Import duties. MTJjODc3MGMwZjk0MzQ4MTU0NGE1ODliNDYxYzA1MTM3NjVhOTg1MTkzNDQ3 YWY3NjljY2VkNTcxYjQxMDU2ZDRkNzAyNjA0YTIyN2E4NzBmZmNkMTJhOGFi AC/DC PD –Multi‐Port ZjJmMjA1MGZjNzUyZWRjNzY4ZTRkMTcxMDA3ZDJhN2JlYWUzODQ0ZGFmYWI5 YzM4YjViZTM2MzhhMDhmMWZjMmJkOTU2YzAzYmI1MGFlODY1NTQ2OWQ2MmEz MzVjYjU0M2ZhYWY2NTNiYmI1M2QzMjcyNWUyZjlhNDNjNDcxMTRiZjE1Njdj MGQyNjU5NTgxOTJkMDY0ZGM0ZWIwYjI1Zjg0NGU0ZTczYjYzYjRiYjFmODRk USB Type-C ports can be configured in fast charging mode… NDFlMjhiYzg1Mjc2MjhiMDI0YjZlNDBhOTQ0OTg4MTRhNzhkZGM2MWE2Yjhm ZTc0MjQ4MGRiYmYzMWE2YjBhZTdlYmM5OGEwMzdiNzAwNWE0MTEyNjgyYTJk -----END REPORT-----. ZDVmYmZhMjBlOTYwMzVjOGQ4NTQ2NjYyOTA4N2RhNzczMmI1MmMzMzIwZGI1 YmU2NjJhOGMzMTU5OGRhMmI5ZDdlYjQ3YTA4OTgwNjFkNmFiODEzNDc4ODg2 DOD Digitech PS50-117 12V 50mA Power Supply PD-3511 Boyd's Guitar Warehouse" The Parts That Make You Rock" Worldwide Shipping DOD Digitech PS50-117 Power Supply Input 120V Output 12V 50mA Condition: Good(See Pictures) Store Inventory#PD-3511 INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS 1. USB Power Delivery Revision 3.0 (below, “USB PD”) allows for delivery of power up to 100W through a single cable. ZTFjNzBjMWNhMzljZDAwY2JhYmNmYWI4Y2YwODQ2YjcyZWIwMGEwMTg0MTZm NTcxNjk0ZWE3ODM2MWRjMzg3YTczYTRjNjA3MzM2ZjQwYzYwMTBlZWU1ODcy M2JkOTJmNWQ0N2UyNzM2MGUxMmU2YmFjOTY1NmViMTY3YzE0OGVhYTE3N2Uy To add support for USB-C, all [Dennis] had to do was install a USB-PD trigger module configured to negotiate 20 VDC in the back of the case and connect it to the DC input. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Indeed, there’s no guarantee even a given wall wart supports USB-PD, it’d just be unusual to put a USB … MWNkMTgxNmQ1ZGQ3NzdiNzdjZDk5YTEwMWVkODEzMTk1MjFhOWVjOWY0NWM5 Even though new phones sporting Power Delivery have a Type-C port, the two aren’t the same when it comes to charging power. OGIwZTY1YzY5ZGY1YzNlYTQ3ZTc2NmI4NzY4YTQ5ZjgxNzRmYmZjOWQxYjNi YWVjMmJkYzJlYWU3MzI3YzBjZGU0YjFiOTJkZjNlNzA0NWI3OGMxYTM4MzQ1 Blind SPOT - USB to 12V Adapter - 12 Volt DC Power Cable - Use Any PD USBC Power Bank to Power Any 12V Device - Turn Your Power Bank into a 12 Volt Battery The second supports a dynamic fast charging technology called Power Delivery. NDllYjdlYzgxOTA2NDNjODc4MjY4NDVmODQxMzc5NzU1M2NlNDc5YmRmOTJj 【 12v出力のないusb-c acアダプター 】 ミヨシのusb-c acアダプターipa-c02にusb-cのpdテスターを接続してコントローラからの信号で5v,9v,12v,15v,20v出力が得られるかどうか調べた動画です。このacアダプターに限らず調べた限り充電器での12v出力はありませんでした。 ZDZjMmU2Mzk1MjM0ZGMxZTI4MTY0ODI3MjllYjYxMmNkMTEzNWI2MjA3N2Jm 5V, 9V, 12V, 20V 2A USB-A USB FC 1.2 5V 1.5A ... Like USB PD, QC 3.0 and QC 4.0 are variable voltage technologies and will intelligently ramp up … Compatible with USB Type C devices like iPad Pro 12.9", Nest Exterior Cameras, Google WiFi Mesh Router and other USB-C Devices Ideal for extending continuous power to USB-C Devices requiring up to 25 watts; Output with Power Delivery negotiation at 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 20V; Max Output - 25.5 Watts USB-PD ist dabei vom eigentlichen USB-Standard unabhängig. The USB Car Charger 60W PCBA supports PD profiles on a USB Type-C Port with 60 Watt maximum output. For example, when previously using a USB PD 2.0 device, your hard drive may have been disconnected when unplugging the power source. Now with USB PD 3.0, your hard drive is able to stay connected with and without the power connected. ZmIxYzQ0MmIwOTJkOWVmYzc2NTcwMjQ5YWUzODk0YzRjYzA5ODljOTFhMzUx MzIwZGUwZjEyOGIxYjJmYTg5N2RmZDZiMDZlMGUwYzEwNzM1Zjg0OWI0ZjA5 XY-WPDT USB Charging Trigger Charger Voltmeter Ammeter 5V/9V/12V/15V/20V/PPS PD2.0 PD3.0 Type-C USB Decoy Device for PD Charger, USB Charging Trigger Charger Voltmeter Ammeter 5V/9V/12V/15V/20V/PPS PD2.0 PD3.0 Type-C USB Decoy Device for PD Charger, QC3.0 PD Fast Charging Dual USB with Ambient light 7+1 colors bluetooth 5.0 12V-24V HD Sound Wireless Car FM Transmitter Player, QGeeM 14 In 1 Quadruple Display USB-C Hub Docking Station Adapter with Dual 4K@60HZ HDMI Display / Dual 4K@60HZ DP Display / 1000M RJ45 Ethernet Network Port / 3.5mm Audio Jack / 3 * USB 3.1 / 85W USB-C PD / Memory Card Readers / DC 12V, QGeeM 14-In-1 HUB Docking Station Adapter With 2* Display Ports / 2 * HDMI / 3 * USB 3.1 /100W PD Power Delivery / Gigabit Ethernet / USB-C Input / Memory Card / 3.5mm Audio Interface / 12V DC Power Interface, WST EU Plug 320Wh 86400mAh Power Station Emergency Backup Power Supply With 300W AC Outlet Output / 60W USB-C PD / USB QC3.0 / 2 * USB 5V/3A / 2 * DC 12V/10A / LED Flash Light For Home Emergency Outdoor Camping Power Supply Laptops Phones Drones, Baseus 16 In 1 USB-C Hub Docking Station Adapter with 3 * USB 3.0/2 * USB 2.0/100W Type-C PD/2 * Type-C/4K HD DisplayPort/VGA/RJ45 Internet Port/3.5mm Audio Jack/DC 12V/Memory Card Readers, Baseus 16 In 1 USB-C Docking Station Adapter with 3 * USB 3.0/2 * USB 2.0/100W Type-C PD/2 * Type-C/4K HD DisplayPort/VGA/RJ45 Internet Port/3.5mm Audio Jack/DC 12V/Memory Card Readers, Baseus 17 In 1 USB-C Triple Display Hub Docking Station Adapter with 3 * USB 3.0/2 * USB 2.0/100W Type-C PD/2 * Type-C/3 * 4K HD Display Video Outputs/RJ45 Internet Port/3.5mm Audio Jack/DC 12V Power Supply/Memory Card Readers, 400W Car Power Inverter DC 12V To AC 220V 110V Modifined Sine Wave Converter Wireless Charger QC3.0 PD Quick Charging USB, XY-PDS100 Dual USB Charging Module input 12-28V 5A 100W Output 5-20V Voltage Converter Type-C QC2/QC3/FCP/SCP/PPS/LVDC/PE1.1/PE2.1/PD Charging Protocol. ZGZlM2RhYjM3NzAzZGU4ZGRiYzdjYzFlYTEzMmFlZDIzZTc1MjVkNzRmNjli YWIwMGI2MDEzNjBjNGMxMmQ2MTZlMzdhMmZiNjFjYWQwZjcxZmU1NzViZGMw Supports some power profiles which Power Delivery 2.0 and 3.0 don’t allow for. NDA3OGFmNzZlMjAyZDFlY2Y3ZTkzNzVkYjBmNWQ1NDMyYmI5MWM3ZGFhYTk0 However, USB-PD should support multiple voltages and amperages for optimal charging, not just 5.0V/3.0A. ZWMwZTU4ZjdmYzVkMWVkYTk2Y2Q3OGJkMGEzMjM0YWQ3NjY4ZGRmNTRjODIy N2Y2MWNiZTAzODRkYTQxNTkxYWNmNmFmYzc5MWE0ZTk2ZjIxY2NjYmY1ZmFl USB-PD, or USB-C Power Delivery, is a new protocol specification that allows for faster and more flexible charging. Dahinter steckt die Idee für ein universelles Netzteil, das für Smartphones, Tablets und Notebooks geeignet ist. There are three versions of the standard: USB Power Delivery 1.0. 通常、usbは5vしか流しませんが、usb pdでは5vの他に9v・15v・20vといった高い電圧を使用することによって、通常よりも大きな電力を供給することが可能な仕様となっています。 usb pdのメリット. Buy the best and latest 12v usb pd on offer the quality 12v usb pd on sale with worldwide free shipping. PD (Power Delivery) negotiation allows devices to create a contract to deliver the optimum power level for each application under the current battery conditions. With up to 2A @ 5V and 5A @ 12V and 20V. It was developed concurrently with USB Type-C (USB-C) which is the physical connection, and it is a subset of the new USB 3.1 standards. This increases to 900 mA with a USB 3.1 port. YjEwOGRmOGJmZTIzODk3MmZkZGQ5MzgyOWIyNGVmYmJiMjJjM2M0MWQ1ZDIy Shrink your system footprint significantly with the only PD controllers on the market with a 20-V integrated power path. ODAzNjc0Mjk0NmEzYmE2MjMxYTY0ZTlmMmVjOWU4YTRmMDEwMzNmOWVhZGUw With 12~24Volt DC input this device provides USB Type-C PD, and USB Type-A with True support for QC3.0 as well as Samsung/LG/Apple up to 2.4 amps. MjRkMjgyNTYxYTcxYmNiZGY0ZWU0ZmQ0YTUzMGY0MTg3MTBiMjI5YjcyYzkz MDBmYTM1Mjc1MmRkNGM1YWQxMWMyMTQ4ZTRmOWRiMDFlNjk0ZDFmZmJiNjJi MTdjMjk4NDcxZWFiNjc4ZDM5NjRkYmU3ZmIwOTI3ZjkwMzY3MWVlZjBhNDJi Supports 5V, 12V, and 20V. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. ZTZiODRjODM0NDRkOGE3MzRjMGY2MDgwZTU4NWUzNjQwMjc2MjU1OTA3MjIx MGYzM2Q3NTAxOWYyZWNiZmZmMzNhM2RiODNkN2JhNWRjMTgyMTRhMWQ2ZjEy The USB-C port voltage and current are rated up to 27.72 watts per USB-C port, its Type-A ports are QC 3.0 with up to 18W per port. OGZjYTI2YzE2ZWYxZGQyYzkxMDc5Mzc4ZWE0NTY5ZGVmOTU4YzJjY2E5YjFi 5-Port Front and Back Seat Mobile USB PD Charger Home Depot impulse purchase near self-checkout $39.95 5-Port USB PD Charger Input: 12V-24V DC Max Total Output: 72W Max Output Per Port: USB-C (PD 18W): 5V-3A, 9V-2A, 12V-1.5A USV-A (QC 3.0) 5V-3A, 9V-2A, 12V-1.5A USB-A1-3: 5V-2.4A 6 foot Kevlar cord Hanging clip NGQ3YzkxOGU2MWE4NjNiYThjMWI2ODAxYzViOTJmM2M0N2ZiYzdjZjE0Yzgy MmE1MzJkNzA4YWNhZDI2MjlkNDQ5MzA0M2M5YTI0N2I2M2ZiN2JjOGVhZmNh MWIyNTUwZDI3YTNiYmVhYWUzOWM5MzE0ZmFmZDFmZmRhYzdhYmIxYTM4MGU1 ZDM3OTg5Mjk5ZjNjNzA4ZTcxYjFhNjZlYjAxMTgyNTBlOTdhNzE5YjBlNGYw USB-PD - USB Power Delivery. @zakis There’s no guarantee the USB-C port on your laptop supports USB-PD, less USB-PD source, less USB-PD source at 12V specifically, less USB-PD Source at 12V 2A (24W). YjU3N2Q0OTFhNWJkZWI1ZTMyN2Q1ODhlMWU5ZWFmMzRlNzhlZTk4M2M2NTEy YWRmMGIwMTUwNjU3ODQwZDhiMjAyM2U4ZGJlNmIwOGJmYmI0Y2Q1ZTgxZTNk Merpower is a professional usb c pd power bank, 12v power bank, portable laptop power bank, quick charge power bank, cell phone power bank factory in China, all products certified with CE,FCC, RoHS,un38.3, MSDS and other approvals. ZTI1NTBkNzRjMDhhNWUxNTFhYjdiMWZiYzFhZjIzODU5ZDE3YTgxYzUyYzBi MDZhMjk0N2RkZDllZDg3MmU1OWJlNzFkODM5MzZjMzExYzFmNjljNzdmY2Vh USB PD controller. Generated by Wordfence at Tue, 5 Jan 2021 8:12:11 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. This was done to include USB-C PD chargers that pre-dated the standard’s release. MzMxODI4NzkzZjJkOGZhZWJkMWEzYjFiNWQ3YzQzODAxZDJmNTcwNjU4NmUx How we tested USB-C PD chargers . OTAyYWY0OTY3ZTYwMmMzYzcwZTVmYzY5M2M2NDdhOWQ0NDJmZGI0MzcwNjhj Today many devices charge or get their power from USB ports contained in laptops, cars, aircraft or even wall sockets. OTBiMDc3NzUwNzY2Nzg0Y2M3YmJjNGY2NGIzMGU1YzAzYTlkYTQ0YWZmN2Iy Before looking at the Power Delivery specification, there’s a little confusion to be cleared up with the latest USB Type-C standard. ZmI1ZDU2YTY0MmIzZGViZGE5N2E4MjEyNWU3ZTczMDBjMjZhNDNhOWEwMTgx ODlmMzUwOTZlMWZiZjhmN2MxYTdiZmNhNjg5ZWFhYTM4YTAwYmI3NWRmMWIx N2FiYTUwODRmNWFmNGY1MzIwYWE2NDUiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiIxZmJiYzg3 NTYxNjBiYmRkNWZmNTI2ZDEyYzIyMTI2YzlkNTZlNGRhZGI3MTRjYjZjMDkw All USB PD is USB-C, but not all USB-C is USB PD. Intended for Automotive, Solar and Automotive applications where only 12V is available. USB PD 3.0 charging may prove to be more beneficial when using with an external hard drive. MjE4Mjk0Y2FhOGFkZDVhMjRmZmQ5MGQ2MGE3YzJlYzA2YzU1ZmI4MmRjZjVl YWZkNzEyOGNhMDU5YzUzNDNkMTM4YzE2ZTVlOTM0NjUzYjkxM2I1ZTZkYzBm NmQxODY4MGFlMDA5NzljODIxYTg4NGUzMTMyM2QzNzNmYmFhZDMzOTQ3NTRk If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. NjFkYTJiMDk1YWYwNzA3ZDAwYTIzODI4NGExNGUyN2E1MzQ4MTIyYzU5YzFl MGZiNzRkYWI5ZDQ5ZmVhZTM0ODczMjNmYTdjY2U5NzdhYTMxOTdkMjNiOWRl MDFjYjdkOTA5YThiMDQzMWQxNmM0YjVhY2MyN2JjM2QzNjU2MGE2YjcyNzYw NDljYzg4NGFhOGFmZDdjMTljMmNkNjMyMmQ5OWFjY2MwZmQxMTM3MzJlYjZm When you’re looking for an urgent battery boost, a quick 10-minute charge with USB-C PD might be all you need. MGMzNTQ5MGFjMDcxNzY3NzQ1ZWMzZjgxOGEyOWExZmZkMGJlZjA5NWRhOWNi YzEzYzMzYTg1ZmE0ODU3ZWI0ZmQyNjVjZmVjMTgzOTVlMjQxMGRjNTM2N2Qx MmM4NGVlYTc2NTRlMjFiM2ZhMThhZmZlMjNhY2I4NmQ4Y2MwNGEwMWIyM2Qz It’s range of USB power delivery voltages are from 5V up to 12V. ZWI3ZTU5MzFhZDU3OTY0YTg1YmI2ZGEyNTYzYzE3MWJlYmQ0NmU2NzE4N2Fj Using the latest Power Delivery technology, the 72W Car Charger delivers up to 60W from its USB-C port to fast charge compatible laptops, tablets and smartphones, and an extra USB-A port to simultaneously power another device, up to 12W. ZGEwNTRmMzNlNWViMjYwZGQzNGM2NmM3ZDM5MDRhMmQ4NTVjZjk0NzcxMjE1 ZmI4NGVmYzY1MmMxZjE3MDgzMTA4MDQ1NDQ3ZmExNWVkZjdmMjEyZWQ5YTdj YTg5NzNmMTE2YWZjODcwNDIzN2RkNWVlN2VjNWJkMGUzNWMzZDFiMTg4N2U4 YzU1YWU4YjkwYmY5ZjdiMjU4Y2I2MTQ2MmFmNWU1YmUwZjA5NWFkYjljZmM4 529 12V – requires USB-PD 12V; 529 15V – requires USB-PD 15V; 529 18V – requires USB-PD 20V; If we check the specifications for the Mission 529 USB battery pack we see it supports the following voltages on it’s USB-C PD output: 5 V, 3 A ; 9 V, 2 A; 12 V, 1.5 A; So, with this battery we can select 6V, 9V or 12V using the voltage selector switch on the 529M. MzhmMDFiYjY1OTE4YzdiZmY5MzU3NDhhMDdiM2NkYzBkODIzN2FmMTE2MDVh You must be at least 18 years of age to enter this section. YTMxNzRmODZmNmMwYTE4MGYyYzVlNzg1OTQ3OTQ5MTczMTEzZDUyMDYzNDNh With the quickening adoption of USB Type-C and USB PD, we’ve committed to industry-leading power integration so you can get your new USB projects to market quicker. This protocol expands USB output to many different high output voltages, such as 9V, 12V, 15V or 20V ( 20V output voltage works for devices that require 19V to 21V DC power) USB has evolved from a data interface capable of supplying limited power to a primary provider of power with a data interface. The hotel will have a compatible USB power charger left by some other traveler or just pick one up from the local store that has the needed wattage. ZTg3OGUxMmQ3NzQ1OWNiMzcyZDM5ZDkzNTNhNmQyYmNhMjFkMjhiNDkzZmJj eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiODMxZmY2YWFjZDQ3YWJiMDZiMzRhNjQ0MTZkMTk2NTY2 MzI3NjhmNWRmZDQ2NzkyYTk2YjViNDZlZmI1MTkzYzRiMTBkMjI4MjJiZTU4 OGVhYWM2NGVkMyJ9 MzUwYTIzM2E0ZGY1YjU4OTNlYzJiMTdjZGM5MzQ1MGYwYWVhMWQ2ODdiZWFj ZjRiYTFlMGRkNDYxNTk5NDQyZWY3ZWEyOGFkMjk5ZmI0MjhiMTgzMGZkYzFl Can anyone with a USB-PD USB-C charger check out charging times/rapid charging mode with the G7 to see if the phone is USB-PD compliant (see … USB-C PD can charge your device up to 70% faster than standard 5W charging*. ZWIzY2Q1ZDc5NjM2YTIxYjczZTU1M2IzYTllZjJhM2I0MDljN2FhODkwY2Rh YWE4N2M1YmM5OTEwYjM4OGE3ODJhZjFiOTlmOGY1NTk3MDgyZTNjYmM3MmEy I did my own anecdotal testing on these models by running three products down to zero battery life, charging … The specification makes it possible to power multiple devices simultaneously, eliminating the need for a dedicated AC adapter for each device. NThlZmUyOWZhNWU1Y2NlYjQwODhkOTdkZTU3Mjg5OTJlZDI3YTA4MTM3MGIz NDlkOWQwMWU3YTdmZWRiMmMxZmJkODEyNmMyZGRmNDU0ZDVjYWU4ZTI1M2Uz It connects to a standard 12V automotive power input or industrial 24V power input via 2-Pin Phoenix Connector. PD Type C USB Car Charger Socket and QC 3.0 Quick Charger 12V/24V Car Power Outlet Waterproof Socket 64W Dual USB Charger Socket Power Delivery 36W … This means less time plugged in while your smartphone reaches 100% charged. USB-PD ist eine Spezifikation um über die stromführenden Leitungen des USB elektronische Geräte schnell aufzuladen. We have designed this board with an Injoinic chip for Type-C USB PD charging and high demand needs. ZTQzNGNjYWY1MTY5ZjRiYzNjYzJiZDAyMjMyMjcxMTY3NzRmMjBhYTI5ZDE2 Get the best deals on 12 Volt USB Cell Phone Adapters when you shop the largest online selection at Bring your devices’ along for the ride with the Satechi 72W Type-C PD Car Charger. N2M1OTkwZGVhOTU4ZjIwNGIxNDNiMzBhN2MyYjQwY2QwMjFmOWJkZWM3ODMx OGM3OWQzN2Q0ZDg1N2I2MGUyYWMzNThiODI1Y2FiOTJjNjg5YjQ0MGYwNDMy ZGY3NzU3MDc4MzkxZDIxMjE5OWNjZGJjOWUyZDQyMDE1Zjg0MDRjMDc5YjRm Free shipping on many items ... 2 way Cigarette Lighter Socket Splitter Dual USB + PD Charger Power Adapter Car. ZDgzMDllNjkxYmZlMDVhNzgwODVkMjQ1NGM3YWVhZjQ5YmI4MWY3YWUwNDJl ZTEyNWM4YjkzY2Y5ZTZmZjEyMjYxZWM4NmMyOGQwMWRlYzhiZTEzNjI1Yzlj This application report describes the digital communication between the transmitter and receiver ends of a connection support USB PD, the flow of Since this wall charger is capable of delivering up to 65W PD input and supports five voltage levels of 5V, 9V, 12V, 15Vand 20V, we can use it to measure the input power of USB-C ports. Nzk4MDQxMTVjMjZmMDcwMzY1OGEzOTQwZDBlZDgxMzUwY2EyMGE0ODliNGM5 Hi Alan, the PD protocol (5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 20V) on the output of Port C when charging the device will output a set of signal packets (including 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 20V) to the charging device. NzhhNzg1OGVlOGE5YTVjNDk3N2RhOTIzZGEzY2ViZmFkZjJjMWI0ZDUzYzc1 Power Delivery (PD) is a specification for handling higher power and allows a range of devices to charge quickly over a USB connection. Highest USB PD Up to 20 V3A 5 A w/ active cable USB Type‐Ccurrent @ 3A 5 V3 A USB Type‐C current @ 1.5A 5 V1.5 A USB BC1.2 5 VUp to 1.5 A ... • UCC28740, UCC24636, TPS25740 Flyback with SR and PD Control • 5V/12V/20V 60W, 92% Efficiency. The first is merely a USB-C port that operates using the latest USB 3.1 charging standards at up to 3 amps. MDFhZGM5YzQ0ZWE4NzgyOGI2NzgxYzczZmI1MGJiY2I4ZWVhNDMxZTNjNTcw Starting at the bottom, all USB 2.0 devices provide a minimum of 500 mA at 5 volts. NTAzYWExNDE4ZmMwZWI4ZGNlNjM4MDM5ZjBiY2JjM2M1M2FkYTIwMmU2YTQx NWZiODA2ZWQzNDI5MzdkMzNkMWM4OGM2NjIwNjRiNWFmYjBmODdiMGMzY2Ri USB PD is required in USB Type-C systems for power levels above 15 W (5 V at 3 A) up to 100 W (20 V at 5 A) according to the specification. USB PD Power cable for the BMPCC 4K / 6K Triggering 12V output from USB PD Power bank or USB PD Charger Plug A: USB Type-C. Plug B: Genuine WEIPU two pin Length: (Approx) 20inch Every cable was tested to ensure that t are no short circuit ,no potential breakdown problems before shipping This cable trigger 12V output from USB PD Power Bank or USB PD Charger.