Answer: The tree becomes a symbol for peace and conflict resolution because using trees was a symbol of peace. I call on world leaders to expand democratic spaces and build fair and just societies. In 2004 she received the Nobel Prize. What is the merit of having a feeling that we belong to a larger family? Volunteers cleaned the grove surroundings and joined the programme. Underlines the importance of sustainable management of environment. Since the dirt is immediately washed away, they imagine that there is no problem in throwing the garbage in it. Question 6. The scorching sun makes them dry and dehydrated easily. I think there should be awareness programmes organized especially for the people living close to the water bodies. In 1977, Wangari Maathai started a campaign that came to be known as the Green Belt Movement in her home country of Kenya. What is the role of biodiversity in maintaining environmental balance? Today we are faced with a challenge that calls for a shift in our thinking, so that humanity stops threatening its life-support system. As .the Coordinator of our Eco Club, I feel that we are singularly lucky to become the recipients of this Award. How does degradation of environment trigger off poverty and conflict? when a sapling is planted || wangari maathai || part 2 || By At November 13, 2020 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter ‘Together we have planted over 30 million trees that provide fuel, food, shelter and income….’ Wangari Maathai, in her Nobel Prize acceptance speech speaks about the importance of planting trees. Wear canvas shoes for the trip. When a Sapling is Planted - Previous Years' Questions on - 02 October "Today we are faced with a challenge that calls for a shift in our thinking so that humanity stops threatening its life support systems," says Wangari Maathai. Answer: Impact Of Deforestation: With the growth of the world population, there is an increasing need for space. Ginger, eucalyptus, wild cherry and cloves are also expectorants. But in the past the population was small and it was not so much noticed. Question 4. Moreover these specific biological conditions make her physique demand more clean water for sanitation purposes. She is an environmental and political activist. They have the misconception that a flowing river is never dirty. Yours faithfully, Meenakshi Varma Secretary, Tourism Club. Read the letter carefully and edit it. The rural population lacked firewood, clean drinking water, balanced diets, shelter and income. Look at the excerpt from the speech, âWhen a Sapling is Plantedâ, on p. 113. The men who came to cut down the trees had to go back because of the people embracing the trees. The activity creates employment and improves soil and watersheds. This is the world I inherited from my parents. A seminar was conducted in your School on the topic âMaintaining the ecological balance in the modern worldâ as per the following programme. He used to inspire me with his stories of great men like John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, Abdul Kalam and Mahatma Gandhi. Format, Uses. Deforestation means the felling of trees and clearing of forest to make that land available for residential, commercial or industrial purposes. She won many awards. Think of the condition of our State. 5. She also exhorts the youth to come forward to participate in the building of a sustainable future. Wangari Muta Maathai was born on April 1, 1940, in Nyeri, Kenya, in the foothills of Mount Kenya. Their life depends upon the perfect harmony of nature. There is the danger of wild life extinction. Question 6. In the course of history, humanity has to often shift to a new level of understanding, to reach a higher moral ground. So tilling of the land and thus feeding her children becomes her craving. One of the reasons for the water to become so dirty is the ignorance of the people. Explain the term âsustainable developmentâ. Some of the students actively participated in this session by asking questions and clearing their doubts. It affects the income of the people. Sample Delegation Letters | Format, Samples, Examples and How To Write Sample Delegation Letter? I would like to know about the websites of Green Belt Movement and the books on it. This destroys the local bio¬diversity and the ability of the forests to conserve water. If the mind is to be healthy body has to be healthy. Answer: According to Wangari Maathai, the primary role of women of Africa is taking care of their families. Sometimes man destroys entire forests to convert into farmlands or to make factories and residential areas. A debate is conducted by the English Club of your school on the topic, Environment is not important when it comes to development. Question 1. Write the likely conversation. But be careful. We know that the people of the Korean peninsular have hope. Change ). She got the Nobel Prize in 2004 for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace. Tree planting has become an honourable activity for all and because the political leadership publicly supports conservation and reforestation efforts the general populace is easily persuaded. Interested members are requested for sending the synopsis of their papers. Clean drinking water is compulsory for them because of their unique biological features. I am a Plus Two student studying in Florida School in Chennai. I recall the day when I expressed my views about conserving nature and save mother Earth to my loving parents by joining in the NSS organization. Lecture No. We always try to abuse nature. In this lesson she advises us to have a sensitive and reverential love for nature. WanGari Maathai in her Nobel Prize acceptance speech emphasizes the effectiveness of planting trees in the preservation of environment. When it rains all the excreta is washed into the river. She speaks of the urgency to heal the wounds of mother earth. This will happen only if we see ourselves as members of a large family, which has shared our evolutionary process. Medicinal plants have become very important in our modern day life. Question 13. At the early stage, the Green Belt Movement did not concern itself with issues like democracy and peace. Aldo rightly puts it in his words. We call our State âGodâs own countryâ. As a result of Green Belt Movement employment opportunities were created . Hence any disturbance to earth affects her first. Workshop Certificate | Template, Sample and How To Write Workshop Certificate? You must have come across newspaper reports on mass destruction of forests. Page 109: In Africa women are the primary caretakers. I am the first African woman to receive this Prize. What a heinous crime he is doing! The forms of life include both plants and animals. WHEN A SAPLING IS PLANTED. Later they came to know the widespread destruction of the ecosystems, mainly through deforestation, climatic instability and contamination of the soil and water. It causes floods in some areas and droughts in some other areas. She was the first African woman go get a Nobel Prize. There should be at least four points. Moreover these specific biological conditions make her physique demand more clean water for sanitation purposes. c) Biodiversity means the variety of living things in an environment. Answer: a) The women of Kenya. Wangari Maathai was born in Kenya and was the first woman in East and Central Africa to earn a doctorate degree.In 1976, she introduced the idea of planting trees with communities. I also want to implement a green Campus in our School by collecting more information about your activities. We have to remove our fears and give hope to each other. Later, I saw thousands of tadpoles, black, energetic and wriggling through the Clearwater against the background of the brown earth. The nonliving components include things like air, water and soil. Master Amal Dev, Vote of Thanks        : Master Francis Cyriac, Chairman of the School. Remarks the danger of introducing commercial farming to the environment. English. Trees play a big role in such preservation, as, without trees, the earth will degenerate into some kind of desert. affected.) Before a tree becomes a full-fledged tree it passes through many stages – seed, seedling, sapling and then tree. Officer: Yes, you can. She thought that trees are the umbrellas that shaded the earth from the scorching heat of the sun. In Kenya the tree became a symbol of peace. Everything on earth goes topsy-turvy. Last week a boy fell into the river as he was taking a selfie standing at an edge of a rock. Prepare a brief write-up of about 100 words to be included in a pamphlet emphasizing the need to cultivate food crops and develop farming as a culture. The area is very famous for fresh water fish and people come from different areas to buy cheap fresh water fish from Meloor. We were able to collect money and get the surgery done. But with the passage of time it has been destroyed. You are greatly honoured by the activities of the Green Belt Movement but you decide on to launch a similar movement in your School to ensure a green campus. In the 1970s she founded the Green Belt Movement. Soon it became clear that only a democratic set-up can implement schemes for responsible governance of the environment. This is after a picture of the stump of the tree, which had been dedicated in her memory in 2011, was circulated in social media on February 23. "Kenya continues to carve out a distinct place among the nations. She breathed her last on 25 September 2011. Question 5. There should be observation teams posted at strategic points so that they can catch the culprits and give them proper punishments. Question 1. Answer: I feel it is quite wrong to say that environment is not important when it comes to development. His family could not afford it.                                                      ABC HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, Expresses the sensitive and reverential love for nature, Dedicates the Nobel Prize to the women and children of Kenya. I was surprised and even shocked, so to say, to know that I was chosen for awarding the Student Excellence Award. Answer: The Place of Herbs in Our Lives The Environment Club of our School has a well developed Garden of Medicinal Plants. Famous As: Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Letâs make the earth green once again! The worst thing is that the people who do not have toilets in their homes excrete on the banks of the river and they wash themselves in the river. âMy inspiration comes from my childhood experiences and observations of nature in rural Kenya. Hi my name is Camila and I explain a woman who planted hope A woman who planted hope when a small seed is planted it can become a big tree and bear many fruitsWangari Maathai planted a seed, which she called hope,it has changed the whole word since she did many works and actions that made the world conscientiousWangari Maathai grew up in kenya.Luckly she had an opportunity to get an ⦠As I was growing up, I witnessed forests being cleared arid replaced by commercial plantations, which destroyed local biodiversity and the capacity of the forests to conserve water.â a) What inspired Wangari Maathai to become an environmentalist? Plants, animals, birds, fishes, soil and rocks etc in various parts are noted for their variety. Unless we become sensible and conserve our forests we are willingly causing our doom. The award would be given away by the Governor of the State, in the presence of the Chief Minister and certain other dignitaries. Poverty and conflicts become inevitable necessity. I have some doubts to clarify. Maathaiâs Green Belt Movement encouraged and assisted the people of the rural Kenya to plant trees. Tree planting is simple. She is 65 years old, and this year she planted one more tree in celebration and thanksgiving for being given a very great honor: Wangari Maathai has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Trees absorb the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and supply us oxygen. Question 7. Question 6. The people were unaware that a degraded environment leads to a fight for scarce resources. Answer: Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Enquiry regarding tourist spots at Thenmala. How does the tree become a symbol for peace and conflict resolution? All these needs are not distinct with any locality or period. Prepare the letter of enquiry. You may use the hints given below. c) What does âbiodiversityâ mean? The eco system is a home to different microorganisms and also living beings like storks, fish tadpoles and the like. In Kerala we boast of 44 rivers and streams. In India we had the Chipko Movement. She started the Green belt Movement in 1977 to solve the needs of the ordinary women of Kenya. They prevent the soil from eroding. I also thank my classmates who have been with me always – in my tragedies and triumphs. I canât life the box because it is too heavy. It is for this reason that I have established the Wangari Maathai Foundation to ensure the continuation and expansion of these activities. A wonderful and enlightening seminar was conducted in our School on the topic âMaintaining the ecological balance in the modern worldâ on 20th June 2016 at 10 am in the School auditorium. The Nature Club of your school decides to cultivate food crops in a space available in the school campus. Donât throw any items here and there. In this connection, one of the executive committee members is being sent to your office to collect information about the spots (venues) to be visited. It was becoming difficult for women to meet their basic needs. Local people suffer so much and they canât meet their basic needs. I am planning to launch a movement named âEver Green earthâ I am very much inspired by your activities on Green Belt Movement. She was forced by the government to vacate her office, and ⦠Primarily I am grateful to my Principal and the teachers. – Wangari Maathai. Question 5. âAs I was growing up, I witnessed forests being cleared and replaced by commercial plantations, which destroyed local bio-diversity and the capacity of forests to conserve waterâ, says Wangari Maathai. She established The Green Belt Movement (GBM) in 1977, initially to address deforestation. It means a healthy mind in a healthy body. I am very much thankful to God and my loving parents for the kind of support rendered on me. What is the role of bio-diversity in maintaining environmental balance? In our garden we have herbs like ginseng, aloe, sandalwood, red clover, burdock, bayberry, black pepper, cinnamon, myrrh, and safflower. They are our hope and our future. Imagine that you are the editor of your school blog. Read the lesson â When A Sapling Is Plantedâ. You are supposed to deliver a speech after receiving the award. ( Log Out / Thus forests help us in so many ways and so destroying them will be suicidal. Initially the work was difficult. This Award will make us work harder to make our place greener as we feel we have greater responsibilities now. There are a few mistakes in it. I was then responding to the needs of rural women. A collection of quotes and sayings by Wangari Maathai on environment, nature, women, rights, little-things, children, development, trees, water, plant, peace and humanity. âWe abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. Thank you, Sir, for all that you did to me. When the contractors came to cut down the trees, the women from the locality rushed to the forest and stood near the trees embracing them. Herbs such as Chamomile, chrysanthemum, coriander, fennel, peppermint, and spearmint, ajwan, basil, calamus, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric are helpful in promoting good blood circulation. He presented the paper in a clear manner highlighting the importance of maintaining the ecological balance in the modern world. I do agree with the statement of Aldo Leopold completely. The Durbar Construction Company is least bothered about the negative impact of filling up the paddy fields. Prepare a profile of Wangari Maathai using the hints given below. Soon the environment will be destroyed because of this imbalance. Thank you all! Remember it is not enough to plant trees, but make sure that they grow by giving the trees adequate care. Answer: These days we hear a lot about sustainable development. ( Log Out / The Ayurvedic treatment is entirely based on herbs, which have certain medicinal value or property. The government has rules which prohibit the filling up of paddy fields for construction work. It must be done in such a way we preserve our environment to have pure air, clean water and good soil creating an atmosphere where the flora and fauna can flourish enriching the place. It destroys the local bio-diversity and the ability of the forests to conserve water. Use the dustbins in case you want to drop something. Moreover, international traders control the prices of the commercial produce by farmers and so they canât get a reasonable and just income. Question 14. âLater, they became aware of the widespread destruction of the ecosystems, especially through deforestation. “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This is the definition given in Brundtland report. It destroyed the local bio-diversity and the ability of the forests to conserve water. The widespread destruction of the ecosystems, mainly through deforestation, climatic instability and contamination of the soil and water lead to extreme poverty and riots. Imagine that a vast area of paddy fields in your locality was filled up by a construction company for executing a villa project. These vegetables and fruits are full of insecticides and dangerous preservatives. Now, read the notes and the examples on the difference between adverb phrase and adverb clause. Many activities has been organised by our Environment Club this year. Women are more concerned about satisfying the household needs. She did a lot for environmental protection. Find out the mistakes and correct them. Letâs stand together, join our hands to bring out the best and protect environment. If you destroy the forests, the animals will lose their habitat. It was followed by the welcome speech by Sri Joshy Thomas, the Principal of the School. To get bumper harvests they use a lot of artificial fertilizers, insecticides and dangerous chemicals to increase the size and quantity of the paddy they harvest. There can be no development without sustainable management of the environment in a democratic and peaceful condition. The elders of Kikuyu carried a staff from the thigi tree (a huge shady tree, native to Africa). But at places it could be deep. She reminds us the challenge of reviving this natural resource and exhorts us to work collectively for giving back our children a world of beauty and wonder. They supply us a lot of forest products like honey, wax and different kind of herbs and roots. It sustains interest and commitment. By constantly consuming these things we are prone to become sick. International traders controlled the prices of the produce by farmers and so they could not get a reasonable and just income. Offenders much be seriously punished as a deterrent to future would-be culprits. Towards the end of her speech Wangari Maathai nostalgically recalls the natural world she inherited from her parents. EI Staff Spring 2005. She identified the lack of firewood, clean drinking water, and balanced diet, shelter and low income as the basic issues faced by the rural women of Kenya. Officer: Yes. Officer: You can stay up to 6.00 p.m. SL: How far is the Meenutty Falls from here? (Hints: paddy fields – a complete eco system – streams around the fields – home to micro-organisms – filling of land required to construct buildings – living beings like storks, fish, tadpoles etc. Alarmed at the way deforestation was taking place in Kenya and the world at large, she founded the Green Belt Movement. Many of them are so unclean that if the waterfalls on our body, the body starts itching! She is the first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize. I used to take part in different games and sports. The result is that the rice we get here is unhealthy. Rice being our staple food we ought to get it from outside. There will be different clubs for pastime. Go ahead and ask me what you want to ask. Everybody that I know or have read about is seriously flawed. We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own, indeed, to embrace the whole of creation in all its diversity, beauty and wonder. National Trade Certificate, Verification, SSI Certificate | SSI Registration, Udyam Registration, Eligibility, Benefits, Validity. âWhen a Sapling is Plantedâ is the Nobel acceptance speech of Wangari Maathai, the Kenyan environmentalist who began the Green Belt Movement to reforest her country by paying poor women a few shillings to plant trees. How does degradation of environment trigger off poverty and conflict? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Wangari Maathai calls upon the youth to save the earth from destruction. It is in the circumstances we decided to cultivate paddy in the extra space available in the school campus. Write your argument in a paragraph. It guarantees quick and successful results in a reasonable amount of time. That way also, trees bring money. Chipko in Hindi means embrace. Why does Wangari Maathai say that we need to have a shift in our thinking? If we destroy nature, nature has a way of destroying us. A few decades ago the water in the river was clean and we could use it even for drinking purposes. What was the impact when the household food crops were replaced by commercial farming ? Responsibility is to keep it intact after their reasonable demand is satisfied. Women are in need of safe shelter also. This is a plastic free zone. I understand that the Award is given on the basis of a studentâs performance both in the curricular and co-curricular activities. to control the pests. She was born on 1 April 1940. Hence Maathai stresses the need of a policy that ensures the sustainable development. 4. d) What does the wordâ excruciatingâ mean? He could not see properly because it was dark. As can be seen, most of them are caused by man whereas a couple of them – like desertification and forest fires – could be natural causes. Children will never know what they have lost. It causes soil erosion. Adverbial clause of concession. But since the Principal and the teachers have decided that I am the one to be given that Award, I believe they are right. Scramble for resources even at times of abundance is common. The challenge is to restore the home of the tadpoles and give back to our children a world of beauty and wonder.