Founded in 1993, Cologne Business School (CBS) was one of the first schoolsin Germany to introduce a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in International Business.Today CBS is rated as one of Germany’s top institutions of higher educationin the area of business studies. ), Business Psychology and Management (M.Sc. In the first two semesters of the master's programme "IB- International Business" students will attend 22 semester hours of lectures per week An 8-week internship between the second and third semester in a company in Germany or abroad is an integral part of the course This network is a global alliance of 33 leading business schools across 5 continents, around 70 multinational corporations and seven social partners that together offer the CEMS Master’s in International Management (MIM). Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA schließt mit einem Doppelabschluss - der Universität zu Köln und der Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University ab. Applications are no longer being accepted for the following programmes as they are to be discontinued:Medical EconomicsM.Sc. It is known to be Germany’s top business school, being the first to offer internationally recognized bachelor’s degree. Das belegen auch immer wieder verschiedene Rankings, wie beispielsweise das Personaler-Ranking der WirtschaftsWoche, oder das CHE Hochschulranking.Neben der staatlichen Anerkennung und der institutionellen Akkreditierung durch den Wissenschaftsrat … It is a state recognized university of applied sciences characterized by a range of English-language study programs. The Cologne Business School‘s mission statement is to design the study organisation and contents of the degree courses in accordance with the students‘ employability. Es geht um den nächsten bewussten Schritt in ein selbstbestimmtes Leben. The university campus is of urban type and is located in the vicinity of Koeln. Events . Services. The admission is based on the results of the examinations. Die Cologne Business School ist eine staatlich anerkannte, private Wirtschaftshochschule, die besonders für das Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Deutschland bekannt ist. The Cologne Master in Political Science offers a research-oriented study programme with course offerings across a range of political science areas. Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA ist ein Studium nach dem ersten akademischen Grad in Form eines berufsbegleitenden Master of Business Administration. Location: … Re: Master Cologne Business School vs. Master Zeppelin Uni Die Zeppelin University ist eine private Universität, welcher kürzlich auch das Promotionsrecht zugeteilt wurde. Top 250 worldwide Top 15 national Culture and Environment in Africa. Cologne Business School offers degrees both in English and German language. The Südstadt region of Cologne, wherein the business school is located, is amongst the most pleasant neighbourhoods of the city. You can choose between the Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA, a Health Care Management Diploma and several management education programmes on campus (open programmes). Learn about the MBA programs at CBS (Cologne) and other business schools in Germany. In 24 months you will be awarded with two MBA degrees, one MBA degree from the University of Cologne and one MBA degree from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. in Business Education. Cologne Business School is in the top 13% of universities in the world, ranking 112nd in Germany and 2063rd globally. ), Tourism and Sustainable Management (M.A. The Cologne Business School (CBS) is an internationally orientated, state-recognized university of applied sciences and counts as one of Germany‘s top Business Schools. For an international career, Master’s students these days need way more than basic business knowledge. 30 Apr/15 May (Winter) Free . CBS Cologne Business School | Teaser | English Best university of applied sciences business administration master's in the German CHE ranking. 3/30/2020 5:00:59 AM CBS Finance & Business Club Trip to Berlin Highlights of Cologne Business School's finance and Business club trip to Berlin In 6 Fachbereichen werden 23 verschiedene … Discussion forum for postgraduate students. Cologne Business School Master of Arts in Sustainable Tourism Management. Program Master's program(english) in Cologne Business School CBS For next ages: 21+, by price 7530.00€/semester. Professional doctorate programmes. December 2016, changed: 31. Die CBS International Business School ist seit 2016 Teil der Stuttgarter Klett Gruppe. Looking to study in Europe?Founded in 1993 as a complete Business School, Cologne Business School firstly hosts over 1500 youths from 75 nations across the globe. Durch unser Netzwerk aus Partnerunternehmen und unsere enge Verbindung zur Wirtschaft kannst du schon während des Studiums praktische Erfahrungen sammeln und wertvolle Kontakte knüpfen. Consequently, CBS ranks among the best business schools in Germany. Application process and the cost of tuition. List of Graduate Programs in Cologne Business School Economics, Business, Management and Accounting. You’ll find more details about the programmes scheduled for discontinuation on the pages relating to the subjects concerned. The Cologne Business School (CBS) is an internationally orientated, state-recognized university of applied sciences and counts as one of Germany‘s top Business Schools. Das Programmportfolio der CBS umfasst sämtliche Bildungsstufen – vom Bachelor bis hin zum Master of Business Administration (MBA). Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA schließt mit einem Doppelabschluss - der Universität zu Köln und der Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University ab. Die Cologne Business School GmbH (CBS) ist eine staatlich anerkannte, private Wirtschaftshochschule, auch Business School genannt, in Köln. International Management Fast Track MBA English. MBAs and business Masters courses. The Master Student Department at Cologne Business School on Department of Organization is involved in a number of Master programmes at CBS. Funding . At its campuses in Cologne, Mainz and Potsdam, it offers a wide range of full-time and part-time study programmes at bachelor`s, master`s or MBA level, most of which are taught in English by international lecturers from the business world. Dann bewerben Sie sich jetzt! You can choose between the Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA, a Health Care Management Diploma and several management education programmes on campus (open programmes). Bei der Entscheidung für ein Studium geht es heute um so viel mehr als nur die Wahl einer geeigneten Fachrichtung. Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA ist ein Studium nach dem ersten akademischen Grad in Form eines berufsbegleitenden Master of Business Administration. The CBS International Business School (CBS) is one of the top private business schools in Germany. This page lists these programmes. Weitere Informationen zu den Semesterterminen finden Sie. Held in Cologne and Barcelona on the basis of two universities: Kolnsk second business school's and the Central University of Catalonia UVic-UCC The main goal is to deepen and expand the knowledge of undergraduate students studying marketing, management, advertising and international business. Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA The Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA is a postgraduate part-time Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a dual degree. Sa oko 1500 studenata iz 75 zemalja CBS se … ... University of Cologne University of Cologne Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences Cologne Business School (CBS) is a private business school in Cologne, Germany established in 1993. Mon-Fri 8-17, Sat-Sun 10-16 (UK time) United Kingdom +44 203 936 1497 . An der staatlich anerkannten, privaten Fachhochschule für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, der Cologne Business School (kurz: CBS), werden deutsch- und englischsprachige Studiengänge der Betriebswirtschaft mit den Abschlüssen Bachelor und Master of Arts angeboten. The CBS International Business School (CBS) is a state-recognised, private business school which emerged in 2020 from the individual brands Cologne Business School (CBS) and European Management School (EMS). Duration. ), IB – Digital Transformation Management (M.A. Die Internationalität der Hochschule zeigt sich auch daran, dass sie die meisten Studienprogramme englischsprachig anbietet und weltweit rund 100 Partner-Universitäten zählt. Business Administration at the WiSo-Faculty of the University of Cologne widens your knowledge gained in your bachelor studies and makes you an expert in your respective area. Exposure to top-class teaching and the operational expertise of world-renowned companies gives CEMS students a great opportunity to consolidate previous knowledge and apply newly acquired … Main Menu. Top Rankings Studienerfolgsquote 94,8% Jetzt mehr erfahren! Executive programmes. Current note: Virtual consultations on student financing. Lucrezia Pala, Alumna del Master in HR & Organization dell'anno 2016-2017. Website Programmes List Graduate . ), BM – Logistik und Supply Chain Management (B.A. University of Cologne. Services and prices; Tutoring and preparation for schools, universities abroad ; Information. In questa frase, da lei dedicata a BBS, è racchiusa l’esperienza di Lucrezia Pala, oggi HR Consultant presso la United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in Bologna Business School. Students who decide in favour of a career in Management, including leadership positions in the Media / Entertainment sector, or are interested in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or strive for a vocational future as media producers are recom . Get an overview of the graduate programmes offered at CBS INTEREST AREAS TEACHING LANGUAGE ALPHABETICAL ORDER Economics, Finance and AccountingAccounting, Strategy and ControlMSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc. Insgesamt schneidet die Uni in Rankings auch recht gut ab, z.b. Cologne Business School Programs. This statement, that she dedicated to BBS, encapsulates Lucrezia Pala’s experience at Bologna Business School: today she’s HR Consultant for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Program Bachelor's Courses(english) in Cologne Business School CBS For next ages: 18+, by price 6930.00€/semester. The Business School of the University of Cologne offers you first-class, comprehensive management development programmes at an easily accessible location right at the heart of Europe. We are a founding member – and the only German member – of the CEMS alliance. Lucrezia Pala, Alumna of the HR & Organization Master’s course 2016-2017 “You are exactly what I was looking for”. Program Details. The University of Cologne's MSc in International Management/CEMS MIM comprises a carefully designed curriculum, which combines academic theory with business practice. change language International lecturers and rigid organisation enable efficient, forwardlooking studying We offer various programmes in English and in German as well as management seminars for individual participants and companies on the campus in Cologne. During the corona pandemic, you can reach our student advisors Kristina Behr and Leah Krug by phone at the Campus Cologne & Potsdam at +49 221 931 809 31 or at the Campus Mainz under: +49 6131 88 0 55 31, by email at [email protected] or Skype. CBS International Business School Master of Science in Business Psychology & Management course fees, scholarships, eligibility, application, ranking and more.Rate your chances of admission in CBS International Business School Master of Science in Business Psychology & Management program and download course brochure. United Kingdom +44 203 936 1497. ), Strategic Management and Consulting (M.Sc. Die Cologne Business School (CBS) ist international ausgerichtet, staatlich anerkannt und zählt zu den deutschen Top-Wirtschafts-Fachhochschulen. You can choose between seven Bachelor and twelve different Master of Arts programs. Highlights. Elle propose des formations Bachelor et Masters… The Business School of the University of Cologne offers you first-class, comprehensive management development programmes at an easily accessible location right at the heart of Europe. Tuition fees (per semester) 2 Years. For many managing positions of different industries and for certain professions in research and teaching, a master is indispensable. ), Sales Management und Vertriebspsychologie (M.A. Cologne Business School Master of Arts in International Media and Entertainment Management. International Management (CEMS MIM), the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne offers national and international consecutive master's programmes in the fields of Business Administration, Economics and Social Sciences and the Cologne Rotterdam Executive MBA. Cologne Business School Master of Arts in International Media and Entertainment Management. Founded in 1993, Cologne Business School (CBS) was one of the first schoolsin Germany to introduce a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in International Business.Today CBS is rated as one of Germany’s top institutions of higher educationin the area of business studies. Request a callback . At its campuses in Cologne, Mainz and Potsdam, CBS International Business School offers a wide range of full-time and part-time study programmes at bachelor's, master's or MBA level, most of which are taught in English by international lecturers from the business …