Visit one of our informational events. Sämtliche Informationen zu den Zulassungsvoraussetzungen, der Anmeldung sowie der Eignungsabklärung zum konsekutiven Master-Studium Physiotherapie finden Sie auf unserer Website. Tip: keep all required documents to hand in electronic format. Mit dem Master-Studium Physiotherapie werden Sie zur Physiotherapie-Expertin bzw. Upon completing your studies, you will work primarily in a clinical setting as an expert in physiotherapy. Submit your application to the MSc programme in physiotherapy online. Mitteregger E, Marsico P, Balzer J, van Hedel HJ. You will become an expert in your specialisation and the point of contact for colleagues in other areas of healthcare. "Door deze master krijg je een kritischer blik op je vak. BMC Health Serv Res. Die Physiotherapie ist eine selbständige Disziplin im Bereich der Therapie, die zusammen mit anderen Berufsgruppen des Gesundheitswesens eine wichtige Aufgabe zum Wohl der Menschen übernimmt. The portion that students must pay (semester fees, etc.) Seit 2015 in Bern wohnend mit meinem Man und Sohn. In the physiotherapy for pain management focus area, you will develop knowledge and skills to become a specialist in non-medical pain therapy. * The curriculum was developed according to International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy (IFSPT) guidelines; we are currently working towards official recognition of our title. 2016 Aug;96(8):1262-75. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20150365. Reliability and practicability of the straight leg raise test in children with cerebral palsy. Das Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI (ehemals BBT) hat 4 Standorte für Fachhochschulen Gesundheit anerkannt: Zürich/Winterthur, Bern, Romandie, Tessin. This varies by canton. Unsere Physiotherapie befindet sich an der Marktgasse 31 im Herzen der Berner Altstadt.Sie verfügt über einen Lift, ist barrierefrei erreichbar und sehr gut mit dem öffentlichen Verkehr erschlossen. Der Bachelor ist die Grundlage für den Master of Science in Physiotherapie. La haute École Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale BSC in Physiotherapie. 2012 MAS - Master in muskuloskeletaler Physiotherapie 2009 OMTsvomp® - Abschluss in Manualtherapie 1993 Diplomierung zur Physiotherapeutin in Bern Instructors take an active, student-centred approach to foster intrinsically motivated, lifelong learning. Anmeldung für die Infoveranstaltung bei THIM – die internationale Hochschule für Physiotherapie Anmeldung für die Infoveranstaltung bei SUPSI – Fachhochschule Südschweiz Update zu den Lehrveranstaltungen sowie zum Campus-Alltag Schutzkonzept Thim van der Laan AG (SUPSI / THIM) Per Montag, 2. – BFH Health Professions, Schwarztorstrasse 48, Bern and online via Microsoft Teams. With a Master of Science in Physiotherapy, you will become an attractive candidate on the job market. Jahreskongress Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie 2014, Thun, Fortbildungstag Rehabilitative Ergonomie 2014, Winterthur, Rehabilitations-Symposium 2014, Affoltern am Albis, International Pelviperineology Congress 2014, Lyon, France, German Continence Association Congress 2013. Grants and loans for Swiss students and overseas students are generally paid out by the canton where the studentsâ parents are tax residents. Auch Weiterbildung, Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Dienstleistungen zählen zu den Kernkompetenzen der BFH. You must have your own laptop with a reliable internet (WiFi) connection. Master of Science in Physiotherapy - neurology focus area. Sortieren nach: Alle Regionen (4) Aargau (0) Basel (1) Bern (1) Liechtenstein (0) Ostschweiz (1) Tessin (0) Westschweiz (1) Zentralschweiz (0) Zürich (1) These are closely tied to new challenges in healthcare. © Bern University of Applied Sciences 2021. A standardized motor imagery introduction program (MIIP) for neuro-rehabilitation: development and evaluation. You will learn to differentiate between the various types of chronic, somatic, and neuropathic pain as well as performing and interpreting an analysis of pain transmition and processing. You will inspire confidence through your expert knowledge and excellent communication skills. The following foundations offer funding specifically to BFH students and students from other universities: Die Berner Fachhochschule BFH fördert die Vereinbarkeit von Studium, Berufstätigkeit und Betreuung von Angehörigen. You will either treat these issues or follow up as the circumstances dictate. School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM, Administration masterâs degree programme in physiotherapy, Physiotherapy for pain management focus area, Abstractband 2020: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2017), Abstractband 2019: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2016), Abstractband 2018: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2015), Abstractband 2017: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2014), Abstractband 2016: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2013), Abstractband 2015: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2012), Abstractband 2014: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2011), Abstractband 2013: Master-Thesen Physiotherapie (Studiengang 2010). Our curriculum includes multi- and transprofessional models of rehabilitation and integrates the latest technological developments in neurorehabilitation. 2014 Sep 5;579:157-62. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2014.07.023. Doktorat ( Doktorat in "Care & Rehabilitation Science" an der Universität Zürich in Zusammenarbeit mit der ZHAW. Schitter AM, Nedeljkovic M, Baur H, Fleckenstein J, Raio L. Effects of Passive Hydrotherapy WATSU (WaterShiatsu) in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Results of a Controlled Pilot Study. The methods used depend on the focus of the project. In the focus areas musculoskeletal, sport and neurology, we do, however, require that you have access to patients in your focus area over the course of your studies. König N, Ferraro MG, Baur H, Taylor WR, Singh NB. There are also numerous private foundations and funds that offer financial support to students. 2015 Jul 10;10(7):e0132068. In the professional development focus area, you will qualify for work in research and education. Our instructional team includes domestic and international experts in neurophysiotherapy and rehabilitation. Dev Med Child Neurol. opens doors to new areas of physiotherapy, broadening your perspectives in the field. is based on the financial guidelines provided by the MSc programme in physiotherapy. Fees at BFH are calculated as follows: * NAREG is the national register for increased safety in the Swiss healthcare system, managed by the Swiss Red Cross (SRK). Please be prepared for additional costs over the course of your studies for specialist literature and software. 2004 -2008 MRT Praxis für Physiotherapie. Gait deviations and compensations in pediatric patients with increased femoral torsion. Master of Science in Physiotherapie (MSc) Anbieter: Berner Fachhochschule BFH | Departement Gesundheit Ort, Bundesland, Land: Bern, Raum Bern, Schweiz Typ: berufsbegleitend Abschluss: M.Sc. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. Basics of health economics (only with the professional development focus area), Nutrition in pain patients (only with the physiotherapy for pain management focus area), Pain education / movement group (only with the physiotherapy for pain management focus area), Transfer 2: Elective internship in research, disciplinary development or clinical practice, Executing and presenting your master’s thesis, World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, 1. Wondrusch C, Schuster-Amft C. (2013). Evaluation of expectations and expectation fulfillment in patients treated for trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. Dipl. BFH will help you acquire the hardware and software required for the programme. 2016 Feb;58(2):173-9. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.12797. ... Dipl. Physiotherapie und Trainingstherapie im Zentrum von Bern, ... Master in Public Health, Sport-Physiotherapie ESP, Dry Needling, Fasziendistorsions-Therapie, Biomechanische Therapie nach Sohier Gygax & Zurbuchen GmbH. Der Studiengang MSc in Physiotherapie an der ZHAW schliesst mit dem Titel "Master of Science ZFH in Physiotherapie* / Master of Science in Physiotherapie UAS Zurich in Physiotherapy"** ab, der eidgenössisch anerkannt ist. Good language skills of English and German are required for the programme. Saxer S, Speich R, Toigo M, Mueller SM, Ulrich Somaini S. (2015). Content validity of the Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire-Self-Report Version WORQ-SELF in a subgroup of spinal cord injury patients. Als Physiotherapie-Expertin oder -Experte können Sie komplexe klinische Problemstellungen in einem breiten theoretischen Kontext autonom beurteilen und behandeln respektive bedürfnis- und bedarfsgerecht weiterbearbeiten. If you fulfil the formal entry requirements, we will look forward to meeting you. Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation, 2013, Berlin, Deutschland, Qualified physiotherapists who have completed advanced training equivalent to a Bachelor of Science in physiotherapy. Measurement properties of the EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L to assess quality of life in patients undergoing carpal tunnel release. Diese wird in der Schweiz nur an Fachhochschulen durchgeführt. You will learn new perspectives and approaches from renowned instructors from Switzerland and abroad. Language skills of English at level B2 are recommended for the programme and language skills of level C1 are recommended for applicants whose mother tongue is not German. 2014 Sep-Oct;59(2):305-11. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2014.06.005. Your clinical skills will prepare you to assess danger situations accurately, diagnose and manage neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) problems efficiently and provide your patients with individualised care oriented toward preventive measures. Other sources of funding include the foundation directories for individual cantons and private foundations. Schweiz. Die Weiterbildung zum Master of Science (MSc) erweitert die Studienkenntnisse noch. The movement laboratory in our Health Professions department provides you with the facilities you need for high-calibre research activities. Standort und Einrichtung. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. Our programme starts in calendar week 38. You will take on responsibility for specialist concerns, develop concepts and contribute to research projects. Furrer M, Bichsel L, Niederer M, Baur H, Schmid S. Validation of a smartphone-based measurement tool for the quantification of level walking. You will then be able to put these skills directly into practice and apply them to everyday therapy. Weâre happy to advise you in a personal consultation. Master of Science in Physiotherapy - musculoskeletal focus area. Physiotherapeutin, Master of Sports Physiotherapy (University of Queensland, Australia), Dipl. As an expert in physiotherapy, you will assess complex clinical problems within a broad theoretical context. In this way, the module aims to boost your theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In the sport* focus area, you will acquire expertise in the area of rehabilitation and care for injured athletes. Master of Science (MSc) in «Physiotherapy». An der Effingerstrasse 16 in Bern bietet med&motion Bern AG auf 650m 2 ... Ihre Experten für Sport- und Physiotherapie, Sport Trainings, Fitness und Kältetherapie. It facilitates international mobility on the job market and enables you to pursue a doctorate in the natural sciences. Am J Sports Med. Susanne Berger. financial aid calculator): The websites ausbildungsbeiträ, and European Funding Guide cover all the key information about grants in Switzerland and overseas. (2015). You will make new, clinically relevant information accessible in practice; for instance, you might develop and implement evidence-based clinical treatment concepts. Spinal Cord. Bauer CM, Heimgartner M, Rast FM, Ernst MJ, Oetiker S, Kool J. For further doctoral options, you can contact the Head of Study. We will contact you to arrange a date for the aptitude test after reviewing your documents. Die Ausbildung kann mit einem Master-Studiengang vertieft und mit Erlangung eines Doktortitels abgeschlossen werden - dies allerdings nur an einer universitären Hochschule. Gait Posture. Fröhlich-Zwahlen AK, Casartelli NC, Item-Glatthorn JF, Maffiuletti NA. Klinische Tätigkeit. Our MSc programme in physiology is intended for part-time studies carried out in parallel with your work - except the physiotherapy for pain management focus area. Our mobile video recording system allows you to record and immediately analyse these scenes. In your third year (part-time) or semester (full-time), the number of modules decreases. With a masterâs degree in physiotherapy, you will advance your scientific and clinical skills and make significant contributions to developments in the field. Wir empfehlen Ihnen dringend, die Rekrutenschule und den Ersteinsatz im Zivildienst vor Beginn des Studiums vollständig zu absolvieren. Your extensive skills, effective professional conduct and integrated knowledge will combine to make you an expert in the field of sports physiotherapy. 2017 Apr;295(4):799-809. doi: 10.1007/s00404-017-4300-5. *Orthopaedic Manual Therapy — Curriculum/designation given in accreditation process of the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) and the Swiss Verband Orthopädischer Manipulativer Physiotherapie (svomp). Association between peripheral muscle strength, exercise performance, and physical activity in daily life in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Wer sich für ein Studium an der BFH entscheidet, hat die Wahl zwischen 30 Bachelor- und 22 Master-Studiengängen. Kaech Moll VM, Escorpizo R, Portmann Bergamaschi R, Finger ME. We do not require related professional experience in the focus area you select. Grants are one-off or ongoing payments that donât usually have to be paid back provided you complete your course. You will learn advanced research methods in various contexts, ranging from physiotherapeutic and medical to interdisciplinary and interprofessional. Further information (incl. 2015-2017 Physiotherapeutin Applied Health Care Bern. Im Bachelorstudium als Kern der Physiotherapie Ausbildung erhalten Sie ein Grundlagenwissen in den Bereichen Medizin, Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Loans are one-off or ongoing payments that must be paid back after you finish your course. Front Hum Neurosci. Another key focus is on learning how to conduct evidence-based therapy options. Apply for our master’s degree programme in physiotherapy online. Ziel ist die Heilung, Linderung der Symptome und Rehabilitation der Fähigkeiten des Patienten oder der Patientin. A standardized motor imagery introduction program (MIIP) for neuro-rehabilitation: development and evaluation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. Costs may range between CHF 600 and CHF 800, depending upon how much you acquire. Fee for social, cultural and sport facilities: CHF 24, Optional membership fee for the BFH student body association (VSBFH): CHF 15. We look forward... 18.01.2021, 19.00-20.00 o'clock (2014). German version, inter- and intrarater reliability and internal consistency of the "Agitated Behaviour Scale" (ABS-G) in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. PLoS One. Die Grundausbildung an der Fachhochschule schliesst mit einem Bachelor of Science (BSc) ab. Kessler J, Radlinger L, Baur H, Rogan S. Effect of stochastic resonance whole body vibration on functional performance in the frail elderly: A pilot study. physioscience, 12/4 135-141. Es erleichtert Ihnen die internationale Mobilität auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und ermöglicht Ihnen die weiterführende akademische Ausbildung zu einem naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorat. Für ein Master-Studium im Bereich Therapie ist in erster Linie ein Hochschulabschluss auf mindestens Bachelor-Niveau in einer therapeutischen Wissenschaft wie Physiotherapie, Logopädie, Ergotherapie oder einer äquivalenten Disziplin von mindestens sechs Semestern Regelstudienzeit erforderlich. Physiotherapeuten und Physiotherapeutinnen sind Fachleute für Bewegung, Leistungsfähigkeit, körperliche Funktionsstörungen und Schmerzen. Portmann Bergamaschi R, Escorpizo R, Staubli S, Finger ME. Fachhochschule (Master) Master of Science (FH) in Physiotherapie. BSC in Physiotherapie, CAS Manuelle Therapie. Kooperationskongress Reha Schweiz/physioswiss 2017, Davos, Swiss Congress for Health Professions 2014, Bern, Symposium Health Professionals in Rheumatology 2014, Interlaken, 48. 2017 Mar 2;11:87. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00087. Bechter, S; Watzek, Dörte; Radlinger, Lorenz (2016).Nordic Walking in der stationären psychosomatischen Rehabilitation: Adhärenz, Selbstwirksamkeit und Veränderungsbereitschaft als mögliche Prädiktoren für ein langfristig erhöhtes Aktivitätsniveau. Seit 2019 ist F. Clasemann unter anderem für den Physiotherapie-Verband Zürich/Glarus in einem Projekt zur Unterstützung von Berufseinsteigern in Privatpraxen aktiv. Have you just completed your Bachelor of Science? doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0132068. BSc-Studiengang Physiotherapie. In the professional development focus area, we provide you with the knowledge and skills you will need for work in research and education as well as new and expanded tasks in practice. Les HES suivantes proposent un cursus de master. Master Physiotherapie. 2016 Jan;44(1):46-53. doi: 10.1177/0363546515607000. Health Qual Life Outcomes. Our laboratory employs various methods for measuring biomechanical and physiological performance to quantify physical capacity or evaluate bodily deficiencies. Wälti P, Kool J, Luomajoki H. (2015). Your application will be individually reviewed for equivalence. J Biomech. Sportphysiotherapeutin, Manualtherapeutin nach Sohier, Mitglied Medical Team Swiss Athletics The application and aptitude test fee of CHF 300 is itemised as follows: * To be paid within 10 days. Die Anmeldung für einen Kitaplatz erfolgt über das Webformular im BFH Intranet. 2003 Stattsexamen zur Physiotherapeutin an der DAA Bonn. They are relevant not only to physiotherapists but also to nutrition specialists, midwives and nurses. This makes your time management during the transfer modules and master’s thesis all the more critical. Student performance is measured and recognised according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). In our MSc programme in physiotherapy, you will increase your knowledge of evidence-based physiotherapy and learn how to apply various research methods. Students who have been tax residents in the Canton of Bern for at least two years are able to apply for cantonal grants and loans. zum Physiotherapie-Experten mit erhöhten Forschungskompetenzen und leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Fach- und Berufsentwicklung. The master’s thesis should be presented at congresses and published in professional journals whenever possible. Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Bachelorstudiengang Pflege Tel. 2014 Feb;52(2):152-6. doi: 10.1038/sc.2013.150. This teaches you to approach difficult interactions professionally. You must hold a recognised degree as a qualified physiotherapist. In our masterâs degree programme in physiotherapy, you will become an expert in the field, gaining research skills and making significant contributions to the development of the discipline and profession. 2016 Nov;41(9):957-962. doi: 10.1177/1753193416659404. Preparing and developing your master’s thesis. Interessierte Studierende und Mitarbeitende finden die Unterlagen auf dem BFH Intranet. BERN/ST. We focus on the following topics: These skills are complemented with content from: Master of Science in Physiotherapy - professional development focus area. Diese Website benutzt Cookies. Translation and construct validity of the Trunk Control Measurement Scale in children and youths with brain lesions. The application will not be processed until payment has cleared. Die BFH bietet Studierenden und Mitarbeitenden eine beschränkte Anzahl Kitaplätze an. Amacher A, Nast I, Zindel B, Schmid L, Krafft V, Niedermann K. (2016). seit Aug. 2016 : Praxis Renate Krauss, Bern : 2012-2016 : Physio Effingerhaus, Bern : 2014 Man Ther. Die Preise sind einkommensabhängig und richten sich nach den kantonalen Tarifen gemäss der Verordnung über die Angebote der sozialen Integration (ASIV) des Kantons Bern. Die Berner Fachhochschule und die Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften führen diesen Masterstudiengang in einer Netzwerkstruktur als gleichberechtigte und gleichverpflichtete Partnerinnen durch. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact, 15(3), 257-263. Validation of the Comprehensive ICF Core Set for Vocational Rehabilitation From the Perspective of Physical Therapists: An International Delphi Survey. Parkinsons Dis. 2016 Jul 19;14(1):106. doi: 10.1186/s12955-016-0511-x. After completing the study, you will be an expert in physiotherapy for pain management as well as a scientist in this field. Prevalence and Functional Consequences of Femoroacetabular Impingement in Young Male Ice Hockey Players. Reliability of parameters during stair ascent measured with Leonardo Mechanograph((R)) Stair A in healthy subjects. Public funds cover most of the cost of the programme. Marloes Steenhuisen, alumnus Fysiotherapiewetenschap en fysiotherapeut in het UMC Utrecht. Our researchers often develop and validate specific problems and measurement methods themselves.