Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 2001/49/EC (OJ L 176, 29.6.2001, p. 61). Member States shall enforce food law, and monitor and verify that the relevant requirements of food law are fulfilled by food and feed business operators at all stages of production, processing and distribution.For that purpose, they shall maintain a system of official controls and other activities as appropriate to the circumstances, including public communication on food and feed safety and risk, food and feed safety surveillance and other monitoring activities covering all stages of production, processing and distribution.Member States shall also lay down the rules on measures and penalties applicable to infringements of food and feed law. The Management Board, having received the Commission's approval and the opinion of the Court of Auditors, shall adopt the Authority's financial regulation which specifies in particular the procedure for drawing up and implementing the Authority's budget, in accordance with Article 142 of the Financial Regulation of 21 December 1977 applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(26) and with the legislative requirements concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office. "hazard" means a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food or feed with the potential to cause an adverse health effect;15. (64) It is necessary that operators should have sufficient time to adapt to some of the requirements established by the present Regulation and that the European Food Safety Authority should commence its operations on 1 January 2002. The Executive Director shall be the legal representative of the Authority and shall be responsible for: (a) the day-to-day administration of the Authority; (b) drawing up a proposal for the Authority's work programmes in consultation with the Commission; (c) implementing the work programmes and the decisions adopted by the Management Board; (d) ensuring the provision of appropriate scientific, technical and administrative support for the Scientific Committee and the Scientific Panels; (e) ensuring that the Authority carries out its tasks in accordance with the requirements of its users, in particular with regard to the adequacy of the services provided and the time taken; (f) the preparation of the statement of revenue and expenditure and the execution of the budget of the Authority; (h) developing and maintaining contact with the European Parliament, and for ensuring a regular dialogue with its relevant committees. Ceea ce astăzi este Canalul Mânecii (English Channel) era atunci un fluviu ce curgea spre vest și era alimentat de afluenți care mai târziu au devenit Tamisa și Sena. Recourse to a risk analysis prior to the adoption of such measures should facilitate the avoidance of unjustified barriers to the free movement of foodstuffs. In the case of non-contractual liability, the Authority shall, in accordance with the general principles common to the laws of the Member States, make good any damage caused by it or its servants in the performance of their duties. The Authority, Commission and Member States shall cooperate to promote the effective coherence between risk assessment, risk management and risk communication functions. Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council Show full title. 3. Commencement of the Authority's operation. (14) For the same reason, it is necessary to consider other practices and agricultural inputs at the level of primary production and their potential effect on the overall safety of food. Within one year following the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall publish an inventory of Community systems existing in the fields within the mission of the Authority which make provision for Member States to carry out certain tasks in the field of scientific evaluation, in particular the examination of authorisation dossiers. (4) Opinion of the European Parliament of 12 June 2001 (not yet published in the Official Journal), Council Common Position of 17 September 2001 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and Decision of the European Parliament of 11 December 2001 (not yet published in the Official Journal). Feed that complies with specific Community provisions governing feed safety shall be deemed to be safe insofar as the aspects covered by the specific Community provisions are concerned. The European Parliament or a Member State may request the Authority to issue a scientific opinion on matters falling within its mission. Recent food crises have demonstrated the need to set up an improved and broadened rapid alert system covering food and feed. 1). Where it is evident that food or feed originating in the Community or imported from a third country is likely to constitute a serious risk to human health, animal health or the environment, and that such risk cannot be contained satisfactorily by means of measures taken by the Member State(s) concerned, the Commission, acting in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 58(2) on its own initiative or at the request of a Member State, shall immediately adopt one or more of the following measures, depending on the gravity of the situation:(a) in the case of food or feed of Community origin:(i) suspension of the placing on the market or use of the food in question;(ii) suspension of the placing on the market or use of the feed in question;(iii) laying down special conditions for the food or feed in question;(iv) any other appropriate interim measure;(b) in the case of food or feed imported from a third country:(i) suspension of imports of the food or feed in question from all or part of the third country concerned and, where applicable, from the third country of transit;(ii) laying down special conditions for the food or feed in question from all or part of the third country concerned;(iii) any other appropriate interim measure.2. The provisions of this Chapter shall be without prejudice to Council Directive 85/374/EEC of 25 July 1985 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products(25). The Authority shall be open to the participation of countries which have concluded agreements with the European Community by virtue of which they have adopted and apply Community legislation in the field covered by this Regulation. The Court of Auditors shall examine the accounts in accordance with Article 248 of the Treaty. Food or feed which is placed on the market or is likely to be placed on the market in the Community shall be adequately labelled or identified to facilitate its traceability, through relevant documentation or information in accordance with the relevant requirements of more specific provisions.5. (29) It is necessary to ensure that a food or feed business including an importer can identify at least the business from which the food, feed, animal or substance that may be incorporated into a food or feed has been supplied, to ensure that on investigation, traceability can be assured at all stages. Directive repealed by Directive 98/83/EC. The Management Board shall adopt its rules of procedure. Steps should also be taken to help avoid diverging scientific opinions and, in the event of diverging scientific opinions between scientific bodies, procedures should be in place to resolve the divergence or provide the risk managers with a transparent basis of scientific information. The Advisory Forum shall be chaired by the Executive Director. 3. (26) Some Member States have adopted horizontal legislation on food safety imposing, in particular, a general obligation on economic operators to market only food that is safe. (62) In order to ensure a more effective, comprehensive approach to the food chain, a Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health should be established to replace the Standing Veterinary Committee, the Standing Committee for Foodstuffs and the Standing Committee for Feedingstuffs. THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. (17) Where food law is aimed at the reduction, elimination or avoidance of a risk to health, the three interconnected components of risk analysis - risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication - provide a systematic methodology for the determination of effective, proportionate and targeted measures or other actions to protect health. Consumers must have confidence and assurance that the food they buy will do them no harm or have an adverse effect. "risk communication" means the interactive exchange of information and opinions throughout the risk analysis process as regards hazards and risks, risk-related factors and risk perceptions, among risk assessors, risk managers, consumers, feed and food businesses, the academic community and other interested parties, including the explanation of risk assessment findings and the basis of risk management decisions; 14. 1. 9. The Court of Justice of the European Communities shall have jurisdiction to give judgment pursuant to any arbitration clause contained in a contract concluded by the Authority. 2. Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1). Topics: CERTIFICAZIONE E TRACCIABILITÀ DEGLI ALIMENTI DI ORIGINE ANIMALE (Modulo Integrato),66019,,,Sicurezza e qualita' delle produzioni animali,8521,,,,,2017,6 The Authority shall forward the evaluation and information collected on emerging risks to the European Parliament, the Commission and the Member States. (5) OJ L 229, 30.8.1980, p. 11. It sets out an overarching and coherent framework for the development of food and feed legislation both at Union and national levels. The Authority shall provide scientific opinions which will serve as the scientific basis for the drafting and adoption of Community measures in the fields falling within its mission.7. Existing procedures for the allocation of scientific tasks to the Member States, in particular with regard to the evaluation of dossiers presented by industry for the authorisation of certain substances, products or procedures, should be re-examined within a year with the objective of taking into account the establishment of the Authority and the new facilities it offers, the evaluation procedures remaining at least as stringent as before. Operators shall inform the competent authorities of the action taken to prevent risks to the final consumer and shall not prevent or discourage any person from cooperating, in accordance with national law and legal practice, with the competent authorities, where this may prevent, reduce or eliminate a risk arising from a food.4. 178/2002 ze dne 28. ledna 2002, kterým se stanoví obecné zásady a požadavky potravinového práva, zřizuje se Evropský úřad pro bezpečnost potravin a stanoví postupy týkající se bezpečnosti potravin (Úř. The Scientific Committee and the Scientific Panels shall each choose a Chair and two Vice-Chairs from among their members. The Member State may maintain its national interim protective measures until the Community measures have been adopted. In other circumstances, except in the case where foods are injurious to health or feeds are unsafe, food and feed can only be exported or re-exported if the competent authorities of the country of destination have expressly agreed, after having been fully informed of the reasons for which and the circumstances in which the food or feed concerned could not be placed on the market in the Community. The Scientific Committee and the Scientific Panels shall act by a majority of their members. 22). Cooperation and appropriate exchange of information should also minimise the potential for diverging scientific opinions. Existing food law principles and procedures shall be adapted as soon as possible and by 1 January 2007 at the latest in order to comply with Articles 5 to 10. Every reference in Community legislation to the Standing Committee on Foodstuffs, the Standing Committee for Feedingstuffs and the Standing Veterinary Committee shall be replaced by a reference to the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health. The Authority shall ensure wide access to the documents which it possesses.2. (39) The Authority should contribute through the provision of support on scientific matters, to the Community's and Member States' role in the development and establishment of international food safety standards and trade agreements. The Advisory Forum shall constitute a mechanism for an exchange of information on potential risks and the pooling of knowledge. Where reference is made to this paragraph, the procedure laid down in Article 5 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, in compliance with Articles 7 and 8 thereof. Where international standards exist or their completion is imminent, they shall be taken into consideration in the development or adaptation of food law, except where such standards or relevant parts would be an ineffective or inappropriate means for the fulfilment of the legitimate objectives of food law or where there is a scientific justification, or where they would result in a different level of protection from the one determined as appropriate in the Community. Consequently, it is necessary to establish that this Regulation is without prejudice to the competence conferred on the EMEA by Community legislation, including powers conferred by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 of 26 June 1990 laying down a Community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin(20).
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