Najljepša razglednica za početak ljetne turističke sezone u Hrvatskoj! Spektakl na Višnjiku. 1 on the list who really delivered with its colleagues with so many stars playing for their fans, tourists and locals and it is really a great start of the tourist season in Zadar and this part of Croatia! HRT reports: "The Adria Tour, which is being held in Zadar currently, is a big event for Croatia that we are extremely proud of. The Adria Tour will be contested in Zadar from 19 to 21 June, and will have its final leg in Banja Luka (Boznia and Herzegovina) from 3 to 4 July. "The tournament will be played on clay, we were ready for concrete, but Novak's team still decided on clay. Djokovic will be joined there by Croatia’s 2014 US Open winner Marin Cilic and Borna Coric. ZADAR, June 21, 2020. Zadar Travel is a mobile phone application which enables travellers to easily find and book available accommodation in Zadar, chosen from facilities registered in the database of Zadar Tourist Board. ⠀ The safety and health of all come first. The Adria Tour is a set of exhibition matches which begin in Belgrade, Serbia and will have its second round in Zadar, Croatia. June 4, 2020 - Organized by Novak Djokovic, the Adria Tour will be held in Zadar from June 20-21, 2020. Click for latest flights, border, corona news, Join the Total Croatia Travel INFO community, Latest Croatian travel info in your language, Welcome Home Office: Falkensteiner Introduces Digital Nomad Offer. 1 Novak Djokovic and Russia’s Andrey Rublev has been cancelled following Grigor Dimitrov ‘s announcement of his positive test of Covid-19: “Hi Everyone-I want to reach out and let my fans and friends know that I tested positive back in Monaco for Covid-19. Zadar will host some of the top names in tennis during the humanitarian Adria Tour on June 20 and 21. Copyright © 2020 Adria Tour. ADRIA TOUR Zadar – live prenos (oko 20:15h) – Gledajte direktan prenos . It’s hard to organize, especially with the usual schedule of tennis players. jun), da bi se potom preselio u Zadar (20/21. Novak Djokovic announces Adria Tour tennis tournaments in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro Posted Mon Monday 25 May May 2020 at 10:49pm Mon Monday 25 May May 2020 at 10:49pm Sport Goran Ivanisevic: Adria Tour is a World Opportunity for Zadar and Croatia June 4, 2020 - Organized by Novak Djokovic, the Adria Tour will be held in Zadar from June 20-21, 2020. "I have been all over Croatia, but I have never been to Zadar, and I am looking forward to meeting Zadar and the people here and all the participants of the Adria Tour. Croatia Music Festivals Return in 2021... including Exit Festival? Alexander Zverev wasn't disappointed by his decision to come to Belgrade "I feel great in Belgrade. The Adria Tour was an exhibition tennis tour held in June 2020 in Belgrade, Serbia and Zadar, Croatia. jun), zatim … Zadar was the second stop of Djokovic’s Adria Tour exhibition series, with the first coming in Belgrade last week, where World No. I do not doubt that this organization will go well and that all our guests and tennis players who come from abroad will be extremely satisfied.". Novak Djokovic won both of his matches and booked a place in the final as the second leg of his Adria Tour got under way in Zadar, Croatia. He returned home to Monaco after feeling unwell during his Saturday match against Borna Coric. Neki od najboljih tenisača … It will be a stadium for nine thousand people that will be installed this week, and I hope that it will allow us half of that capacity for the audience to see these best players in the world," Ivanisevic pointed out and added: "This is a world opportunity to show Zadar and Croatia in a beautiful light, as a corona-free country and we invite tourists. Back to top. The director of the #AdriaTour sports event in Zadar and Djokovic's coach, Goran Ivanisevic, warmly welcomed Novak … June 17, 2020 - The No. Adria Tour 2020 je regionalni teniski turnir humanitarnog karaktera, koji će se od 13. juna do 5. jula održati u organizaciji najboljeg tenisera sveta, Novaka Đokovića. Famous Croatian singer … "Adria Tour", u organizaciji najboljeg tenisera sveta, biće održan u Beogradu, Banjaluci, Zadru, Sarajevu i Crnoj Gori. On June 20 and 21, the Adria Tour tournament will move to Zadar, on Croatia’s Adriatic coast. June 18. “This was a big organization and there was a great desire to organize a tournament in Zadar and Croatia, and to present it with popular players. About this year's exciting Adria Tour. The Adria Tour event in Zadar now has six confirmed players and two more players are left to be added to the player field. Matches will be broadcast live on Sport.klub TV. Počela je prodaja ulaznica za teniski megaspektakl Adria Tour koji se idućeg vikenda, od 19. do 21. lipnja održava na posebno za njega izgrađenom stadionu na ŠC Višnjik u Zadru. To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page. With the usage of our services you permit us to use cookies. Adria Tour 2020 is a regional charity tennis tournament organised by the best tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic. The final of the Adria Tour in Zadar has been cancelled after Grigor Dimitrov tested positive for coronavirus. This corona, no matter how much evil and misfortune it brought, made the 'Adria Tour' possible. Live prenos počinje za. 0:53. Cookies make it easier for us to provide you with our services. The Bulgarian revealed the news on Instagram on Sunday. Zadar to Get Better Drainage System Through EBRD Loan and EU Funds, Task Force Head Says Information on Whereabouts of Quake Victims to be Collected, Minister: Task Force Dealing with Aftermath of Dec 29 Quake to Work 24 Hours a Day, Horvat: Institutions Will Determine Irregularities in Post-War Reconstruction, Veliki Kaštel Interpretation Center New Makarska Tourism Product, Flights to Croatia: Volotea Announces 21 Lines to Croatia for Summer 2021, Smart City Ivanic-Grad Gets Solar-Farm Buildings and Super Fast Internet, Index Investigation: Milan Bandic Took HRK 3.35 Million from Schools, Gave to Snow Queen Instead, Construction Minister: Prefab Homes as Lasting Solution in Quake-Hit Area, Croatia Receives Another 17,550 Doses of COVID Vaccine. STARNBERG, June 25, 2020. Adria Tour 2020 je regionalni teniski turnir humanitarnog karaktera, koji će se od 13. juna do 5. jula održati u organizaciji najboljeg tenisera sveta, Novaka Đokovića. Zadar proved to be not only a basketball city but also a tennis city with the two Davis Cup matches that it organized incredibly. 4 grada. Adria Tour was created on the initiative of the Serbian tennis star in order to promote sports, positive values and fair play, but also to raise funds for those who need it. Đoković u Zadar dovodi Adria tour. Ujedno, svi koji su nabavili ulaznice pomogli su programe za unapređenje ranog razvoja naše dece koje u Srbiji sprovodi Fondacija "Novak Đoković" - rekao je Đoković. This tells us that. 1 tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, arrived in Zadar on Tuesday ahead of the Adria Tour humanitarian tournament. OBJAVLJENO: 22.05.2020 18:09 AUTOR: HTS PODIJELI: Teniske zvijezde u lipnju u Zadru na inicijativu Novaka Đokovića u suradnji s HTS-om kao najljepša razglednica za početak ljetne turističke sezone.Dolaze i Thiem, Čilić, Ćorić, Dimitrov i to 20. i 21. lipnja. The Bulgarian tenni, Another 4 fantastic #tennis matches await us today, Organizacioni odbor Adria Toura doneo odluku o otkazivanju daljih događaja, Rubljov bez poraza do finala u Zadru, treća pobeda i za Novaka, Novak je prvi finalista Adria Tour-a, neizvesno u grupi B. ... (13/14. It was organized by the world No. Croatian Healthcare Workers: Christmas's Forgotten Heroes? Ko prenosi? Adria Tour Zadar Zadar , Croatia No responsibility is taken by Fixture Calendar Ltd for the accuracy of this information. ⠀ *** ⠀ © 2020 Total Croatia News. The draw for the second tournament of the Adria Tour series was made on Friday. The following weekend, on 20 – 21 June, Visnjik in Zadar will play host to a tournament. The Adria Tour event in Zadar will take place next weekend, June 21-22. The clay-court event is held at the TC Višnjik. ⠀ The organisers of the Adria Tour thank the referees, participants as well as the audience for their understanding for canceling the final match. Ivanisevic will also participate in the tournament as Djokovic's coach, a position he has held since last year. Novak asked me how Croatia could get involved, I checked with the Croatian Tennis Federation and with their help we chose Zadar. A planned … The series then moves to Banja Luka on 3-4 July. The event fell under heavy criticism due to its lack of social distancing procedures, and allowing a full crowd, unlike the simultaneous Ultimate Tennis Showdown. Secret Zadar Zadar Travel Useful Links Getting Around Tourist Offices Useful Information Useful Services And Apps Cookie policy GDPR. Direktne prenose moći ćete da pratite na našem portalu. Adria Tour 2020 je regionalni teniski turnir humanitarnog karaktera, koji će se od 13. juna do 5. jula održati u organizaciji najboljeg tenisera sveta, Novaka Đokovića. Novak Djokovic won both of his matches and booked a place in the final as the second leg of his Adria Tour got under way in Zadar, Croatia. Adria tour je serija egzibicionih turnira humanitarnog karaktera u organizaciji Novaka Đokovića. The following weekend, on 20 – 21 June, Visnjik in Zadar will play host to a tournament. The Adria Tour tournaments series is being organised by number one tennis player in the world Novak Djokovic who has gathered some of the current leading players,such as leading ... wias played in Belgrade at TC Novak courts on 13 – 14 June. Atraktivne teniske mečeve igrat će prvi igrač svijeta Novak Đoković, hrvatski asevi Borna Ćorić i Marin Čilić te brojni drugi. We are waiting for the final confirmation of the number of fans that will be allowed. HRT HRT reports that for the first time in his prosperous career, Croatian tennis legend Goran Ivanisevic found himself in the role of a tournament director. Besides world No. 3 države. reports that the most beautiful postcard will be sent to the world from Zadar next month, officially kicking off the summer tourist season in Croatia! The second leg of the charity event in the Balkan region is taking place in Croatia’s coastal resort Zadar this weekend. The tournament is organized by the world's best tennis player Novak Djokovic, in cooperation with the Croatian Tennis Federation, and will bring together some of the biggest names in international tennis. June 19, 2020 - Russian tennis player Andrej Rubljov, the fourteenth best player in the world, landed in Zadar on Friday morning, where he will join the tennis stars on the Adria Tour, which will be played until Sunday at the Višnjik Sports Center in Zadar. - Hvala svima na ovolikom interesovanju i želji da kupovinom karte budu deo "Adria Tour" i tako se nađu u prilici da na delu vide Novaka Đokovića i neke od najboljih tenisera sveta. From tomorrow, the Zadar County Public Health Institute will introduce an additional telephone line and additional duty teams. Following the events at the second stop of the Adria Tour in Zadar, Croatia last weekend, the president of the Croatian Tennis Federation (HRT), Nikolina Babic, spoke about the coronavirus outbreak in the coastal city. Namely, some of the best tennis players in the world will play … Od 19. do 21. juna u Zadru će se igrati turnir Adria Tour-a. Namely, Ivanisevic will help direct the Adria Tour, which will be held on June 20 and 21 in Zadar. Otvorena je prošlog vikenda u Beogradu, gde je trofej osvojio Dominik Tim. Famous Croatian singer … The Croatian Tennis Association, as a co-organizer, After today's meeting of all members of the Organi, "The moment we arrived in Belgrade we went to be t, The organisers of the Adria Tour tennis tournament, URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT ‼️ Adria Tour tournament in Zadar will be organized on the initiative of Novak Đoković with the help of Croatian Tennis Association, currently the best tennis player in the world and no. The opening round in Belgrade begins 13 June. Sunday’s final of the Adria Tour in Zadar between World No. 1 ranked player Novak Djokovic during the ATP Tour's shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement sent shock waves around the tennis world, as Dimitrov had been playing in the Adria Tour, an exhibition event organized by Novak Djokovic and his team. All Rights Reserved. Turneja počinje u glavnom gradu Srbije 13. i 14. juna, a Zadar će biti domaćin 20. i 21. juna, a za direktor turnira u Hrvatskoj delegiran je Ivanišević. July 6, 2020 - From the first of July, low-cost airlines finally took off for Zadar Airport. All rights reserved. The Adria Tour tournaments series is being organised by number one tennis player in the world Novak Djokovic who has gathered some of the current leading players,such as leading ... wias played in Belgrade at TC Novak courts on 13 – 14 June. "Novak already had the idea to organize a 'tour' or a couple of exhibition matches in Belgrade, Sarajevo, and Croatia. The series then moves to Banja Luka on 3-4 July. The Adria Tour will be held in several countries, with Dominic Thiem, Alexander Zverev, Grigor Dimitrov playing alongside Djokovic, and the two best Croatian tennis players, Marin Cilic and Borna Coric, will also play in Zadar. ZADAR, June 20, 2020. PHOTOS: Around Zagreb Dolac Market with a Michelin-starred Chef. 4 vikenda vrhunskog tenisa. HRTurizam reports that 5,270 tourists visited Zadar on July 2 (14.6 thousand on the same day last year) or 36 percent of last year's figures. HRT HRT reports that for the first time in his prosperous career, Croatian tennis legend Goran Ivanisevic found himself in the role of a tournament director. Novak's wish has come true and with this team coming, I can say that this will be a tennis spectacle in the Balkans," said Ivanisevic about Djokovic's initiative. May 23, 2020 - At the initiative of Novak Djokovic, and in cooperation with the Croatian Tennis Federation, tennis stars will flock to Zadar in June to kick off summer in Croatia.

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