I'm skipping my usual QA pass (for now) on this week, … Here heroine Louisa Clark ventures to New York City to start a new life. Why are half the sections on the vote result preview missing titles for fics and "New Section" in place of category names? If you want to start a Fanfic/Worm page, just click the edit button above. This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/WormFanfic. If that is allowed, it shouldn't be. At that time, I'll put together the voting results and thread. Best of 2018. Books: Worm fanfiction archive with over 1,133 stories. A crossover between Worm and a composite version of the various Castlevania games. This will make a 30 minute task now take over 2 hours because of you. ; Add Works Using the Template: It's right down there. Thank you for doing a take two. Less shame, however, if you don't know about the direct continuation, Working Title (and yes, we're into 8.x and that has functionally become the suitably-symbolic actual title). Original plots and new author? ", recommendations are easier. It looks like someone is deliberately tampering with the Google Forms voting. Some of which are by authors currently crushing it in the "best author" bracket! For me, it wasn’t about the awards themselves. I made a post, as I do nearly every week, with my update schedule and linked my readers to this thread for their consideration. Night Vision . Very specifically note the voting options are checkboxes. I know I didn't get many votes but I'm still happy to see Officer Hess nominated. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I would advise that you make a similar post on your own story if you feel that this is somehow unfair. * (even if its just an aspect of canon Worm) Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. One of the best stories I’ve seen of worm fanfiction; you got everyone’s voices so well :) I spent over one year reading this, which is something I’ll never regret. Honestly the Worm universe is not good for fanfics. Books & Literature: Worm - Wildbow on AO3. The author's comments on the story can be found here. The question is if this new spider will want anything to do with them. Seriously, I think we all appreciate that you took the time to set this up, but at this point maybe it's best to wipe the current responses, and force users to sign in? Read this if you want everything in Worm to go right and redeemed. New and updated Worm fanfic in the week of 2019 Mar 02 to It was a wonderful journey that escalated to the top, from a pretty good start to a godlike ending. This isn't against any of the rules of this contest and, if anything, should be encouraged as to bring more attention to the contest. [shrug]. Here is a link to the Google Docs voting form for the Worm FanFic Best of 2018. However, also within a category, a number of the entries either tied or were very close. It did spawn several inspired-by dungeoncores into the fandom, after all, which is A Sign. They are right below the first comment to keep this initial thread post from being huge. Meta-Discussion. Don't put in redirects for shows, books, etc.. Use the right namespace for those. Worm Snippet and Commission Thread. It really gives me motivation to do this. Thanks a bunch to everyone who thought Unpunished was deserving of their vote and congratulations to the winners. This is not ballot box stuffing or vote manipulation. Probably while editing the forms in the first place, it wasn't obvious that leaving the top header blank would actually make it read like that. Third world dictators would kill to have a vote as rigged as this. Ten Times Taylor Ended Up in a World Very Different From Her Own and One Time She Didn't. I like alt power stories plenty, but it stands out in the crowd. This can be done on the form options page, an example seen here. Ordinary Event With Extraordinary Consequences Chapter 28: The King, The Flowers and The Gambler, a naruto fanfic | FanFiction You are most welcome RTS , Mar 7, 2018 Looking for a fanfic with either self-insert main character into a existing character in the universe or a completely original character in any of the above mentioned shows. Here's the nominations thread: Best of 2018 - nomination thread. Thank you to everyone who voted for Typewriter in the one-shot category, I didn't know how many people enjoyed that snippet. FanFiction | unleash ... Books Worm. If nobody who doesn't hang out here often on their own is even allowed to know the poll exists, then fine, whatever. Likewise, it’s a chance to see what others thought noteworthy. Hope Comes to Brockton Bay - a Worm Fanfic by Ack Simurgh drops Hope in BB to fix everything. It's the first exposure to dungeoncore fics for a lot of them, so maybe it's the new subgenre smell? These are recommendations made by tropers for Marvel Cinematic Universe fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. ATOMS is an entertainment channel and the number one destination for amazing, original content. How to Drill Your Way Through Your Problems (Worm/TTGL SI) giant robots and lots of ham and Taylor has an altpower Transfer Student (Worm fanfic) a random student accidentally saves Taylor from the locker, then things get weird Vagrant(Worm AU, Rewrite) a rogue former Ward interrupts Lisa's recruitment, adopts her as a sister, shenanigans ensue Fault [Worm Side-Story] a multi-OC EU … (At least there is a fic named Bird on one site, Cage on another, but it's the same text.). The fanfic was completed in February 2018 and it has a sequel in the form of Bloody Stars. A subreddit in which you can share good fanfics of Worm. New and updated Worm fanfic in the week of 2018-Jan-27 to Feb-02 There were twenty-five new fics , thirty-nine new one-shot fics , eleven revived fics , and eighty-eight updated fics . Books > Worm on Fanfiction.net. I sorta thought I had another day to nomination things. I like Idiom's stuff, but I still like Dungeon more than Wink. Dungeon is an original plot, with a cool world and lots of potential for munchkinry. It’s one of first Best Friend Squad sleepovers since Adora found the sword and she’s still getting the hang of life at Bright Moon. FanFiction | unleash ... 169 - Updated: 8/14/2018 - Published: 7/11/2018 - id: ... best to at least plan. Very specifically note the voting options are checkboxes. Like yeah, that won't stop it being a popularity contest, but maybe fics that aren't cookie cutter altpowers might have a (however small) chance? I assume it's too late to add nominations (such as for Warp which came out this week)? Probably best that you consider all of this alternate universe for Worm. Within most of the categories, there was a pretty clear winner. Be careful, though, the only things that go in the Main namespace are tropes and should be created through the YKTTW system. This was certainly unexpected. New and updated Worm fanfic in the week of 2018 Jan 27 to. Well. For example, I’d pretty much forgotten Unreality was a thing until I saw it nominated. Here is a shortcut to the voting categories: Don't do Brains is an option for the "Completed" category, but according to the author's note on the latest chapter, there is still at least one more chapter before it's complete. Pretty much a 2018 themed gigantic recommendation list. The PRT is super annoying in almost every fic, they always get in the way of the MC and that's not a good start. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Edit 1/7/2019 - Thanks for the gold anonymous user! In fact, I’d not mind if there was no ranking at all. All I … This Subreddit focuses specially on the JumpChain CYOA, where the 'Jumpers' travel across the multiverse visiting both fictional and original worlds in a series of 'Choose your own adventure' templates, each carrying on … Voting will close sometime the morning of January 5th, 2019. Best of Worm Fanfiction Recommendation Request [2017-2019] Fic Search - General. But a lot of people are getting butthurt that authors are mentioning that a poll even exists in their own threads, because obviously the result of that is going to be a higher proportion of users showing up who are already inclined to vote for that story. Then it was Buffy, and Xander getting thrown into various worlds. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. :). I'm honored that you folks would think of me. Prefefably no crossover characters from other shows or anything listed in Novel Updates as they either suffer from x-over or horrid story/translation quality. No disrespect to the authors, but these yearly threads don't seem to add any value. So the typical results of most recently updated and most frequently updated stuff won. Go vote for your favorite fics and authors of the year! Pepare yourself to the unforgettable DOSE OF LAUGHTER. I feel as if this year has been great for wormfics. Oh, Idiom, IGA, and Typewriter winning are probably most pleasant wins here for me. I looked in How to Train Your Endbringer's thread and the author made a post soliciting votes on Spacebattles. Cast a dark shadow re endbringer destroyed wormfanfic unnatural disaster worm fanfic images unnatural disaster worm fanfic images cut worms unnatural disaster s ... Best Deep Fried Turkey Disasters. Worms thrive in temperatures between 50 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and those conditions are usually found in the cool parts of a … My advice would be to go through the 'Best Of' threads from the past few years, and see what categories tickle your fancy. But taking a quick look at the results I'm seeing a whole lot of generic stuff near the top. Not only did his Jelly Worms come in lots of colors, but they also smelled nice. (Viewing on mobile via the Reddit app as if that makes a difference). Each expert fishermen has their own theory, though. I now have to remove a lot of obviously bad data and ballot-box-stuffing results before collating the poll results. 1/26/2018 c11 1 Ikhzev Love the atmosphere, character interactions, the chance for them to learn more about Taylor and vice versa. No Self-Recommendations: These pages are a readers' service, not an advertising service for authors.Use this thread instead. Here are the voting results. The Google Forms voting form doesn't have links in it, so I have organized the nominations by category below. You have "Caught in Your Web" but that was a prompt, and so there are like six different fic with that name... allllso, isn't Bird and Cage the same fic? Gosh! Although Mann sold millions of colored worms, he is famous for saying "I will fish any color worm, as long as it is black." Thank you! And maybe disqualify those who shill the vote thread elsewhere. This is the British author’s first Goodreads Choice Award. Part of it is that Ward started and I was uneasy that the fanfic landscape would change (i.e. Here is a link to the Google Docs voting form for the Worm FanFic Best of 2018. Your votes are only recorded if you push the submit button on the last page. Atlast after the 2 takes we have best if 2018. Now, instead of having the nicely "everything is collated and counted by Google", it's a "extract all the voting results, kill 2000 bad data points you put in, then manually recount for every entry on every question" process. If that's the case though, then either it needs to be flat out restricted to "only people who hang out on this subreddit but not other places like SV or SB" which is extremely arbitrary, or else there needs to be a serious effort to advertise the fact that any sort of poll IS taking place AT ALL on SB/SV. It's like you took larger than life personalities, gave them powers and tragic triggers that fit them even better, and then you strapped them to a warhead that rammed through all our hopes and happiness. Rated: Fiction M - English - Skitter, Vista, Panacea, Dragon - Chapters: 9 - Words: 35,796 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 138 - Follows: 163 - Updated: 11/7/2019 - Published: 8/21/2018 - id: 13042050 Follow/Fav Wait, What? Each category is on its own page to prevent it from being an overwhelmingly large list, so there are 14 pages before you get to the submit button. Yeah, it is suspect. 15 Web-Warriors: Into the Worm-Verse » by Connelly504 After the events of Spider-Geddon, Gwen Stacy of Earth-65 was one of the few spiders still capable of traveling between worlds. This means you can vote for more than one entry in each category. There were also one new quest , one revived quest , and twenty-one updated quests . I mean I guess they're fun for some folks who participate, so more power to 'em. A/N: This Story thread, which I originally started to work on my premises and description, has come a long way from it's initial inception.Now, it serves as home to over a dozen different stories, both original and commissioned, many of which that have already spun … The category names actually appear one line below. Note that you do not have to mark anything on a page if you don't want to vote for that category. The spider (marvel SI fanfic from fanfiction.net, the best marvel fanfiction I've ever read) Greg Veder vs the world (Worm fanfiction on fanfiction.net where a side character gets gamer powers, quite enjoyable, still updating) In the case of a tie, they are just listed alphabetically. I'm fairly sure I copied the responses from the Google Form voting responses correctly. Hope Through Overwhelming Firepower Worm/Diebuster Taylor triggers as a Buster but there no NoNo This is a short curve stomp. By: MortiferSB. Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. National Disaster 2018 India. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I don't want to mess with the poll that's going now because I don't know what effect (if any) there would be on the other options and don't want to alter the results. Oops. Thank you to everyone who voted for 'In the Traveler's Light' in the Crossover/Fusion category. The data is still there, it's just slightly misplaced from where you might expect. This is a public poll meant for members of the Worm fanfiction community, which includes all people who read Worm fanfiction. (Because if I look at my own nominations...). Best of 2015. They're in a different sort of header box, where you can put like "Header" and "Sub-Header" or something. Once you can say "I liked this *, what else is out there that's similar? Perhaps November/early-December should have a "post and talk about lesser-known stuff from earlier in the year" drive of sorts. When I go to tabulate the results, I'll be combining the counts for Bird and Cage into one entry. If you're a Worm fan and don't know about the best fic ever written for it, for shame. Oh wow! Much love all around. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Dear Wildbow, I have to say something that you’re probably tired of hearing: Worm is absolutely one of the best things I’ve read! I didn't realize that when I was putting the options together. Leave a Reply ... What Can Humans Do To Prevent Natural Disasters. This is a Sister subreddit to the makeyourchoice CYOA subreddit. Looking at these voting metrics is dispiriting. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. As someone who reads Wormfics in brief binges a few times a year, I would never find out about the great stories I've missed if it weren't for posts like this. (We’re also including the worst comedies of 2018, so you know what to avoid, or if you’re in for a chuckle of a different variety.) The personalities you put into your characters are amazing so it's more than deserved. A subreddit in which you can share good fanfics of Worm. The guy(s)/gal(s) who were using bots dident ruin it this time, thank god for that! Warms my heart to know I have fans. Welcome All Jumpers! Hi guys, gals, kiddos, fellow Worm-philics, it's been a long time since I've fanatically followed the fandom and chased leads for great fics. Well then. Here are the voting results so far. It's totally a dick move to have your swarms of fans descend upon our thread when some of us have the dignity not to beg for scraps on our SB threads. The Worm fanfic subreddit is holding a Best of 2018 Vote! Format: JPG. All fails, pranks and things that people do will make you cry laughing. Beware, Worm Spoilers below! I'll do my best to keep on creating, and I hope that you all continue to enjoy my writing. I didn't even know my work was nominated. In the end, it's a popularity contest and my story is popular. Need a laugh? Here is a link to the Google Docs voting form for the Worm FanFic Best of 2018. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth stepping out that door and becoming an Avenger for here.. Best of 2017. Best of 2016. Worm index thread and "worm" tag on Sufficient Velocity (SB spinoff site): much the same as the SpaceBattles.com thread. Then you were wise to visit Rotten Tomatoes, because we’re presenting our guide to the best comedies of 2018, ranked by Tomatometer! Now has to lead a team to investigate the discovery of Earth Bet, mentor an alternate younger Gwen, and find a new spider in Brockton Bay. Unpunished is terrific, and I was so happy to see it update again after so long. Even something as simple as a night eating stolen cake and playing games with Bow and Glimmer is still a minefield of secret rules and awkward moments she can’t seem to figure out. Worm bins are best kept indoors. In which Taylor Hebert meets herself a few dozen times. ... Harry Potter was my first foray into reading fanfic, and a ton of those involve Harry world-hopping due to the Veil, or some other portal mechanic. Thanks for the story, Joko :), Three cheers for jrbless for linking all the stories. Do people seriously prefer "I woke up as a dungeon, now what" to the other fantastic entries? Then finally Worm. This means you can vote for more than one entry in each category. Something to note, in the AU section, the stories Bird and Cage are the same story. It's been a really excellent year for Worm fanfic, so I'm sure you'll find a favorite in there! If this is a poll for the entirety of the worm fandom to vote on the stories they've most enjoyed or think are the best in the last year, then as unfair as this supposed "vote brigading" is it's also stupendously unfair if it's against the rules for 90% of the community to even be informed the poll exists. Best of 2018 - Results Thread. National Disaster Management Plan Of India. Best Comedy Movies of 2018 By Tomatometer. The world is pretty much ending soon so the MC needs insta power ups which is always a bad thing to do, and those precognition powers are bullshit so the MC needs more plot armor. Here are the voting results so far. Whoever you are, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for making something I do on my spare time a severe pain. Show Spoilers . Worm index thread, "worm" tag, and Worm subforum on SpaceBattles.com: lots of crossovers, expect Archive Panic - they're on Recommendation/Idea Thread 42, Page 592 and counting as of May 16th 2018.. It’s more about being reminded of and appreciating all the great stories and authors that this past year has seen. Lean, Brain, Waltz, Wink (Rats was too much for me), none of them feel like referencing other ideas or tropes when I read them. Tom Mann, the founder of Mann's Bait, changed the world of plastic worm color around 1970. Now, if only there was some way to make people read the nominations, or nominate more obscure but deserving fics... (In other news, sure my fic didn't do as well as my other stuff did last year, but I also haven't updated it in ages, so I have no grounds to complain, really), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. No linking to pre-patched ROMs: If adding a ROM hack, link to the hack's IPS or BPS file instead. May be found on both the Spacebattles CrW Forum, and on Fanfiction.net. Jojo Moyes wins the Best Fiction award for her third book in the Me Before You series (the first book was adapted into a tearjerker of a movie). I really really hope everyone stays alive. If you notice a discrepancy, let me know and I'll fix it. It's a rare pair, but you manage it so well. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Numerous promising fics, several revivals of stories thought dead… this is a chance to look back.

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