to understand the effects of planets on an individual at a given moment. Nachdem ich noch nie trefflichere Praxis-Tipps zum Umgang mit Pluto gelesen hatte, bat ich Lynn, diesen Text veröffentlichen zu dürfen. Wherein at the same time, for Mars and Jupiter change occurs in one zodiac sign in the Sava year 2 ¼ (2 years and 3 months or 820 days approx.). Der September bietet eine Vielzahl von Aspekten. Jupiter has moved to fourth house past month bringing some good hope. Bisher las ich über Transite immer wieder mal in Robert Hands Standartwerk. 2020 ist ein auch aus astrologischer Sucht besonderes Jahr und keiner von uns wird es wohl je wieder vergessen. In any case, the results may not be severe for any rashi or for any three phases of Sade-sati... read more, Financial position is likely to improve in coming months. 2020 Astrological Aspects – color-coded lists of transit to transit aspects in 2020. Remedies suggested by him are traditional and time tested comprising of mantra therapy, charity, pujas, offering prayers, gem and rudraksha therapy, Saturn is transiting in his own house in Capricorn from 24th January 2020. In Indian Astrology, the benefic or malefic result of planets has been categorized according to the Ascendant. Discover what 2020 has in store for you with our 2020 horoscopes today! 999 pins • 267 volgers. Saturn Transit in Capricorn 2017-2020; Astrology and Addiction; Depression and Suicide Indicators; Dwarf Planets Astrology; Heliocentric Nodes; Career When Changes Happen; Money in the Chart; Fixed Stars; Personal Growth with Astrology; Find an Astrologer; Mercury Retrograde; Is Mercury Retrograde? Face it and adopt these simple TEN steps to minimize the biting effect of depression... read more, Subtle energies are unseen forces which can fulfill the life of an individual with immense energy to bring upon overall improvement in the life. Jupiter is also transiting your first house and will show its positive results at a slow pace. Also we are providing free astrology. Moon Sign born Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn will have good results of this transit. As with any birthing process, the year will involve enduring labor pains in order to introduce a new life. Bhakoota is directly related to the mental plane of husband and wife... read more, This bead is also recommended to those who are unmarried and seeking suitable soul mate for happy married life. Transite können für jedes der Kreuze angewendet werden. If we try to make you understand this by giving an example, there was an era when the East India Company has ruled the whole world. Ego keeps us trapped and do not provide opportunities to come out of our self... read more, Mars will transit from 20 February 2016 to 16 June 2016 in Scorpio which is his own sign. Sun is also supposed to bestow great political power and fame. In Astrology, Jupiter has very important role to play for a native to lead a successful and religious life. Rahu Transit 2020. You may feel restless due to the reason beyond your control.... read more, This transit of Jupiter will prove to be favorable for those who are born with Cancer as their Moon Sign. Sun is by far the most vital source, A lunar eclipse or a Chandra Grahan occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the Earth and into its shadow. Impatient, straight-spoken and quick in nature, he believes in direct actions. Second half of the month is auspicious. Uranus in Aries; Saturn in Sagittarius; Uranus Jupiter Conjunction; Jupiter Transit in Scorpio October … This is also a favorable time for those who are in love and want to get married with each other.... read more, Most of major planets are moving in favorable houses and as such this month can prove to be a flourishing one for those who are born with Aquarius as their Moon Sign. Select Astrologer - Select Minutes - Verify Number, 2020 is your year! Some auspicious ceremony may take place at home. Ich habe grade nach astrologischen Prognosen für das Jahr 2020 gesucht, weil ich gehört habe das in der vedischen Astrologie gesagt wird dass immer wenn der Saturn im Steinbock ist so grausige Sachen passiert sind wie der erste und zweite Weltkrieg, Hitlers Diktatur, 9/11 usw. Transite Sandra Bohac 2020-08-04T11:28:51+02:00. First half of the month may give more favorable results... read more, This month will be favorable. Doch wenn man die großen Zyklen der Astrologie kennt, dann verbirgt sich hinter all diesen Entwicklungen eine höhere Ordnung. Ego may be in the bottom of this disturbance. Natal Saturn Conjunct Pluto. Alternatively, there are many such events already happened in history, which suggests that similar kind of events happen in a different part of the world in specific time duration. The planet is the Key significator of energy and vigor. In Vedic Astrology, Planetary Transits has an important significance. According to Hindu scriptures, planet Mercury. How To Slay Your Goals In 2020 According To Your Energetic Blueprint. Das mag auf den ersten Blick beängstigend erscheinen. Related Stories. Mars in the sign of Scorpio is goal oriented and has the strong quality to exploit others. Book … The world will be able to find out the possible medication and anti-dote for it. The 30-minutes of phone consultancy with the astrologer Umesh Pant… Price: ₹ 1101 Delivery : 24 Hrs Know More. On 13th April 2020 Sun transit to its exalted state into Aries and becomes Mighty and will surely help us to find the cure of Corona Virus. Lifestyle. The results will be exceptionally good for those working in the field of research. Seniors and higher authorities will be supportive... read more, You may feel satisfied with the help of some influential person. Mit dem Artikel Astrologie 2020 konnten wir Ihnen nur einen groben Einblick in die übergeordneten Strömungen im neuen Jahr geben. As per Vedic Astrology, every planet has a varying speed of movement hence every planet impact one’s life differently. Astrology not only emphasises the inclination of an individual towards a particular field but it also helps in finding out the suitable sector of career... read more, Sunafa Yoga is formed when there is/are some planet/planets (except Sun, Rahu and Ketu) in the second house from Moon. When we talk about the planet transit, the sixth place in the planet transit is owned by planet Venus (Shukra Grah). However, the true picture can be ascertained only after looking at the other planetary position i.e. Horoscope is also known as Kundali, Jatakama, Janma Patrika, Patrika and Birthchart. Some auspicious ceremony may take place take at your home. Jupiter is transiting your fifth house during this period which will give auspicious results. This is also known as Morning Star and can be easily recognized when seen in the north direction early in the morning... read more, Sun represent father, moon mother, Mars and Mercury younger brother and sisters and Jupiter elder brother. When we talk about the transit of planets, in their houses planet Saturn is placed in 7th house. -All data calculated with Pathfinder- JUPITER. Rahu is the material world, Ketu is the spiritual world. Transite sind wohl heutzutage die wichtigste Prognosemethode überhaupt. The health of your mother can be a major cause of worry. The Dawn of … He suffers from water related diseases and always complains of cough and catarrh... read more, Weak Mercury causes difference of opinions between husband and wife and brings stiffness in the relationship which may result in divorce.Exalted Mercury will make its native a successful businessman... read more, Saturn is the lord of two auspicious houses namely 4th house and 5th house representing Capricorn and Aquarius Signs. … Projekt Beschreibung. If placed adversely in the chart, Ketu can cause lack of confidence... read more, This month will give mixed results. This can occur only When in planetary transit the Sun, The Earth, and The Moon are precisely or rather almost aligned. Followings are the results of Great Jupiter in various houses of a horoscope... read more, From 31st January 2016, Rahu will move to Leo and will remain there till 17th August 2017. Kanni Rasi Palan, Kanya Rasiphalalu, Kanni Rashi predictions 2020-2021. Mars wird im Widder rückläufig, Jupiter und Saturn werden direktläufig. Sagittarius 0° Jan … For this other aspects should also be examined e.g. Dit bord is mijn … Saturn transit in fourth house may cause unnecessary tensions and may keep you agitated... read more, This month will give average results. 2020 new year resolutions predictions. Jupiter Transit 2019-2020, Saturn Transit 2020, Rahu Ketu Transit, Sun Transit and Other. If we talk about planet transit, the moon has a very significant role out of all the ‘Navagrahas’ (nine planets), as per... Our mission is to provide premium astrology consultation to our clients at unbeatable price. Bhakoota is 7th in the Ashtkoota. Werden Saturn, Uranus, Neptun und Pluto rückläufig, zeigt sich ihre Wirkung nur im Transit auf das persönliche Horoskop. Love Daily love tarot True love tarot Love potential tarot All love tarot → Unique … You will feel enlightened and will be inclined to earn more knowledge... read more, For Aries: Result of Rahu Transit in Virgo from 12th July 2014:- Rahu would be occupying sixth house of your chart. Sie sind jetzt gespannt? Also we are providing free astrology services like Daily Horoscope, Weekly Horoscope, Yearly Horoscope, Blogs, and Free Online Kundli software. Date. Our 2021 Yearly Horoscope Prediction is based on major and minor planetary transits i.e. His prediction comprises of deep observation of houses, nature of planets, their position and strength in a horoscope. Kanya Rashi Shani Transit 2020-2023 Predictions Uttara or Uttara Falguni Nakshatra 2, 3, 4 padas (charans), […] He gives them great opportunity and power to rise in the politics through any means fair or unfair. Sometimes, you may notice that your harsh attitude is also responsible for such situation... read more, Professional front is favorable but over confidence should be avoided. Aspekte spielen allerdings in der essensichen Astrologie keine Rolle und werden nur in seltenen Fällen mitgedeutet. However, strength and degree, placement and Mahadasha/Antardasha of a planet in a chart may amplify or lessen the results... read more, Transit of Planets in 2016-17 (Panchang 2016)... read more, Mars will transit from 24 December 2015 to 20 February 2016 in Libra Sign. This also applies when you deal with your spouse. Keep it handy for easy reference with your consultations! While the planets which are closer have little or impact for a lesser duration while the planets which are far in orbits impact for longer times or even for decades. The year 2020 is a threshold to cross, a pause between the way it has been and the way it will be, necessitating a confrontation with all the difficult challenges in need of a remedy within civilization. This Brexit astrology interpretation takes a brief look at the Brexit horoscope show why it is has been so difficult to reach agreement, and why it is causing so much hostility. In astrology, Mars indicates authority and strong longings. Jupiter and Pluto will invite a deepening of growth, digging into the roots of circumstance to discover what truly matters. So it is a key planet for Lawyers, sales professionals, artists, and scientists. Consult with our top astrologers to know all about your year, month and day. Financially you may feel comfortable but still you will have to work harder to develop extra sources of income. We will be able to regenerate vision for possibility through dealing with … The movement by all the planets or the planet transits affects the life of all living creatures on earth, which included all the other forms of living bodies. Die ausführliche Version und ein 1 bis 2stündiger Vortrag können. Income from real estate is also indicated... read more, Saturn will change its Sign this month after a long time. Apart from Manglik and other factors for match making, this fact should also kept in mind... read more, Career is one of the most important aspects of an individual. There should be an improvement in the ability to fight back with adverse situations... read more, Seventh house in the horoscope is considered for various marriage aspects like delay in marriage, timing of marriage, compatibly, success of married life and so on. Jupiter will transit in your fifth house. Die mächtigen Transformationsimpulse der Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter-Konjunktion 2020 haben nicht genügend notwendige Veränderungen im globalen Menschheitsprozess freigesetzt. Venus will be transiting in Cancer Sign in the beginning of the month and will move to next sign of Leo on 15th September 2017... read more, Here predictions of each Sign for the year 2018 are based on the Moon Sign. Click … The Vedic legend says that Mercury is the offspring of Jupiter and Moon, hence it has the characteristics of both of these planets. This transit will have generally mixed results except a few signs that will not get the desired results during this transit ... read more, This is the month when you need to make cordial relations with others. Kanya Rasi (Virgo moon sign or Virgo zodiac sign) is the sixth among 12 Rashi systems of Hindu Astrology. Facebook Post Tweet Copy Link. Body parts that are ruled by Mercury are the arms, ear, lungs and nervous system... read more, In the horoscope of a woman, Jupiter is the signficator (Karak) of his husband and happy married life. This is the time when you can get reward of your hard work done in the past at your workplace. Mars will transit in Capricorn till 3rd January 2015... read more, Natural benefic planets cannot be considered benefic for all the ascendants. You can also consult with well-known astrologers across the country on In Vedic Astrology, Ascendant and Moon play very important role in predicting the future events. Horoscopes. What will be the impact of planetary transit 2020 on your zodiac sign? Mercury is the Key significator of one’s communication skills, analytical abilities, and intellect. Im Oktober gibt es zwei Vollmonde, im Widder und im Stier. As with any birthing process, the year will involve enduring labor pains in order to introduce a new life. Even the boy who is facing such problems is suggested to perform this puja... read more, Mars, Saturn, Sun, Dragon's Head (Rahu) and Dragon's Tail (Ketu) have adverse effect on marriage if these planets are associated with seventh house or its lord. Saturn will be transiting in Sagittarius Sign in the beginning of the year 2020. Mars in Sagittarius. Money Health Numerology Birthday 2021 Planetary More → Articles . Hier also die etwas gekürzte und übersetzte Fassung – herzlichen […]