© 2001-2021, Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. More informationabout the available databases. It starts on the basis of two existing bibliographies: the bibliography of the Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique and the Elenchus Bibliographicus from the journal Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. These two tools are essential working instruments for Theology and Religious Studies and are internationally recognized as such. Description: This institutional subscription-based resource is the online counterpart of the print index. Substantial bibliographic sections of some journals are also available as online database. The database Ut per litteras apostolicas represents an electronic version of the renowned Registres et lettres des Papes du XIIIe siècle (32 vols. The purpose of IEMA is to offer newly-written, commissioned, articles, fully peer-reviewed that supplement Lexikon des Mittelalters and offer supplementary notes to the original LexMA articles. Les produits peuvent être achetés séparément ou en chaîne. If you have a web shop account but have forgotten your password, you can reset your password. The MGH has established for all Western scholarship a standard for critical editions. The Répertoire des traductions françaises des Pères de l’Église is an indispensable research tool for the study of the texts of the Greek, Latin and Eastern Fathers. The database contains over 1,000,000 incipits covering Latin literature from the Pre-classical Age to the Renaissance. This multidisciplinary bibliography of Europe, North Africa and the Near East (300 - 1500) contains more than 350,000 records and offers a wide range of search possibilities. Lewis, Ch. - 2021-01-03T14:07:25 In the future Brepols will continue to move a number of its existing electronic publications to the BREPOLiS platform but also complement the existing databases offered with new complementary material. Nous avons bien pensé chaque détail : des modèles d’agendas semainiers ou journaliers, un vaste éventail de couvertures, un papier sur lequel il est agréable d’écrire. The search-software offers a wide range of search possibilities. The . L’Année philologique, published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique, is a specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.The bibliography is published in print and online. A broad range of journals in a variety of humanities disciplines: Choose ‘Journals’ for access to journal articles only. ; Rome, 1883- ) and the Registres et lettres des Papes du XIVe siècle (48 vols. Brepolis is the home of all online projects of Brepols Publishers and its partners, aimed at the international community of humanities scholars.. Brepolis est le site des projets en ligne de Brepols Publishers et de ses partenaires, destiné à la communauté internationale de la recherche et des études en sciences humaines.. ; Rome, 1899- ). Library of Latin Texts (LLT) offers a large corpus of Latin texts from the beginning of Latin literature down to the present day. The ALD is a full-text database of the corpus of medieval translations of the works of Aristotle. In case your browser does not redirect you, there may be an issue with our access system. See www.brepolis.net, Brepols PublishersAuthor InformationContact UsAbout Us, Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions ©2021 Brepols Publishers. BREPOLiS is the home of all online databases of Brepols Publishers and its partners, aimed at the international community of humanities scholars. Brepols Online Databases. - 2020-12-30T13:31:08 ;) Patruus, you must have found so many great links over the years: Did you collect them in one single place somewhere? The citations (over 300,000) can be searched individually or as a whole, following the biblical structure. The huge panoply of Latin biblical texts which were in existence and use from the second century AD/CE until the time when the Vulgate became predominant are known under the common rubric of the Vetus Latina, or the Old Latin, Bible. The Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature Online is a full-text database of the corpus of Latin literature produced in Celtic-speaking Europe from the period 400-1200 A.D. This database contains every citation, listed by book, chapter and verse of the Bible. It deals with all branches of Medieval Studies and covers the period from 300 to 1500 AD/CE for the whole of Europe and parts of the Middle East and North Africa. The chronological range of IEMA is 300–1500 CE, and it covers all of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. The Bibliothèque bibliographique des littératures francophones européennes (Bi.B.Li.Fr.E.) Most of BREPOLiS databases can either be subscribed to as single databases, or as part of a cluster (or ‘package’). Database of Latin Dictionaries. The site will offer intelligent and flexible searching of related and linkable databases of unrivalled quality. Deux chaînes de publications, Brepolis Medieval et les Free-standing Databases (bases de référence isolées) sont actuellement disponibles. The Bibliography of British and Irish History Online provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British empire and commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available - from 55BC to the present. © 2002-2015 Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. The most comprehensive study ever produced of Latin in medieval Britain. The ancient roots of Western Culture, as well as neighbouring cultures, such as the Byzantine, the Arabic and the Jewish, occupy a prominent position in the encyclopaedia. Search tips: Search fields support logical, binary operators AND, OR, NOT. It covers all the works from the classical period, the most important patristic works, a very extensive corpus of Medieval Latin literature as well as works of recentior latinitas. Brepolis Information. The Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale (BCM) has been established by the Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale (Université de Poitiers) and aims to provide a comprehensive, current bibliography of monographs. The BREPOLiS platform containing source materials, articles, encyclopedias, dictionaries was created to serve the needs of the scholars in the fields of religion, philosophy, Latin, Greek and Oriental literature, medieval and Renaissance history, classical and patristic studies, and history of art. If you do not have an account, you can create a new account. Grepolis - the browser game set in Antiquity. Brepolis Library of Latin Texts Complete Plus Classical Philology, Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies Brepolis Medieval Bibliographies American Studies, Art History, Dutch and Scandinavian Studies, English, German, History, Linguistics and Literary Studies, Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies Brepolis Medieval Encyclopaedias The Lexikon des Mittelalters (LexMA) is an indispensable tool for medievalists across all disciplines. The Cross Database Searchtool (CDS) enables the user to search two or more full-text Latin databases that are part of ‘Brepolis Latin’ simultaneously. Pour plus d'informations sur Brepolis Databases et sur Brepolis Clusters, et ce y compris des dépliants, des posters et du matériel complémentaire, veuillez cliquer sur les onglets ci-dessus. More than 1,600 eBooks available in multiple collections: Choose ‘Books’ or ‘Book Series’ for access to eBooks (book level or article level). Every year, about 1,000 articles are updated to further enrich the database. We anticipate that this approach will help to renew interest in the sources of Western civilization and foster better quality in scholarship. to build bridges between digital libraries and databases in order to create new angles and approaches for scholarship. In 2009 the Aristoteles Latinus Database was launched online on the Brepolis website where, today, it is part of a comprehensive cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.. Le tableau ci-joint affiche la structure des différentes bases Brepolis. represents an electronic version of the printed collection « Bibliographie des écrivains français » and is an indispensable bibliographic tool for the study of the French literature from the Middle Ages up to the 20th century. You can use * and ? The BBIH contains 460,000 records and is updated 3 times per year, with around 10,000 references added annually. Institutional subscribers (the Licensee) may provide access to their authorized users (Users), as specified in the licence agreement between Brepols Publishers and the institution. Works great! Our web pages use cookies—information about how you interact with the site. Short, Latin Dictionary A. Blaise, Dictionnaire latin-français des auteurs chrétiens A. Blaise, Lexicon latinitatis medii aevi Du Cange, Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis L´établissement de ponts entre plusieurs banques de données dans le but d´offrir de nouvelles approches de recherche et de gagner en efficacité. The result of a search is an image of the card file available in the Vetus Latina Institute. For more information or orders, please contact us by mail at brepolis@brepols.net or by telephone at +32-14-448020. - 2021-01-03T21:33:28 l´amélioration de l´accès aux sources publiées par Brepols et ses partenaires, destinées à la communauté internationale de la recherche et des études en sciences humaines. Database of Latin Dictionaries Latin dictionary database including: E. Forcellini, Lexicon Totius Latinitatis E. Forcellini, Lexicon Totius Latinitatis.Onomasticon (auctore J. Perin) Ch.T. Medieval Studies & other areas in the humanities, Access to current articles published in more than 45 online journals, Archive: access to more than 26,000 online articles, published up to 2011. © 2001-2021, Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. The database grows gradually and comprises three kinds of dictionaries: dictionaries to assist translation from Latin into modern languages, dictionaries providing semantic and etymological explanations in Latin of Latin words and historical Latin dictionaries. A leaflet with all details is available here. BREPOLiS is the home of all online databases of Brepols Publishers and its partners, aimed at the international community of humanities scholars.. For more than 20 years, Brepols Publishers has been developing high-value databases in the field of Humanities.Since 2001, these databases are available online on a platform called BREPOLiS. Browse millions of books, check out our special offers, know more about new technologies and e-content for libraries – management tools, databases, e-journals & e-books Build magnificent cities, forge mighty alliances, utilize the power of the gods, conquer the world! The term Vetus Latina refers to all those biblical texts translated into Latin which are not found in the Vulgate. This publication provides access to valuable sources not only for church historians but those interested in politics, socio-economic affairs, warfare, cultural history, even the environment. It contains more than 450 Latin works spanning the fields of theology, liturgy, computistics, grammar, hagiography, poetry and historiography, and including legal texts, charters, inscriptions, etc. For more information on the Brepolis databases, please use the following contact form. The BREPOLiS site is owned and operated by Brepols Publishers and can be accessed through www.BREPOLiS.net. A catalogue with all details is available here. It is without doubt one of the most prestigious editorial undertakings for the critical publication of medieval historical texts. For more information about Brepolis Databases and Brepolis Clusters, including flyers, posters and other informational material, please use the tabs above. Brepolis In Principio Classical Philology, History, Information science and librarianship, Linguistics and Literary Studies, Study of (ancient and medieval) manuscripts, Theology and Religious Studies Brepolis Latin Complete Classical Philology, Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies Brepolis Library of … Brepolis portal. It is aimed at all those scholars and libraries interested in the writers, texts and manuscripts of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. ONLINE BREPOLIS LATIN The DMLBS will be hosted on the Brepolis Latin platform, a rich environment that includes more than 8600 texts in 5 full-text databases (among which the Library of Latin Texts and the Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature) and 18 dictionaries. Available Databases The Brepolis platform currently hosts the following online databases: Bibliographies Free-Standing Bibliographies L’Année philologique (APh) Bibliography of British and Ir… We entered into the partnership with Brepols, after considerable deliberation, with the aim of securing the long term future of the Bibliography, as … Series A is a collection of more than 3625 works in the Latin language by roughly 1150 authors, which originated in 1991 as the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts but then expanded chronologically. The ‘Database Clusters’ offer important price savings and the benefits of integrated searching across the databases. Europa Sacra offers complete coverage of Church prelates, information on all 1300 medieval bishoprics, archdioceses and patriarchates and prosopographical information on 18,507 bishops, archbishops and patriarchs. ‘Brepolis Latin’ consists of the following full-text databases: the Library of Latin Texts (Series A and B), the electronic Monumenta Germaniae Historica, the Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and the Aristoteles Latinus Database. The online database includes all volumes of the annual index, beginning with Volume I published in 1928. An essential resource for architecture-related research, the database provides a comprehensive index to key international and regional architecture publications. Domain Name: brepolis.net Registry Domain ID: 77867533_DOMAIN_NET-VRSN Registrar WHOIS Server: Registrar URL: www.register.eu Updated Date: 2020-09-26T13:41:42Z Creation Date: 2001-09-27T10:21:12Z Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2021-09-27T10:21:12Z Registrar: Register NV dba Register.eu Registrar IANA ID: 1467 Registrar Abuse Contact Email: … Access control is based on a check against the IP number. Grepolis – das in der Antike angesiedelte Browserspiel. The Patrologia Orientalis Database is a collection of patristic texts from the Christian East, including works, recorded in non-Latin languages, that come from geographical, cultural, or religious contexts somehow linked to Rome or the Eastern Roman Empire. The content of Brepols databases covers the classical and medieval period. This online encyclopaedia is an unparalleled source of information for anyone interested in the history of the Church. The International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR) is an international reference bibliography comprising all types of academic publications devoted to the study of early modern European history and culture of the 16th and 17th centuries. Bibliography of British and Irish History, Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale, International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance, Répertoire des traductions françaises des Père de l’Église, Bibliothèque bibliographique des littératures francophones européennes, The Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, to continue the longstanding tradition of Brepols as an academic publisher by making use of the best of new technologies today’s world offers, to improve access to a range of source materials published by Brepols and/or its partners for the international community of scholars in the humanities. Chez Brepols, vous êtes certain de trouver l’agenda le mieux adapté à votre style de vie. Logical groupings can be made using brackets (). The Index Religiosus aims to become the international reference bibliography in Theology and Religious Studies for academic publications. The Latin versions of these texts constituted the main tools for the study of science and philosophy in the Middle Ages. for wildcards. © 2002-2015 Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. Brepolis Latin Databases is the collective name for several databases that are searchable together by using the Cross Database Search Tool.The Library of Latin Texts (LLT) has two parts. Pour vous aussi, nous avons l’agenda parfait. It contains texts from the beginning of Latin literature (Livius Andronicus, 240 BC) through to the texts of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). Thanks for the link. A series of texts making up the sources for the DMLBS can be found in these full-text databases, including texts by Institutional trails by IP address range are also available; please contact [a:mailto:brepolis@brepols.net] for more information. It is an inevitable tool when studying or publishing a particular text or to make an inventory of manuscripts. The International Medieval Bibliography was founded in 1967 with the aim of providing a comprehensive, current bibliography of articles. The database is part of the cluster BREPOLiS Latin, including other Latin full-text databases, and the . Ceci dans l´espoir de renouveler l´intérêt dans les sources de notre civilisation et de contribuer à la qualité et l´efficacité de la recherche actuelle. Please include a screenshot of the page, your current time (including timezone) and your IP-address. L’Année Philologique is the reference bibliography for academic publications relating to Ancient Greek and Roman Civilization. The Monumenta Germaniae Historica was founded in 1819 by the Gesellschaft für Deutschlands ältere Geschichtskunde. If so, please contact us at brepolis@brepols.net. Pour de plus amples informations, l'assistance technique, ou des nouvelles propositions, contactez brepolis@brepols.net. When you select “Accept all cookies,” you’re agreeing to let your browser store that data on your device so that we can provide you with a better, more relevant experience. Information and help about Brepolis - the home of Brepols' Online Databases Whois Lookup for brepolis.net. l´utilisation des nouvelles technologies dans un respect total de la tradition de Brepols comme éditeur universitaire. BrepolsOnline is the platform for all online content published by Brepols in books and journals, across a broad range of humanities disciplines. Cookies on OCLC websites. PLEASE CONTACT BREPOLS PUBLISHERS FOR: a 30-day free trial period for institutional users Library of Latin Texts (former abbreviation: CLCLT) is the world’s leading database for Latin texts. BrepolsOnline is the platform for all online content published by Brepols in books and journals, across a broad range of humanities disciplines. It comprises a vast amount of information: 30 volumes, 70,000 entries and sub-entries, over 50,000 columns by specialists, aimed at an academic readership. Erbaue prächtige Städte, schmiede mächtige Allianzen, nutze die Macht der Götter und erobere die Welt! © 2001-2020, Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. brepolis@brepols.net - www.brepolis.net.

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