: +49 (202) 439-2446 Students can embark on the MA programme either in the summer or in the winter semester. 20 42119 Wuppertal Germany Tel. Für Studierende, die ihren Master-Studiengang (M.Sc., ISW) mit einer Master-Thesis an unserem Lehrstuhl beenden wollen, gilt eine einheitliche Bewerbungsfrist.Für das Sommersemester endet diese am 15.01., für das Wintersemester am 15.06. The master's programme in management is composed of four semesters, in which students complete a total of 120 credits. Bergische Universität Wuppertal FK 08, I 16.72, Frau Linn Klunk, Gaußstr. They can specialise not only in the classical domains of economic policy, public 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr. Derzeit können aufgrund der Maßnahmen in Zusammenhang mit dem Corona-Virus leider keine Sprechstunden angeboten werden, bitte wenden Sie sich daher per Mail an uns. Master of Science (M.Sc.) The Master's programme in International Economic Policy is an internationally oriented programme which aims at preparing students for applying rigorous theoretical and empirical economic analysis to a wide range of issues relevant for business and public policy. Our 2-year Master Program Applied Economics, taught in English, prepares you for the challenges of a career in international organizations and multinational companies in the international economic arena. A Bachelor's Degree in an economics program which ranks you amongst at least the top 65% of graduates of your cohort. Our Master’s programme is for you if you have an above-average Bachelor’s degree in economics or political science or are in your last year of your undergraduate degree, you have a keen interest in quantitative theoretical and empirical methods and their application in various policy fields, and Both specializations share a common methodological basis and are research oriented. Brief muster 22+ bewerbung auslandssemester motivationsschreiben uni mannheim wu master wwu wiwi bewerbungen - fahigkeiten bewerbung. You benefit from small course sizes in which you learn together with students from all over the world. To participate in this seminar, write an email to juessen@wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de and indicate whether (and when) you have attended the module "International Economics" (MWiWi 2.8) or "Dynamic Quantitative Economics" (MWiWi 2.8). Stop by the common room of the student council in N.11.11 to get advice or simply to have a cup of coffee, chat with other students, or to relax after a long day of classes. Die Sprechstunden der Mitarbeiter*innen fallen aufgrund der verschärften Corona-Lage und der von der Landesregierung beschlossenen Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Sozialkontakten bis auf Weiteres aus. Hinweise zur Einschreibung. Home / Brief Muster / 22+ Bewerbung Auslandssemester. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Anfragen zu Eingangsbestätigungen sowie zum Bearbeitungsstand, oder zum Status einer Bewerbung allgemein, nicht beantwortet werden. The standardized procedure for the recognition of academic achievements abroad at the Schumpeter School and various scholarship opportunities support your international efforts. In three seminars, which fit thematically to a compulsory or elective module, current topics of economics are discussed and presented in the form of a scientific paper. Bildungswissenschaft - Lehren und Lernen Master of Arts (M.A.) Study visits to major institutions such as the European Commission or the European Central Bank are an integral part of the International Economic Policy (IEP) specialization. Master’s degree programs – overview. During the course of the program you will develop key competencies that are crucial for a modern economist, such as the independent evaluation and analysis of data and the derivation of policy suggestions based on a solid theoretical foundation. Citizens from countries outside the European Union/European Economic Area without a German Higher Education Entrance Qualification and without a German university certifi-cate (Bachelor degree) What effects do they have on the real economy? During these visits, successful alumni of our program will share valuable insights into these organizations including career opportunities or the application and selection processes. Master programme in Business Administration Important Information about applications Winter semester 2020/21 Version: June 2020 . business administration, economics, methods of economics, business informatics, business mathematics, business education). The special role of international organizations in times of crisis is also taken into account. wenn Ergebnisse von bereits … Schon jetzt finden Sie hier allgemeine Informationen zu den Masterstudiengängen. The "Applied Economics" program teaches these skills. Please make sure to send the email to the correct address (sek.fallgatter{at}wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de) as we cannot take your application into consideration otherwise. In addition, three seminars are to be studied. consulting firms, banks and insurance companies) as well as in a multitude of international institutions, the analysis and interpretation of data is a determining basis for efficient decision-making. Get informed. Die Bewerbungsverfahren für das Sommersemester 2021 beginnt voraussichtlich Mitte Januar 2021. Information on the application process at the faculty and contact persons can be found here. You will be able to apply independently the appropriate empirical methods depending on the question and to draw conclusions from the results. Our Master Program prepares you for careers in the following areas: As a student of our program, you will benefit from our extensive international network and contacts to leading institutions such as the EBRD (London), the OECD (Paris), the IMF/World Bank (Washington DC), the World Trade Organization (Geneva), and the Bank for International Settlements(Basel). How do the global financial markets function? Wirtschaftswissenschaften Studium Master of Science Economics Bewerbung. Email: bajraktari@wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de Office: L.12.16 Master: Friedrisch-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, Master of Science Program in International Economic Policy Research : Advanced Studies Program at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) Research Interests: International and Regional Economics, Macroeconomics Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Prüfung, ob Sie die Zugangsvoraussetzungen erfüllen, ausschließlich im Rahmen des Bewerbungsprozesses durchgeführt werden kann. The portfolios of our professors represent a diverse spectrum of economic topics. Information on requirements (academic degree, language skills); Information on assigning of study spots; Apply... with a German academic degree... with an international academic degree; Application time. You will come to understand the role and significance of theory as the basis of empirical research. The Master program in Applied Economics is supported by a continuously growing team. Students have to be admitted to the master’s programme International Economic Policy to apply for the Double Degree Programme. Bioinformatik und Systembiologie * Master of Science (M.Sc.) fahigkeiten bewerbungfahigkeiten bewerbung fahigkeitenbewerbung.com. For more information, please visit the website of the EIIW. In contrast to pure statistics or econometrics, the focus is on practical application. Ein Beispielvideo der Zentralen Studienberatung für die Bewerbung zum kombinatorischen Bachelor finden Sie hier. Alle relevanten Informationen erhalten Sie ab diesem Zeitpunkt auf diesen Seiten. Three modules are to be studied from the elective area. A master’s degree qualifies for entry into many professions. The specialization International Economic Policy is the perfect choice if you are interested in international political issues and are looking for a career in international organizations or international companies. You can find further information on the website of the Centre for Foreign Contacts. Direkt zur Schnellnavigation: Informationen für, Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Prüfungsamtes, wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Masterstudiengänge, Startseite Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft - Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, Hier finden Sie Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen. Registration Informal registration until April 3, 2017 : If you are interested in participating in this seminar, write an email to juessen{at}wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please first consult the FAQ. The examination regulations and any changes can be found in the official announcements of the University. In the master's programme, students deepen their knowledge of the business area of management. In addition to a written thesis, at least 6 credit points must have been acquired through one or more term papers or seminar papers that meet scientific standards. A non-binding English translation of the examination regulations can be found here. Dort wird geprüft, ob Sie die, in der Prüfungsordnung des gewünschten Masterstudiengangs festgelegten Zugangsvoraussetzungen erfüllen. RUB on social networking sites. Our 2-year Master Program Applied Economics, taught in English, prepares you for the challenges of a career in international organizations and multinational companies in the international economic arena. Chair holder: Prof. Dr. Werner Bönte Schumpeter School of Business and Economics Room M.12-27 Gaußstr. 20 42119 Wuppertal Bei Fragen beachten Sie bitte zunächst die Antworten auf die FAQ oder melden sich gegebenenfalls unter zugang.master{at}uni-wuppertal.de . Für Fragen zu Studieninhalten oder zur Studienorganisation steht Ihen die Studienfachberatung zur Verfügung. Our program is the perfect starting point for human capital formation, networking and international activities - aspects that are crucial for your future in business, consulting or politics. How are institutions such as the EU, ASEAN or Mercosur structured and how do economic integration processes function? Other important Student Services include: The Language Learning Institute, BUW's Career Service; or the offers by the ZSB. It is also possible for you to gain practical experience through a research-oriented internship (elective module). You will acquire the ability to assess the significance of empirical studies with regard to the questions asked and to question critically the significance of empirical results. The student council team is actively involved in the orientation phase and also offers consultations in several languages. Mo - Mi 10 - 11 Uhr & Mo - Mi 13 - 14 Uhr. This master's program is designed for students who hold a bachelor's degree in economics or business administration and, thus, have acquired extensive prior knowledge in this field. Through our team of dedicated professors, you will gain access to an extensive network of leading national and international organizations and institutions. finden Sie hier. The specialization Empirical Analysis is the perfect choice if you are interested in empirical and quantitative analysis. In addition to applying to the Examination Board, you may also have to apply for matriculation at the Student Secretariat. Critical reflection, personal responsibility and an active discourse between teachers and students are essential components of the program. You … Contact. University of Wuppertal Gaussstrasse 20 D-42119 Wuppertal Germany. Selected questions include: What role do international organizations such as the IMF or the World Bank play in the global economy? frambach{at}wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de Sprechstunde: Mo. Likewise, policy advice should be based on empirical evidence, for which large amounts of data have to be analyzed today. Degrees in related subjects might be considered if you have acquired at least 90 ECTS credits from economic or quantitative methods courses. We attach great importance to problem-based learning using modern teaching methods. You can choose between two future-oriented specializations: International Economic Policy (IEP) and Empirical Analysis (EA). Everything else is as described in the procedure for admission in the winter semester, below (your contact person for summer semester placement is Linn Klunk). In the specialization "International Economic Policy", you analyze the impact of economic policy instruments and can derive policy recommendations from economic theory and empirical analysis. At least 100 credit points (according to ECTS) of the Bachelor program must have been attained in economics (e.g. Please note the information on the application process and for international applicants in the area of Master's applications on the pages of the examination board. An application for the program is possible for both summer and winter semesters. The University of Wuppertal offers you a wide range of support services throughout your studies and beyond. wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse an unseren wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Masterstudiengängen. Data protection statement. For your academic questions regarding the program or courses, our professors and their team are always approachable. The MSc program Applied Economics interacts with the following institutions at the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics: EEIW - European Institute for International Economic Relations, Europäisches Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (EIIW), WIB- Wuppertal Research Institute for the Economics of Education, WIB - Wuppertaler Institut für bildungsökonomische Forschung, Center for Health Economics and Health Services Research, Bergisches Kompetenzzentrum für Gesundheitsökonomik und Versorgungsforschung. In today’s world, graduates are faced with special challenges in terms of combining theoretical knowledge and empirical analysis. You can find some of our lectures online at: Modern International Macroeconomics. bewerbung-master{at}wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de. Eve Hinton Brief Muster April 09th, 2020 - 06:46:06. Biologie Applicants with a Bachelor's Degree from Germany are subject to these application periods of the Examination Board of the faculty: To start your studies in the summer semester: mid-January to early March To start your studies in the winter semester: mid-June to mid-August The exact application deadlines are always published at the start of each application process. E-Mail: ellmann{at}uni-wuppertal.de. Direkt zur Schnellnavigation: Informationen für, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, Master's applications on the pages of the examination board, MWiWi 4.9 Regression and Time Series Analysis, MWiWi 2.17 Game Theory and Experimental Economics, MWiWi 2.5 International Macroeconomics and Globalization, MWiWi 1.19 International Corporate Governance, MWiWi 1.9 Kapitalmarkttheorie und Portfoliomanagement, MWiWi 2.3 Employment Theories and Policies. The second specialization Empirical Analysis has a strong focus on empirical, quantitative and experimental economic research with a national and international perspective. Postfach: M.11.25. Allgemeines zur Bewerbung. Master Applied Economics; Hauptnavigation Ende. A master’s degree qualifies, as a rule, for doctoral studies. Proof of English language proficiency at level "C1" of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or an equivalent recognized language examination (in particular TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate) for non-English-speaking applicants. If it is not possible to prove a relative grade, the overall grade (decimal grade) of at least "2.5" must be proven. Suche. May 1st - May 31st for the winter semester; December 1st - January 15th for the summer semester 2021; Enroll. Their research has been published in established journals, including Research Policy, American Economic Journal, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Health Economics, and many others. The focus of this specialization is on theoretical analysis and modeling. The programme is divided between a course phase (1-3 semesters) and writing a master's thesis (4th semester). The Applied Economics program offers the unique combination of theoretical, institutional and empirical analysis with a focus on the issues and topics of the real world and the global economy. We will give you feedback if you can write your thesis at our chair about one month after the deadline. (⇒ Student Council). The lecture „Game Theory“ is part of the economic module „Game Theory and Experimental Economics“. UNIVERSITY OF WUPPERTAL The University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) was established in 1972. It is home to seven faculties with many research institutes, including those with a focus on International Economic Relations and Entre - preneurship and Innovation Research. Last Update: 2020-09-11 | Responsible: Contect & Tech. Sollten danach Fragen zum Bewerbungsverfahren, den Zulassungsbedingungen und den Formalia offen bleiben, können Sie uns gerne kontaktieren. You can enroll after you received your letter of acceptance. 22+ Bewerbung Auslandssemester. Startseite > Lehre > Master > Advanced Microeconomics; Advanced Microeconomics. MWiWi 2.16 Economics of Market Imperfections, EU, OECD, UN and similar international organizations, Industry and other associations and federations, Consultancy firms (including management consulting). Imprint Data Protection Statement. The application deadline is May, 6th 2020. compulsory statements. Publication details. bewerben, andere Fristen gelten. Contact Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Die Bewerbungsphase für das Wintersemester 2020/2021 ist vorbei und das Bewerbungsverfahren für das Sommersemester 2020 beginnt voraussichtlich Mitte Januar 2021. Applicants with a Bachelor's Degree that was not obtained in Germany apply via uni assist. Bitte lesen Sie zunächst alle auf dieser Internetseite angebotenen Informationen, sorgfältig durch. You solve a specific international economic policy problem or work on theoretical and empirical questions. Address: University of Wuppertal, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, Gaußstraße 20, 42119 Wuppertal, Germany Email: bredemeier@wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de Affiliations University of Wuppertal, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, Professor of Applied Economics IZA (Insitute for the Study of Labor), Research Fellow Personal Data We wish to help our students to study efficiently and achieve their goals, as well as acquiring crucial skills related to their employment, and to become part of a lifelong professional network. Social Networking Sites. bewerbung fÜr einen master of education Wenn Sie Lehrer*in werden wollen, finden Sie hier Informationen dazu, wie Sie sich für ein Masterstudium mit dem Abschluss Master of Education (M.Ed.) Specialization Empirical Analysis: Prof. Dr. Falko Jüßen Schumpeter School of Business and Economics Tel: +49 (0)202 439 5113 E-Mail: juessen{at}wiwi.uni-wuppertal… All modules of the compulsory area are to be studied. Sprechstunde: Mo.+Di.+Do. Bitte beachten Sie, dass für internationale Bewerberinnen und Bewerber, die sich über uni-assist e.V. 20, 42119 Wuppertal Please mark the envelope: Bewerbung Master Strategische Innovation. Ein Beispielvideo der Zentralen Studiendenberatung für die Bewerbung auf einen zulassungsfreien Studiengang finden Sie hier. 1. Self-Assessment Test International Economic Policy. Biochemistry and Biophysics Master of Science (M.Sc.) It is aimed at economists as well as at quantitatively- or empirically-oriented business economists. The master’s programme in Economics at the University of Münster extends over four semesters and is a follow-on to a BA course. Master Studies; Doctoral Studies; Research; Vacancies Imprint. Hier finden Studieninteressierte mit deutscher Hochschulzugangsberechtigung den Weg zum Studium. Take the Self-Assessment Tests for the specializations to find out what prior knowledge is required to successfully complete the program. 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr. Information on the participating lecturers can be found on this page. Informationen zum Bewerbungsprozess bei uni-assist e.V. bewerbung-master{at}wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de. Students successfully completing this programme will receive a legally accredited Master’s degree in International Economic … Please send a short CV, a motivation letter and copy of your bachelor degree to Michaela Briglmeir, ausland@wiwi.uni-wuerzburg.de. Bergische Universität Wuppertal Zulassung Master Psychologie Z.01.08 Max-Horkheimer-Str. Depending on your choice of focus and modules, your study path could, for example, include integrated study visits to major institutions such as the European Commission or the European Central Bank. Voluntary internships at the European Institute for International Economic Relationships (EIIW) are available (with salary and limited availability). You will also be able to develop and evaluate comparative studies on alternative policy approaches in an international context. Legal references. For master students: MWiMi 2.8: International Economics prior to attending this seminar. ( ⇒ Schumpeter School Alumni). However, the relative grade always counts first and not the decimal grade! Telefon: +49 (0) 202 439 3451. Game Theory. You will be familiar with the basic econometric, quantitative and experimental methods used, among other things, to identify causal economic relationships. Current Announcements. wib[at]wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de. Proof of German language proficiency at least at level "A2" of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for non-German-speaking applicants. Furthermore, the high degree of internationalization of the program enables you to identify the international perspective of economic policy action and to develop and communicate well-founded policy recommendations for relevant target groups. Neben der Bewerbung/Anmeldung zur Immatrikulation über das Onlineportal ist zusätzlich eine Bewerbung direkt bei der zuständigen Fakultät erforderlich. Zulassungen sind bis zu einem bestimmten Datum gültig. Sprechstunde: Gebäude M Ebene 11 Raum 09: Do 11 - 12 Uhr. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Anfragen zu Eingangsbestätigungen sowie zum Bearbeitungsstand, oder zum Status einer Bewerbung allgemein, nicht beantwortet werden. Due to the current pandemic, we are currently offering lectures and classes online. Sollten noch Leistungspunkte für eine Anmeldung zur Masterarbeit fehlen (bspw.