Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only prijíma tieto karty a vyhradzuje si právo zadržať čiastku na vašej karte pred príchodom. Zaistite si výbornú cenu svojho nadchádzajúceho pobytu, Nájdite si podmienky zrušenia, ktoré vám budú vyhovovať, Hostia obľubujú prechádzky v okolí ubytovania, Kyvadlová doprava medzi hotelom a letiskom (za príplatok), Izby/zariadenie pre osoby s telesným postihnutím. Toto ubytovanie zaviedlo mimoriadne zdravotné a hygienické opatrenia s cieľom zaistiť hosťom maximálnu bezpečnosť. There is a great choice of breakfast and dinner. The hotel itself is a bit of the top, means you should be sporty to go up from the town center. Wi-Fi pripojenie na internet je k dispozícii v celom hoteli a je bezplatné. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only is a spa and lifestyle hotel surrounded by a 4-hectare park. Prosím, skúste to znova neskôr. Pool pleasant for relaxing. Zdarma! Spoločnosť Booking.com je súčasťou skupiny Booking Holdings Inc., svetového lídra v poskytovaní online služieb zameraných na cestovný ruch a súvisiace služby. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden Lage ruhig, von einem 4 Hektar großen Park umgeben, ca. * Das Hotel ' Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden Wallseerstraße 10 4190 Bad Leonfelden, Nördliches Mühlviertel ' wurde auf der Grundlage von 172 Hotelbewertungen mit 5,6 von 6 Punkten bewertet. Friendly staff. Výborná lokalita: Vysoko hodnotená nedávnymi hosťami (8,7), V hoteli je k dispozícii súkromné bezplatné parkovisko. Pri rezerváciách vytvorených od 6. apríla 2020 vám odporúčame zvážiť riziko súvisiace s koronavírusom (COVID-19) a nadväzujúcimi vládnymi opatreniami. Scopri le offerte per Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden, incluse le tariffe completamente rimborsabili con cancellazione gratuita. Hodnotenie je u nás možné zanechať len po uskutočnení rezervácie. Pokiaľ ste si rezervovali ubytovanie cez nás a chcete napísať hodnotenie, najprv sa, prosím, prihláste. Ich habe ein geniales Wellness-Schnäppchen für euch auf hofer-reisen.at gefunden! Our room was very comfortable and tastefully decorated. Prosím, vyplňte termín vášho pobytu a skontrolujte si storno podmienky vašej vybranej izby. See 384 traveler reviews, 134 candid photos, and great deals for Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden, ranked #1 of 3 hotels in Bad Leonfelden and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Esteso su una superficie di 2.500 m², il centro benessere e parco acquatico Acquapura Spa si sviluppa su 2 piani e propone unâampia gamma di servizi. Very professional but very nice and creating the home atmosphere. Booking.com™. Now $231 (Was $̶2̶5̶5̶) on Tripadvisor: Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden, Bad Leonfelden. Besides all other great wellness things, the chef turned our stay into culinary enjoyment!“„0“ Zobraziť viac, „The staff was super friendly and helpful. Pozvánka na zanechanie hodnotenia nebola nájdená. Párom sa táto lokalita veľmi páči – pobyt pre dve osoby ohodnotili na 8,7, Ubytovanie Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only víta hostí Booking.com od 27. marca 2009. Obsah by mal byť autentický a špecifický. rezervované jedenkrát za poslednú 1 hodinu. Questo hotel offre gratuitamente prima colazione, Wi-Fi e parcheggio. Hotelový reťazec/značka: The SPA is big and has very comfortable facilities.“„0“, „The hotel is situated in an excellent location - there are fields around, but it is possible to go by feet to the Main Square of this little town Bad Leonfelden ( 1 km by feet). Počas pobytu sa hostia presvedčia, či je v izbách ticho, či je personál prívetivý a vôbec o ďalších veciach v ubytovacom zariadení. Ľutujeme, rezervácie na viac ako 30 nocí nie sú možné. Very good restaurant with excellent and very rich breakfast. The staff are very friendly, professional, and always trying to make sure we had everything we needed. Wifi fast good. “„0“ Zobraziť viac, Kuchyňa: Letiskový transfer. Tieto smernice a štandardy majú za cieľ zabezpečiť relevantný obsah na Booking.com a jeho vhodnosť pre užívateľov všetkých vekových kategórií bez toho, aby boli obmedzované vyhranenejšie názory. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only prijíma tieto karty a vyhradzuje si právo zadržať čiastku na vašej karte pred príchodom. Pokusy o zníženie ratingu konkurenčného ubytovania uverejnením negatívneho hodnotenia nebudú tolerované. Komentáre a názory zahŕňajúce prejavy nenávisti, diskriminácie, vyhrážania sa či sexuálne narážky, verbálne prejavy násilia alebo propagáciu nelegálnej činnosti, nie sú povolené. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden: Relaxing wellness weekend - See 378 traveler reviews, 134 candid photos, and great deals for Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden at Tripadvisor. We thank in particular the lady at the spa reception! V hoteli je k dispozícii súkromné bezplatné parkovisko. Veríme, že príspevky s hodnoteniami od hostí, ako i reakcie zo strany ubytovaní poskytujú široké spektrum názorov a skúseností, ktoré budúcim hosťom môžu pomôcť pri výbere a rozhodovaní sa pre najvhodnejšie ubytovanie. Romantic times with your partner- For couples seeking a magical getaway in the comfort of a lovely suite. Enjoy a heated indoor and outdoor pool ⦠Our interpretation of a delightful time-out encompasses physical and mental well-being - a sensual balance between vital, regional culinary delights, stimulating active offerings and unrestricted relaxation in the Acquapura SPA. Potvrdenie rezervácie dostanete ihneď a zrušenie je ZDARMA pri väčšine ubytovaní na našej stránke! Angebote für Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden **** in Bad Leonfelden finden. Earlier check-in was possible; Usage of reusable cups; They allow dogs and prepare even small welcome bags for them (super cute)“„0“, „Big, cozy room with huge window looking directly toward fields for very nice mornings. Môžete ich pridať v ďalšom kroku! Stay longer and additionally profit from 15% discount. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only is a spa and lifestyle hotel surrounded by a 4-hectare park. Excellent staff. Viac lojálnych hostí ako väčšina ostatných ubytovaní. Very good restaurant with excellent and very rich breakfast. Nature. Wellness and culinary delights, as well as the extensive supporting program, are based on the rhythm of the seasons and promise a strong connection to nature and the surroundings. Besides all other great wellness things, the chef turned our stay into culinary enjoyment!“„0“, „The staff was super friendly and helpful. “„0“. Bar with nice outside seating.“„0“ Zobraziť viac, „super surroundings, nice nature, clean hotel, super stuff and food, pet friendly hotel what was great dor our 2 dogs.“„0“ Zobraziť viac, „Excellent cuisine! V týchto neistých časoch vám odporúčame rezervovať si možnosť s bezplatným zrušením. Extensive year-round opportunities for sporting activities such as yoga, biking, crosscountry ski, hiking, etc. BANK. Zverejníme ako dobré, tak aj nepriaznivé skúsenosti z vášho pobytu. Our room was very comfortable and tastefully decorated. The swimming pools are nice and the saunas as well. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only is a spa and lifestyle hotel surrounded by a 4-hectare park. Only a 30-minute drive away from Linz, the Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only is the ideal starting point to discover the beauty of the Mühlviertel region and the Bohemian Forest. Nice location. 358273406. Kto iný než ten, čo sa skutočne ubytoval, môže lepšie ostatným povedať o bezplatných raňajkách alebo o tom, či bol personál prívetivý a izba tichá? Kontakt // Sportunion Bad Leonfelden Verein. Rezervujte si pobyt za výbornú cenu v ubytovaní Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only, ktoré od nedávno ubytovaných hostí získalo hodnotenie 8,5. Reisacherstraße 2 4190 Bad Leonfelden ZVR-Zahl. In the middle of the natural paradise Mühlviertel, a spacious spa area extends over two floors and offers adults seeking relaxation the perfect retreat for a break from everyday life. Prosím, zadajte platnú e-mailovú adresu, Ďakujeme. Stay healthy! I had booked a non-refundable room and couldn’t come the day I had to arrive, I’ve called reception and they changed the dates without any extra charges. 1259530,1262670,1244730,1255250,1260550|5,1262660,1263030,1254300,1244730|7,1242370|3,1257680,1257190,1261140,1259440,1259530|4,1261900,1260040,1174220,1216210,1254240,1242370,1260030,1260650,1244730|8,1242370|1,1260810,1244730|1, Ponuky ubytovania Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only (Hotel) (Rakúsko), Vybavenie - Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only, Autentické hodnotenia od skutočných hostí, Koronavírus (COVID-19) – často kladené otázky, Centrum informácií týkajúcich sa bezpečnosti. Máme už viac ako 70 miliónov hodnotení ubytovania a všetky sú od skutočných overených hostí. Driving Directions. Auf einem Hügel inmitten des Mühlviertelst, liegt die Quelle von Natur & Genuss. The closeness to nature of the Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden is also clearly reflected in the Acquapura Spa. Páči sa vám toto ubytovanie, ale ešte ste sa nerozhodli? Back to list Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden. Minimálny vek detí, ktoré sa tu môžu ubytovať, je 14 rokov. V rámci transparentnosti tiež informujeme o aktuálnom statuse hodnotenia. Skvelá lokalita (zobraziť mapu). Die Naturverbundenheit des Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden spiegelt sich auch im Acquapura Spa deutlich wider. The stuff is super friendly. Das Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden bietet 117 Zimmer und Suiten, eine Wellness- und Wasserwelt, exquisite Kulinarik und vieles mehr. E-Mail. Propagačné príspevky bude odstránené a poznámky súvisiace so službami Booking.com budú presmerované na náš Tím Služieb zákazníkom alebo asistenčnému tímu pre ubytovanie. Aby sme vám poskytli aktuálne informácie relevantné pre váš ďalší pobyt, archivujeme hodnotenia staršie ako 36 mesiacov. The breakfast is large and varied, especially on Saturdays. Prostredníctvom svojich hodnotení, prosím, nevyjadrujte osobné, politické, etické či náboženské názory. 3.1K likes. SPA - pools and saunas are OK. People use saunas completely naked, so maybe someone will find it unpleasant and inconvenient.“, „The facilities, swimming pool, sauna, and gym are very good and well-maintained; ideal to unwind and relax for a couple of days. We thank in particular the lady at the spa reception! Friendly staff. The staff was super friendly and helpful. Large room and bathroom with separate WC. Very good restaurant with excellent and very rich breakfast. Poslali sme vám e-mail, aby ste mohli dokončiť prihlásenie. Booking.com nenesie zodpovednosť a neručí za hodnotenia alebo reakcie. Wifi fast good. O túto možnosť môžete požiadať v nasledujúcom kroku. The hotel itself is a bit of the top, means you should be sporty to go up from the town center. The staff are very friendly, professional, and always trying to make sure we had everything we needed. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden: Wellness & relax in Austria - See 370 traveler reviews, 134 candid photos, and great deals for Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden at ⦠Driving Directions. Special power spots in the surrounding area provide energy and, in a holistic context with vitalizing nutrition, achieve a strengthening of the inner center. Romantic moments and relaxing hours for two. Das Wellness und Spa Paradies liegt im oberösterreichischem Mühlviertel rund 30km von Linz entfernt. Excellent cuisine! It’s easy to get to the hotel ( there is a direct bus from Linz to Bad Leonfelden ). It’s easy to get to the hotel ( there is a direct bus from Linz to Bad Leonfelden ). Helmut Feilmair. Od 6. apríla 2020 sa budú na rezervácie vzťahovať podmienky zrušenia, ktoré si vyberiete, bez ohľadu na situáciu týkajúcu sa koronavírusu. The 2,500 m² Acquapura Spa offers a spa and water world on 2 floors with a wide range of wellness options. Postoj Booking.com k zverejneným hodnoteniam bude vždy neutrálny. Very professional but very nice and creating the home atmosphere.“„“, „Nice location. They took into account my gluten-intolerance and were very helpful about it. Ľutujeme, vyskytla sa chyba. Your Falkensteiner Team, Adults-Only 4* hotel for adults 14 years and older, 2500 m² Acquapura SPA with extensive water worlds, sauna areas and quiet oases, Exquisite range of holistic wellness treatments for all the senses, Balanced, down-to-earth cuisine reinterpreted with regional references. Everyone is naked in sauna area, but it didn’t disturb us. Vďaka tomu vieme, že hodnotenia pochádzajú od skutočných hostí ako ste vy. Lokalita a vybavenie vhodné pre hostí cestujúcich vo dvojici, Ideálne pre hostí, ktorí cestujú vo dvojici. ATU66630309, © Sprudelliegen gibt es nur außen (im Winter nur bedingt zu benutzen - Wind!) Tutte le camere dispongono di balconi e TV satellitare. Genießen Sie Wellness, Ruhe und Erholung und lassen Sie die Seele baumeln. 04/08/2019 4*s Alpenwelt Resort im Nationalpark . Here our guests may embark on a holistic journey of discovery for body and mind. See 384 traveler reviews, 134 candid photos, and great deals for Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden, ranked #1 of 3 hotels in Bad Leonfelden and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden. Preis-Leistungsverhältnis stimmt (Freundinnen-Tage). Maximálny počet prísteliek závisí od typu izby, ktorý ste si vybrali. Das 4* Falkensteiner Hotel und Spa Bad Leonfelden sorgt mit Genuss auf höchstem Niveau, besten Service und einer 2.500 m² Wellnesslandschaft für Entspannung in voller Länge. Earlier check-in was possible; Usage of reusable cups; They allow dogs and prepare even small welcome bags for them (super cute). Take a look through our photo library, read reviews from real guests and book now with our Price Guarantee. I had booked a non-refundable room and couldn’t come the day I had to arrive, I’ve called reception and they changed the dates without any extra charges. V tomto ubytovaní sa deti vo veku 18 rokov a staršie považujú za dospelých. They took into account my gluten-intolerance and were very helpful about it. The SPA is big and has very comfortable facilities.“, „The hotel is situated in an excellent location - there are fields around, but it is possible to go by feet to the Main Square of this little town Bad Leonfelden ( 1 km by feet). Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden 1 Nacht im 4* Hotel inklusive Halbpension & 2.500 m² Acquapura SPA ab 85⬠p.P. Unlimited free green fees at the golf club Mühlviertel-St. Oswald-Freistadt, E-car charging station directly in front of the hotel (free of charge), Modern equipped meeting & conference area on 400 m². Our house is currently closed due to the official decree of the Austrian Federal Government for the containment of the corona virus (COVID-19). They took into account my gluten-intolerance and were very helpful about it. Pokiaľ chce hosť upraviť hodnotenie, ktoré už bolo odoslané, kontaktujte tímu Služieb zákazníkom Booking.com. The facilities, swimming pool, sauna, and gym are very good and well-maintained; ideal to unwind and relax for a couple of days. Tak vieme, že naše hodnotenia pochádzajú od skutočných hostí, ktorí sa v objekte ubytovali. Friendly staff. The Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden is characterized by high quality standards and the pursuit of holistic moments of enjoyment for our guests. Back to list Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden. Upozorňujeme, že na rezerváciu viac ako 5 izieb sa môžu vzťahovať špeciálne podmienky. Book now! Hodnotenie môžu napísať iba hostia, ktorí cez stránky Booking.com rezervovali a využili svoj pobyt. Medzinárodná. We really enjoyed our stay in this wellness hotel. Kontakt na ubytovanie, vrátane telefónu a adresy, budete mať po vytvorení rezervácie k dispozícii v potvrdení rezervácie a vo svojom účte. 3.2K likes. A cosy atmosphere for feeling good in 30 m². Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences, Rates per room/night based on double occupancy. Do úvahy berieme aj jazyk, to, či hodnotenie obsahuje komentár alebo to, či je anonymné. Spoločnosť Booking.com je distribútorom (bez povinnosti overovania) a nie vydavateľom týchto komentárov a reakcií. Odporúčame vám rezervovať si možnosť s bezplatným zrušením pre prípad, že sa vaše cestovné plány zmenia. Po pobyte nám hostia napíšu o svojej skúsenosti. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only is a spa and lifestyle hotel surrounded by a 4-hectare park. Großzügiger Sauna ⦠Deep relaxation & revitalization can be achieved in the soothing water worlds and the high-quality sauna area with numerous natural infusions. Your wellness time-out. Indulgence. Public areas include a hall with open fireplace, a fireplace room, a bar, a vinotheque and a library. 02/08/2019 Last-Minute Familien Urlaub in Kroatien ... Freundinnen-Tage im La Pura . 12/07/2018 Falkensteiner All Inclusive Urlaub . ATU66630309 Prosím, skontrolujte číslo a PIN kód rezervácie a skúste to znovu. The philosophy of the Acquapura Senses Spa appeals to all the senses: Feeling, hearing, smelling, seeing and tasting. Halbpension Wellnessbereich 2.500 m² Sicher buchen & zahlen Jetzt bei HOFER REISEN buchen! Skúste to znova neskôr. „Excellent staff. Wallseerstraße 10 AT-4190 Bad Leonfelden reservations.badleonfelden@falkensteiner.com Hotel: +43 (0)72132068 7911 Reservierung +43 50 991180 24 Falkensteiner Hotel BRS & BL GmbH, Walcherstraße 1A, Stiege C2, 1020 Wien, Handelsgericht: Wien, FN 315268 f, Firmensitz: Wien, UID Nr. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden, Leonfelden, Oberosterreich, Austria. Každé hodnotenie skontrolujeme, aby sa tam nevyskytovali urážlivé slová a potom ho zverejníme na našich stránkach. Trasa: Letisko Linz - Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only, Prihláste sa a my vám pošleme tie najlepšie ponuky, Booking.com B.V. sídli v holandskom Amsterdame a má medzinárodnú podporu v. Autorské práva © 1996–2021 Obmann. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only is a spa and lifestyle hotel surrounded by a 4-hectare park. Now $231 (Was $̶2̶5̶5̶) on Tripadvisor: Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden, Bad Leonfelden. Everyone is naked in sauna area, but it didn’t disturb us. We are already looking forward to welcoming you again from 22.01.2021. Nestled in the idyllic Mühlviertel hilly landscape, those seeking relaxation will find a nature-loving wellness retreat for adults just a 30-minute drive from Linz, which invites guests to linger in deep relaxation and, as a climatic health resort, is particularly suitable for recharging their batteries in the surrounding highlands and taking a deep breath once again. Hodnotenie môže napísať iba hosť, ktorý si rezervoval ubytovanie cez stránky Booking.com a aj sa v ňom ubytoval. Auf einem Hügel inmitten des Mühlviertelst, liegt die Quelle von Natur & Genuss. There is a great choice of breakfast and dinner. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden, Leonfelden, Oberosterreich, Austria. The focus is on an appreciative treatment of the resources of nature, a rich culinary offer according to the Slow Balance Food concept and the implementation of cultural as well as sporting activities in your stay, e.g. The reactivation of one's own powers is closely linked to inner balance. Skúste to znova, Chyba: Wifi fast good. Názory vyjadrené v príspevkoch pochádzajú od zákazníkov Booking.com a zástupcov partnerských ubytovaní, nie zo strany Booking.com. Domáce zvieratá sú povolené na požiadanie. Talianska, Mimoriadne zdravotné a bezpečnostné opatrenia. Water, the element of life, is the source of inspiration for the design of the spacious spa area. 100 m zur Langlaufloipe, ca. Podpora v súvislosti s koronavírusom (COVID-19), Ideálne pre hostí, ktorí cestujú vo dvojici. Das Falkensteiner Hotel & SPA Bad Leonfelden zählt zu den beliebtesten Wellnesshotels in Österreich und präsentiert sich nun als Adult Only. The 2,500 m² Acquapura Spa offers a spa and water world on 2 floors with a wide range of wellness options. We would suggest to have the same type of breakfast every day, including cava, which was a big plus, because this is something you would expect from this type of wellness hotels.“, „We really enjoyed our stay in this wellness hotel. Ubytovanie Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only víta hostí Booking.com od 27. marca 2009. Hodnotenie môžete napísať, ak ste si ubytovanie rezervovali cez stránky Booking.com. Hodnotenia sú najcennejšie vtedy, keď sú autentické a nezaujaté a odrážajú vašu skúsenosť. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden is rated "Fabulous" by our guests. Now $161 (Was $̶2̶5̶8̶) on Tripadvisor: Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden, Bad Leonfelden. Our room was very comfortable and tastefully decorated. V tejto službe sa môžu vyskytovať preklady poskytované spoločnosťou Google. Earlier check-in was possible; Usage of reusable cups; They allow dogs and prepare even small welcome bags for them (super cute)“„0“ Zobraziť viac, „Big, cozy room with huge window looking directly toward fields for very nice mornings. Schönes Hotel. Friendly staff. Take a break from everyday life and enjoy a long feel-good stay at the Mühlviertel. The staff are very friendly, professional, and always trying to make sure we had everything we needed. Immerso in un parco di 4 ettari, il Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden - Adults only vi accoglie in un albergo alla moda con centro benessere. Auf einem Hügel inmitten des Mühlviertelst, liegt die Quelle von Natur & Genuss. The stuff is very friendly and helpful. Na zobrazenie správnych cien a informácií o dostupnosti je potrebné v rámci vyhľadávania zadať počet detí vo vašej skupine a ich vek. Vyberte si jazyk. See 384 traveler reviews, 134 candid photos, and great deals for Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden, ranked #1 of 3 hotels in Bad Leonfelden and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. The swimming pools are nice and the saunas as well. Môžete na to použiť políčko Špeciálne požiadavky počas rezervácie alebo kontaktovať ubytovacie zariadenie priamo. readings and workshops on medicinal plants & nutrition, themed cooking courses, audiovisual hikes to power spots and much more. Thank you for the wonderful stay!“„0“ Zobraziť viac, „Dinner and breakfast were very nice with plenty of options to choose from. First I have say that hotel is dealing very well with current CV19 situation: masks are inside mandatory. 끖 I had booked a non-refundable room and couldn’t come the day I had to arrive, I’ve called reception and they changed the dates without any extra charges. There is a great choice of breakfast and dinner. Thank you for the wonderful stay! Wifi fast good. Prosím, overte si maximálnu kapacitu zvolenej izby. V prípade, že si rezervujete možnosť bez flexibilných podmienok, nemusíte mať nárok na vrátenie peňazí. Viac lojálnych hostí ako väčšina ostatných ubytovaní. Energy. The SPA is big and has very comfortable facilities. Whirlpool im Innenbereich fehlt. Big, cozy room with huge window looking directly toward fields for very nice mornings. Wasser, das Element des Lebens, ist als Quelle der Inspiration form- und farbgebend für die Gestaltung des großzügigen Wellnessbereiches. Zusammenfassung der 172 Hotelbewertungen. The swimming pools are nice and the saunas as well. To ensure that 2021 starts on a positive note, we set the course for a good new year with unique events. The staff are very friendly, professional, and always trying to make sure we had everything we needed. Besides all other great wellness things, the chef turned our stay into culinary enjoyment! Very professional but very nice and creating the home atmosphere.“„0“ Zobraziť viac, „Nice location. Jetzt buchen! Enjoy a heated indoor and outdoor pool (also in winter), with indoor access and plenty of deck chairs. Thank you for the wonderful stay!“„0“, „Dinner and breakfast were very nice with plenty of options to choose from. Sportunion Bad Leonfelden. Driving Directions. Lesen Sie alle 172 Erfahrungsberichte unserer Kurzurlauber für das 4 Sterne **** Hotel in Bad Leonfelden im Nördliches Mühlviertel / Oberösterreich Schalte ab vom grauen Alltag und genieße 3 Tage im Wohlfühtempel der Falkensteiner Kette. “. We would suggest to have the same type of breakfast every day, including cava, which was a big plus, because this is something you would expect from this type of wellness hotels. A pochi minuti di distanza troverai Chiesa Parrocchiale di Bad Leonfelden. 500 m ins Ortszentrum, ca. Take a break from hectic everyday life, relax in the spa area and bring body and mind back into harmony through gentle movement. Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden: Wellness Weekend - See 384 traveler reviews, 134 candid photos, and great deals for Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Bad Leonfelden at Tripadvisor. The stuff is super friendly. The breakfast is large and varied, especially on Saturdays.