Ochsenkopf : Südpiste Bergstation Seilbahn Ochsenkopf Süd - - Cam - Webcam météo - Ochsenkopf - Gipfelbereich Süd - Bavière - Allemagne - Domaine skiable - Station de ski - - Webcam - Livecam There are several toboggan runs around the Ochsenkopf, which invite you to toboggan and are especially popular with younger visitors. At the Ochsenkopf there are two ski schools that help you with your first attempts on boards. Masks mandatory in all lifts and ski buses, Visitor management in waiting areas (keep your distance), Masks mandatory at restaurants, ski rental and shops. If you want to eat well at the Ochsenkopf, we recommend the restaurant of the Hotel Kaiseralm, which prepares both regional and international delicacies. These can be used with the tariff association card Ochsenkopf plus. There are also other children's ski areas (children's downhill run north and south) with children's lifts. Ochsenkopf : - Livecam - Vremenska kamera - Ochsenkopf - Gipfelbereich Süd - Nemčija - Webcam - - Südpiste Bergstation Seilbahn Ochsenkopf Süd - Smučišče - Cam - Smučišče - Bavarska Forgot your password? Die nördliche Seilbahn überwindet knapp 360 Meter auf 2,25 Kilometer Strecke. On the special practice area, little skiers go on an exciting adventure trip through Nubitamia with Nubi and learn to ski with a lot of fun. Bleaml Alm Skirollerbahn und Nachtloipe . Öffentliche Ausschreibung im Bayreuth. Season starts on Dec 21 and ends on Mar 20 (89 days). Another place to stop for refreshments is at the top station of Mehlmeisel in the Bayreuth house. 25 m Richtung Tal verschoben. Three further ski lifts in Bischofsgrün complete the range of lifts. In the Wagenthal and in the winter sports centre Belaml Alm there are also two cross-country trails that are lit until 8 p.m. and even a 2.5 kilometre long, snow-covered competition trail. A great tour leads to the Asenturm, the highest restaurant in Franconia. Die Nordbahn. You can either walk on the cleared paths or explore nature off the trails by snowshoeing. Ochsenkopf : Ochsenkopf - Talbereich Süd - Webcam météo - Cam - Allemagne - Station de ski - - Bavière - Südpiste und Anfängerlift Talstation Seilbahn Ochsenkopf Süd - Livecam - - Webcam - Domaine skiable If you are driving on the A93, take the exit Marktredwitz and from there take the B303 to Ochsenkopf. The Ochsenkopf is also a great place for winter walks. Current protective measures and security advice at Ochsenkopf: Average snow depth of the last years (Summit), Ochsenkopf | Going north - Downhill... | 03:46, >> Read more about the Covid-19 guidelines on. Freestylers can let off steam in the snowboard park at the Geiersberg and Hempelsberg in Oberwarmensteinach, the largest snowboard park in Northern Bavaria. From the main station in Bayreuth there are also buses to Bischofsgrün. Ochsenkopf : Livecam - Nemecko - Bavorsko - Cam - Bergstation Ochsenkopf Seilbahn - Kamera - Webcam - - Lyžiarske stredisko - Sendeturm des BR Ochsenkopf - - Lyžiarske stredisko From there the B303 leads to Bischofsgrün. Click here to get one. Those who prefer to go into the warmth can end the day at the bowling alley or in the swimming pool. Ochsenkopf : - Domaine skiable - Webcam - Südpiste Bergstation Seilbahn Ochsenkopf Süd - Station de ski - - Ochsenkopf - Gipfelbereich Süd - Bavière - Cam - Livecam - Allemagne - Webcam météo Ochsenkopf : - Vremenska kamera - Ochsenkopf - Gipfelbereich Süd - Südpiste Bergstation Seilbahn Ochsenkopf Süd - Webcam - Nemčija - Cam - Livecam - Bavarska - Smučišče - - Smučišče Ochsenkopf : - Livecam - Vremenska kamera - Ochsenkopf - Gipfelbereich Süd - Nemčija - Webcam - - Südpiste Bergstation Seilbahn Ochsenkopf Süd - Smučišče - Cam - Smučišče - Bavarska These can be used with the tariff association card Ochsenkopf plus. January is the sunniest month with an average of 9 sunny days. Most runs are therefore relatively long. Login with Google+. The predominantly easy and medium-difficulty ski runs on the second highest mountain in northern Bavaria are partially covered with technical snow. Sommer am Ochsenkopf. You don't have an account yet? The average difference in altitude between base and summit of Ski Resorts in Germany is 702 ft. The predominantly easy and medium-difficulty ski runs on the second highest mountain in northern Bavaria are partially covered with technical snow. The park was developed by snowboarders for snowboarders and has new obstacles to offer every year. The average for all ski Resorts in Germany is 27 sunny days. The nearest train station is in Warmensteinach. Wagenthal-Loipe . E-Mail. The ski resort takes you to an elevation of 3360 ft. Ochsenkopf : Lyžiarske stredisko - Mapa zjazdoviek - - Bavorsko - Prehľad - Vleky - Nemecko - Zjazdovky - Lístok - Panoramatická mapa - Poloha - Lanovky, vleky - Lyžiarske stredisko - Ochsenkopf : Lifturi - - - Hartă - Sumar - Germania - Zonă de schi - Hartă panoramă - Instalaţii de lift - Bavaria - Planul pistelor - Piste - Poziţie - Zonă de schii Whether ski or snowboard, child or adult - here, everyone learns the most important techniques for safely and joyfully whizzing down the slopes. Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Seilbahn-ochsenkopf. Average season duration in Germany is 80 days. Login . Password. On the south side of the Ochsenkopf there is also the party tent Hirscheck, where a successful ski day can be celebrated. Der Ochsenkopf ist nicht nur ein einzigartiges Langlaufparadies. Ochsenkopf u. Mehlmeisel), VL Hirschhorn (Verbindung zw. Imagefilm Sommer der Erlebnisregion Ochsenkopf/ im Fichtelgebirge/Bayern. Wandern Sie durch die herrliche Landschaft des Fichtelgebirges oder erleben Sie unvergessliche Stunden auf unseren Rodelbahnen. From mid-December to the end of March, modern snow-making equipment ensures optimum conditions on the slopes. Travel Deals & Tips. For those who want to experience pure nature and walk through snow-covered winter forests, a guided snowshoe tour is the ideal option. As a card deposit, € 3 will be charged, which must be paid upon collection. Snow coverage is usually best during February, offering an average snow depth of 19 " at summit elevation and 9 " at the base. From the east the B303 leads to Bischofsgrün. From Bischofsgrün and Fleckl, two cable cars quickly take skiers to the summit of the Ochsenkopf. The nearest airports are in Nuremberg (about 120 kilometers) and Hof (about 50 kilometers). Neubau u. Ochsenkopf), This website uses Cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The 2,300-metre-long north and the 1,900-metre-long south run are the two longest downhill runs in northern Bavaria. Ochsenkopf in Bischofsgr n, in Mehlmeisel am Klausenhang (Talstation) und in Fichtelberg-Neubau. Warmensteinach u. Ochsenkopf), ZL Bleaml Alm (Verbindung zw. On its northern and southern slopes there are two great, long pistes for sporty skiers as well as for beginners and families. In addition to these hikes, there is also the possibility of ski tours. Stellt in kurzweiligen 5 1/2 Minuzten die wichtigsten touristischen Einrichtungen vor. There are also 18 other restaurants around the Ochsenkopf. Bleamlalmlift in Fichtelberg-Neubau (Flutlicht), Hempelsberglift Oberwarmensteinach (Flutlicht), Seilschwebebahn Ochsenkopf Nord (mit Wetterschutz), Seilschwebebahn Ochsenkopf Süd (mit Wetterschutz), VL Bocksgraben (Verbindung zw. Erlebnisregion Ochsenkopf, Fichtelberg, Bavaria. 4.1K likes. You can also explore the surroundings safely on your own: there are special, signposted snowshoe hiking trails. Ochsenkopf : Zonă de schi - - Zăpadă proaspătă - Bavaria - Nivelele de zăpadă - Prognoză privind zăpada - Valori privind zăpada - Raport de ninsori - Germania - - Zăpadă - Zonă de schii Ochsenkopf : Südpiste Bergstation Seilbahn Ochsenkopf Süd - Lyžařská oblast - Livecam - Kamera počasí - Lyžařská oblast - Webcam - Cam - Ochsenkopf - Gipfelbereich Süd - - Bavorsko - Německo - You don't have an account yet? Toiminta Päivä/Yö Hissi Tyyppi Pituus; ON: Seilbahn Ochsenkopf Nord: 2-tuolihissi: 2.222 m: OS: Seilbahn Ochsenkopf Süd: 2-tuolihissi: 1.900 m: AN: Anfängerlift Nord Coming from the west, the A70 leads to Ochsenkopf. Neubau u. Ochsenkopf) ZL Goldkronach . Talstation Ochsenkopf Nord mit Sommerrodelbahn Fröbershammer 27 | 95493 Bischofsgrün. Starting points are in Fleckl, Fichtelberg and Bischofsgrün. What marketing strategies does Seilbahn-ochsenkopf use? On the ice skating rink at the valley station of the Ochsenkopf cable car north in Bischofsgrün or on the large ice rink at the Fichtelsee you can also go for a round of curling or glide over the ice with skates after the fun on the slopes. Ochsenkopf : Bergstation Ochsenkopf Seilbahn - Lyžařská oblast - Livecam - Kamera počasí - Lyžařská oblast - Webcam - Cam - Sendeturm des BR Ochsenkopf - - Bavorsko - Německo - Login . The Ochsenkopf is located in the Fichtelgebirge in the northeast of Bavaria. At the Ochsenkopf you will find huts for refreshment at every valley station as well as on the summit of the Ochsenkopf. Ochsenkopf : Zemljevid - Nemčija - Shema smučišča - Bavarska - Vlečnice - Vlečnice - Lega - - Pregled - Načrt smučarske proge - Smučarske proge - Smučišče - - Smučišče View the latest snow report for Ochsenkopf, including last snowfall, 7-day snow forecast, snow depth as well as weather forecast, trail report and lift status. Winter ist da - Ochsenkopf Bischofsgrün... Meine Saisoneröffnung (und Schließung?!) For the little ones, the snow sports school Schneesportschule Nordbayern offers the Nubi-Club, a perfect introduction to the white wonder world - with Nubi, the little alien boy. Parking for free at Ochsenkopf ropeways valley station North and South, Klausenlifte Mehlmeisel, as well at the parking spaces for cross country skiing at Fichtelsee and "Gleissinger Fels" (Neubau), Vogelherd (Bischofsgruen) and Taefelein (next to Grassemann). The Fichtelberg restaurant "Bleaml-Alm", which is located directly next to the ski lift in Neubau, is a popular après-ski meeting place. Well-trained hiking guides explain the technique and take the participants to the most beautiful viewpoints of the region. If you come from the north or south, you can take the A9 to the Bindlacher Berg or Bad Berneck exit and then take the B2 to Bad Berneck. Machen Sie das … In addition to the Ochsenkopf, there are several other pistes and lifts in Mehlmeisel, Fichtelberg-Neubau, Warmensteinach/Fleckl, Selb and Immenreuth. Grünstein-Loipe . Evening skiing with floodlighting is offered on four alpine slopes: If you want to glide through the winter landscape on cross-country skis, 85 kilometres of cross-country trails await you around the Ochsenkopf. Click here to get one. You don't have an account yet? Ochsenkopf : Sendeturm des BR Ochsenkopf - Webcam météo - Cam - Allemagne - Station de ski - - Bavière - Bergstation Ochsenkopf Seilbahn - Livecam - - Webcam - Domaine skiable

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