Publication Type: Editorial Seiler S, Schmidt H, Lechner A, Benke T, Sanin G, Ransmayr G, Lehner R, Dal-Bianco P, Santer P, Linortner P, Eggers C, Haider B, Uranues M, Marksteiner J, Leblhuber F, Kapeller P, Bancher C, Schmidt R; PRODEM Study Group. Publication type: Original article Lenz K, Buder R, Kapral C, Wewalka F. Störungen in der Autoregulation der Nierendurchblutung als relevanter Faktor für die Entstehung eines hepatorenalen Syndroms. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 28008098 Manzano-Fernandez S, Mueller T, Pascual-Figal D, Truong Q, Januzzi JL. Gegenhuber A, Lenz K. Behandlung des hypertensiven Notfalls. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 18325332; Schgoer W, Mueller T, Jauhiainen M, Wehinger A, Gander R, Tancevski I, Eller P, Ritsch A, Salzmann K, Haltmayer M, Ehnholm C, Patsch JR, Foeger B. Schwestern. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 19525245; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 6,059. Vadivelu SK, Kurzbauer R, Dieplinger B, Zweyer M, Schafer R, Wernig A, Vietor I, Huber LA. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 18605936; Straube A, May A, Kropp P, Katsarava Z, Haag G, Lampl C, Sándor PS, Diener HC, Evers S. Therapie primärer chronischer Kopfschmerzen. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2012;124 Suppl 2:100-103. Institut für Sinnes- und Sprachneurologie - Konventspital Barmherzige Brüder Linz. Publication Type: Original article Seilerstätte 4, 4010 Linz Tel. Ophthalmologe 2005;102:906-908. Publication Type: Review The Presage ST2 assay: analytical considerations and clinical applications for a high-sensitivity assay for measurement of soluble ST2. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd 2010;227:433-438. [⇒Pubmed] PMID: 23300746; Clodi M, Abrahamian HE, Drexel HE, Fasching P, Hoppichler F, Kautzky-Willer A, Lechleitner M, Ludvik B, Prager R, Roden M, Saely C, Schernthaner G, Schober E, Toplak H, Wascher T, Weitgasser R. Antihyperglykämische Therapie bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2. Eur J Neurol 2017;24:780-787. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2017;122:1249-1254. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 23070458; Lenz K. Noradrenaline in the treatment of patients with hepatorenal syndrome - back to the roots? Wien Klin Wochenschr 2016;128 Suppl 2:45-53. Lampl C, Steiner TJ, Mueller T, Mirvelashvili E, Djibuti M, Kukava M, Dzagnidze A, Jensen R, Stovner LJ, Katsarava Z. Publication type: Case report Publication Type: Original article Ophthalmologe 2012;109:468-473. Publication Type: Original article Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 0,177. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 1,618. Publication type: Review Publication type: Original article Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 2,873, Petru E, Singer CF, Polterauer S, Galid A, Schauer C, Klocker J, Seifert M, Reinthaller A, Benedicic C, Hubalek M, Hefler L, Marth C, Scholl-Firon T, Bogner G, Zeimet AG. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 20534378; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 2,434. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 0,974, Mueller T, Hinterreiter F, Poelz W, Haltmayer M, Dieplinger B. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 19614696; Gnewuch C, Liebisch G, Langmann T, Dieplinger B, Mueller T, Haltmayer M, Dieplinger H, Zahn A, Stremmel W, Rogler G, Schmitz G. Serum bile acid profiling reflects enterohepatic detoxification state and intestinal barrier function in inflammatory bowel disease. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 1,418, Steindl-Schönhuber TM, Trzaskowski A, Gittler G. Cleaning validation for blister packaging machines in an Austrian pharmacy. Konventhospital Barmherzige Brüder Linz 07.07.2019 - Das Team der Neurologie war sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Publication Type: Original article The German-Austrian Gastrointestinal Lymphoma Study Group. Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder: a consensus report of the mind exchange program. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 12612847; Mitrovic V, Willenbrock R, Miric M, Seferovic P, Spinar J, Dabrowski M, Kiowski W, Marks DS, Alegria E, Dukat A, Lenz K, Arens HA. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 4,101, Pavo N, Wurm R, Neuhold S, Adlbrecht C, Vila G, Strunk G, Clodi M, Resl M, Brath H, Prager R, Luger A, Pacher R, Hülsmann M. GDF-15 Is associated with cancer incidence in patients with type 2 diabetes. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 17618962; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 5,777. The K121Q polymorphism of ENPP1 and peripheral arterial disease. Publication Type: Original article Publication Type: Original article Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 12,016. Clin Chim Acta 2009;408:87-91. Publication Type: Original article [PubMed] PMID: nicht gelistet [⇒PubMed] PMID: 27052242 Independent and incremental prognostic value of multimarker testing in acute dyspnea: Results from the ProBNP Investigation of Dyspnea in the Emergency Department (PRIDE) study. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 17662017; Lenz K, Kapral C, Firlinger F, Wewalka F. Sepsis-induced cholestasis. Publication type: Original article Neuropsychiatr 2010;24:1-13. Clin Chem 2008;54:752-756. Vila G, Hopfgartner J, Grimm G, Baumgartner-Parzer SM, Kautzky-Willer A, Clodi M, Luger A. Lactation and appetite-regulating hormones: increased maternal plasma peptide YY concentrations 3-6 months postpartum. Lenz K. Zur Entwicklung der Intensivmedizin in Österreich – mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der internistischen Intensivmedizin. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 21437661; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 3,389. Clin Chem Lab Med 2004;42:942-944. Atherosclerosis 2012;225:322-327. 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Clarithromycin-Therapie eines B-Zell-MALT-Lymphoms. Publication Type: Original article World J Gastroenterol 2009;15:3134-3141. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 16100199; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 3,737. Publication Type: Original article Publication Type: Comment Huelsmann M, Neuhold S, Resl M, Strunk G, Brath H, Francesconi C, Adlbrecht C, Prager R, Luger A, Pacher R, Clodi M. PONTIAC (NT-proBNP Selected PreventiOn of cardiac eveNts in a populaTion of dIabetic patients without A history of Cardiac disease): A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. Proteomic Profiling Identifies Afamin as a Potential Biomarker for Ovarian Cancer. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 29958891, Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 2,873. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 16143834; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 2,992. Fellinger J, Holzinger D. Creating innovative clinical and service models for communication: Institut fuer Sinnes- und Sprachneurologie. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 15074472; Mueller T, Gegenhuber A, Poelz W, Haltmayer M. Biochemical diagnosis of impaired left ventricular ejection fraction comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and amino terminal proBNP (NT-proBNP). Clin Chim Acta 2009;400:91-96. Find 38 researchers and browse 1 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to Konventhospital Barmherzige Brüder Linz | Linz, Austria | Mueller T, Gegenhuber A, Kronabethleitner G, Leitner I, Haltmayer M, Dieplinger B. [PubMed] nicht gelistet Wien Klin Wochenschr 2016;128 Suppl 2:212-215. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 2,142, Lenz K, Hofmann-Bichler B, Pihringer J, Firlinger F, Pickl A, Clodi M. Palliative Care auf der Intensivstation -- Deskriptive Analyse der Ergebnisse eines Mischmodells an einer internistischen Intensivstation über einen Zeitraum von 12 Monaten. Fellinger J, Holzinger D, Dobner U, Gerich J, Lehner R, Lenz G, Goldberg D. Mental distress and quality of life in a deaf population. Publication type: Meta-analysis Lampl C, Huber G, Adl J, Luthringshausen G, Franz G, Marecek S, Weber J, Baumhackl U, Mueller T. Two different doses of Amitriptyline ER in the prophylaxis of migraine: long-term results and predictive factors. Unser Team umfasst Fachärzte, Assistenten und das Team der klinischen Psychologie mit Neuropsychologie. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 20622881; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 27,959. Assistentin von Dr. Holzinger, Priv.-Doz. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2011: 4,250, von Lewinski D, Kolesnik E, Wallner M, Resl M, Sourij H. New antihyperglycemic drugs and heart failure: synopsis of basic and clinical data. Aboul-Enein F, Seifert-Held T, Mader S, Kuenz B, Lutterotti A, Rauschka H, Rommer P, Leutmezer F, Vass K, Flamm-Horak A, Stepansky R, Lang W, Fertl E, Schlager T, Heller T, Eggers C, Safoschnik G, Fuchs S, Kraus J, Assar H, Guggenberger S, Reisz M, Schnabl P, Komposch M, Simschitz P, Skrobal A, Moser A, Jeschow M, Stadlbauer D, Freimüller M, Guger M, Schmidegg S, Franta C, Weiser V, Koppi S, Niederkorn-Duft M, Raber B, Schmeissner I, Jecel J, Tinchon A, Storch MK, Reindl M, Berger T, Kristoferitsch W. Neuromyelitis optica in Austria in 2011: to bridge the gap between neuroepidemiological research and practice in a study population of 8.4 million people. Clin Lab 2014;60:999-1006. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 0,521. Development and validation of the EUROLIGHT questionnaire to evaluate the burden of primary headache disorders in Europe. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 23203021; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 8,395. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 10726331; KONVENTHOSPITAL Publication Type: Case report Gegenhuber A, Mueller T, Dieplinger B, Lenz K, Poelz W, Haltmayer M. Plasma B-type natriuretic peptide in patients with pleural effusions: preliminary observations. Gynecol Oncol 2013;128:38-43. Wir behandeln multimorbide, über 65-jährige Patient/Innen, die aufgrund einer akuten Erkrankung in ihrer bisher bestehenden Selbständigkeit gefährdet sind. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 20146915; Pedak S, Schönherr U. Bilaterales Hyposphagma. Clin Chim Acta 2013;425:236-241. Publication type: Original article [⇒PubMed] PMID: 27052231 Факс: 0732/7897-23798. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 18483751; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 1,336. Clin Biochem 2009;42:1190-1193. Z Gastroenterol 2003;41:1179-1181. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 12453076; Metnitz PG, Krenn CG, Steltzer H, Lang T, Ploder J, Lenz K, Le Gall JR, Druml W. Effect of acute renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy on outcome in critically ill patients. Heinisch BB, Vila G, Resl M, Riedl M, Dieplinger B, Mueller T, Luger A, Pacini G, Clodi M. B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) affects the initial response to intravenous glucose: a randomised placebo-controlled cross-over study in healthy men. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 15373020; Kapral C, Wewalka F, Praxmarer V, Lenz K, Hofmann AF. Eur J Endocrinol 2016;175:623-631. 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Ophthalmologe 2013;110:447-450. J Hepatol 2010;53:397-417. Publication type: Review Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 2,873, Hilal Z, Mavrommati G, Foerster C, Rezniczek GA, Hefler LA, Tempfer CB. Wien Med Wochenschr 2010;160:235-246. Schaden E, Metnitz PG, Pfanner G, Heil S, Pernerstorfer T, Perger P, Schoechl H, Fries D, Guetl M, Kozek-Langenecker S. Coagulation Day 2010: an Austrian survey on the routine of thromboprophylaxis in intensive care. Publication Type: Original article Eur J Anaesthesiol 2008;25:627-633. Will (or can) people pay for headache care in a poor country? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2016;87:121-125. Publication type: Original article [⇒PubMed] PMID: 15950299; Mueller T, Marschon R, Dieplinger B, Haidinger D, Gegenhuber A, Poelz W, Webersinke G, Haltmayer M. Factor V Leiden, prothrombin G20210A, and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T mutations are not associated with chronic limb ischemia: The Linz Peripheral Arterial Disease (LIPAD) study. Dieplinger B, Egger M, Luft C, Hinterreiter F, Pernerstorfer T, Haltmayer M, Mueller T. Comparison between activated clotting time and anti-activated factor X activity for the monitoring of unfractionated heparin therapy in patients with aortic aneurysm undergoing an endovascular procedure. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 21145115; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 1,159. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2017;296:285-293. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 18826870; Egger M, Binder M, Wewalka F, Dieplinger B, Kastler M, Lenz K. An unusual cause of severe abdominal pain. [⇒PubMed] PMID: 18389334; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 3,434. Rezniczek GA, Küppers L, Heuer H, Hefler LA, Buerkle B, Tempfer CB. Gemerkt von [⇒PubMed] PMID: 16164573; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 7,598. Dieplinger B, Haltmayer M, Poelz W, Mueller T. Value of adiponectin as predictor of 5-year all-cause mortality in patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial disease: results from the Linz Peripheral Arterial Disease (LIPAD) study. Publication Type: Original article [⇒PubMed] PMID: 22767962; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 3,609. Publication type: Original aprticle Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2011: 2,476, Ganten TM, Stauber RE, Schott E, Malfertheiner P, Buder R, Galle PR, Göhler T, Walther M, Koschny R, Gerken G. Sorafenib in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma-results of the observational INSIGHT study. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); nicht gelistet, Natriuretic Peptides Studies Collaboration. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 0,974, Clodi M, Resl M, Abrahamian H, Föger B, Weitgasser R. Positionspapier der ÖDG: Therapie der Hyperglykämie bei erwachsenen, kritisch kranken PatientInnen. Ann Vasc Surg 2002;16:474-479. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 2,174, Mueller T, Hinterreiter F, Poelz W, Haltmayer M, Dieplinger B. Mortality rates at ten years are higher in diabetic than in non-diabetic patients with chronic lower extremity peripheral arterial disease. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 9,890. Publication Type: Original article J Neurol 2017;264:1715-1727. Clin Chim Acta 2015;451:310-315. Spektrum Augenheilkd 2015;29:10-18. Publication Type: Original article Wien Klin Wochenschr 2002;114:422-427. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 5,295. Publication Type: Original article Difference in triptan effect in patients with migraine and early allodynia. 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[⇒PubMed] PMID: 19965519; Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 4,840. Publication Type: Letter to the editor Publication Type: Original article [⇒PubMed] PMID: 20633946; Pinter G, Likar R, Anditsch M, Bach M, Böhmer F, Friedrich M, Frühwald T, Gosch M, Gugerell M, Lampl C, Marksteiner J, Pietschmann P, Pils K, Schirmer M. Problemfelder in der Schmerzmessung und Schmerztherapie im Alter. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2016: 0,840. Journal Citation Reports (JCR); nicht gelistet. J Neurol 2011;258:728-739. Seilerstätte 4 4010 Linz Telefon: +43 732 7677-0 Fax: +43 732 7677-7200 Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2008;17:414-423. Kellinghaus C, Berning S, Immisch I, Larch J, Rosenow F, Rossetti AO, Tilz C, Trinka E. Intravenous lacosamide for the treatment of status epilepticus. Hacker S, Dieplinger B, Werba G, Nickl S, Roth GA, Krenn CG, Mueller T, Ankersmit HJ, Haider T. Increased serum concentrations of soluble ST2 predict mortality after burn injury. Publication type: Original article Clin Chem Lab Med 2018 (in press).

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