The institute argues that heterosexuality and homosexuality, by contrast, "are defined by the boundary of two sexes/genders. Define pansexuality. adj. Psychiatry pertaining to the theory that all human behavior is based on sexuality. ", "Wonky Wednesday: Trans people & sexual orientation", "Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness & Visibility Day 2020", "Bisexuality and pansexuality are two different identities", "Pansexual: Where does it fall on the LGBTQ spectrum? Überprüfen Sie die Übersetzungen von 'pansexual' ins Deutsch. are being used in place of the term bisexual because "bisexuality, it's been claimed, is a gender binary, and therefore oppressive, word" and that "the great debate is being perpetuated and developed by bisexual-identified transgender and genderqueer people on the one hand, and non-bi-identified transgender and genderqueer people on the other." I live in a dorm hallway where heterosexuals are the minority, so this term is not only an everyday term for me, it’s widely understood. This is distinct from polyamory, which means more than one intimate relationship at the same time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. Someone who is pansexual is sexually attracted to people of any gender identity . Synonyme: ", Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures, History of Christianity and homosexuality, SPLC-designated list of anti-LGBT U.S. hate groups, Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany, Significant acts of violence against LGBT people,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Magenta for women; yellow for non-binary people; cyan for men, This page was last edited on 23 March 2021, at 04:48. [2][3] Der Begriff Pansexualität leitet sich von der griechischen Vorsilbe pan (gesamt, umfassend, alles) ab. Podrías haber vivido el resto de tu vida en bendita ignorancia y morir feliz, diablillo pansexual . Ein Hauptmerkmal des pansexuellen Geschlechts ist, dass sie nur von anderen Mitgliedern des pansexuellen Geschlechts angezogen werden. Vergleichen. Sexuality that encompasses all kinds of sexuality. Pansexualität ist eine sexuelle Orientierung, bei der Personen in ihrem Begehren keine Vorauswahl nach Geschlecht bzw. pansexual. pansexual (Adjective) Sexually attracted to everyone. (Psychology) uninhibited in terms of sexual practice. pansexual French. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014. [3][4], Pansexuality may be considered a sexual orientation in its own right or a branch of bisexuality, to indicate an alternative sexual identity. Antonyms for pansexual. Pansexuality, or omnisexuality, is sexual attraction, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward people of any sex or gender identity. The word pansexual comes from the Greek word 'pan-', meaning "all".. Pansexuality is one of the many sexualities from the LGBT community. [8][12][13], A literal dictionary definition of bisexuality, due to the prefix bi-, is sexual or romantic attraction to two sexes (males and females), or to two genders (men and women). Pansexual test deutsch Liebestest: Bist du Bisexuell oder doch pansexuell? In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wird der Begriff nicht einheitlich definiert und verwendet. Bedeutungen: [1] Sexualität: die Wahl eines ( Sexual-) Partners unabhängig von dessen Geschlecht treffend. "[8] Volume 2 of Cavendish's Sex and Society, however, states that "although the term's literal meaning can be interpreted as 'attracted to everything,' people who identify as pansexual do not usually include paraphilias, such as bestiality, pedophilia, and necrophilia, in their definition" and that they "stress that the term pansexuality describes only consensual adult sexual behaviors. Bi- und Polysexuelle fühlen sich zu mehr als einer bzw. pansexual (Adjective) Sexually attracted or open to all people regardless of gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. pansexual Greek. Pansexual people are people attracted to people regardless of their gender. [9] The Bisexual Resource Center, for example, defines bisexuality as "an umbrella term for people who recognize and honor their potential for sexual and emotional attraction to more than one gender",[16] while the American Institute of Bisexuality states that the term bisexual "is an open and inclusive term for many kinds of people with same-sex and different-sex attractions"[17] and that "the scientific classification bisexual only addresses the physical, biological sex of the people involved, not the gender-presentation. Pansexual people may refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are not determining factors in their romantic or sexual attraction to others. Wikipedia Dictionaries. The internationally recognised LGBT awareness period of Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day is an annual day (24 May[20]), first celebrated in 2015, to promote awareness of, and celebrate, pansexual & panromantic identities. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. pansexual in British English. noun A person who is sexually and/or romantically attracted toward persons of any gender identity and/or biological sex. Ein separates "pansexuelles Geschlecht" wurde ebenfalls postuliert. [9][15] Gender is considered more complex than the state of one's sex, as gender includes genetic, hormonal, environmental and social factors. “Pansexual” is a term many are unfamiliar with. USA pronunciation. März 2021 um 17:01 Uhr bearbeitet. (Psychology) characterized by pansexuality. Proculsexual is an ace-spec identity that describes someone who only feels sexual attraction to people who they're sure they can never be in a relationship with, such as fictional characters, celebrities, or people who they know would never reciprocate their feelings. Pansexualität[1] ist eine sexuelle Orientierung, bei der Personen in ihrem Begehren keine Vorauswahl nach Geschlecht bzw. Polysexuality, also spelled plysexuality or polisexuality, is the sexual attraction to many, but not necessarily all, genders. Die Definition des pansexuellen Geschlechts liegt jenseits und außerhalb der Grenzen des traditionellen binären Geschlechtsspektrums (binäre Geschlechtergruppe: männlich/weiblich/gemischt und zugehörige Homo/Bi/Hetero-Orientierungen). [18], Scholar Shiri Eisner states that terms such as pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual, queer, etc. ell, keine Steigerung. 1999, “Jennifer A Dobrac”, in The Oncale Opinion: A Pansexual Response, 30 MCGEORGE L. REV. Over time, our society's concept of human sex and gender may well change. Und da die Person, die den Test gemacht hat, anscheinend nicht verstanden hat was der Unterschied zwischen Bisexuell und Pansexuell ist, bzw was es generell bedeutet, erkläre ich es jz einfach mal: Bi bedeutet, man fühlt sich zu zwei oder mehr Geschlechtern hinzugezogen. Pullen, A., Preface to Transgender: Fractures of the Wrong Body, Emory University (2012). zwei Geschlechtsidentitäten hingezogen, jedoch nicht zu allen. The term "demipansexual" is a mix of the terms "pansexual" and " … a person who is sexually attracted to people without regard to their sex or gender identity. Bisexuality, by definition, is sexual attraction to two or more genders. ", The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, "Doesn't identifying as bisexual reinforce a false gender binary? Cuthbert, Karen Lilian Kathleen, Gender without sex(uality): Exploring the relationship between gender and sexuality at the empirical sites of asexuality and sexual abstinence, PhD thesis, University of Glasgow (2017). m. Steagul pansexualității. This page provides all possible translations of the word pansexual in almost any language. Der Begriff Pansexualität leitet sich von der griechischen Vorsilbe pan (gesamt, umfassend, alles) ab. [9], Pansexuality is also sometimes called omnisexuality. same sex) and heterosexual (lit. [9], The American Institute of Bisexuality argues that "terms like pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, and ambisexual also describe a person with homosexual and heterosexual attractions, and therefore people with those labels are also bisexual" and that "by replacing the prefix bi – (two, both) with pan- (all), poly- (many), omni- (all), ambi- (both, and implying ambiguity in this case), people who adopt these labels seek to clearly express the fact that gender does not factor into their own sexuality", but "this does not mean, however, that people who identify as bisexual are fixated on gender. ", "6 college students explain what being pansexual means to them", "Bisexuality, Pansexuality, Fluid Sexuality: Non-Monosexual Terms & Concepts", "The Case Of Pansexuality 101 And The Sea Of Biphobia And Gender Erasure", "9 Things Pansexual People Want You To Know", "What's the Real Difference between Bi- and Pansexual? van Anders S.M., Beyond Sexual Orientation: Integrating Gender/Sex and DiverseSexualities via Sexual Configurations Theory, (2020). compare bisexual (1) Topics People in society c2. (Definition of pansexual from the … It is usually used as sexual attraction to only males and females. Pansexuality, by definition, means sexual attraction to any gender, regardless of gender. / pænˈsek.sjʊəl / us. Dieser Artikel behandelt eine sexuelle Orientierung. [2][8][9], A medical specialist at Columbia University states that pansexuals can be attracted to cisgender, transgender, intersex and androgynous people, and that the term pansexual "is generally considered a more inclusive term than bisexual. The term "pansexual" has recently become a popular alternative to "bisexual." Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 29. [6] Dieses Geschlechterkonzept entwickelt und verfeinert die Merkmale, die mit der viel allgemeineren Vorstellung von "Pansexualität als sexuelle Orientierung" verbunden sind. pansexual Persian. compare bisexual Topics People in … Psychiatry expressing or involving sexuality in many different forms or with a variety of sexual outlets. Substantiv. 1. The term demisexual comes from the orientation being "halfway between" sexual and asexual. [10][11] Im Gegensatz zu gleichgeschlechtlichen Beziehungen innerhalb der binären Geschlechtergruppe ist jedoch eine Fortpflanzung innerhalb der pansexuellen Geschlechtergruppe möglich – was sie als ein unverwechselbares Geschlecht auszeichnet. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. / pænˈsek.sjʊəl /. pansexuality synonyms, pansexuality pronunciation, pansexuality translation, English dictionary definition of pansexuality. Geschlechtsidentität treffen. noun [ C ] us. Pansexualita je sexuální orientace charakterizovaná silnou přitažlivostí, romantickou láskou a/nebo sexuální touhou k lidem bez ohledu na jejich pohlaví nebo genderovou identitu.To zahrnuje možnou přitažlivost k osobám, které se neidentifikují výlučně maskulinně či femininně, tj. The star identifies as pansexual and has dated men and women in the past. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wird der Begriff nicht einheitlich definiert und verwendet. [8] Ähnlich wie bei einer Person mit binärem Geschlecht, die im falschen Körper geboren ist (z. pansexual Spanish. 3. ", "What is the difference between bisexual and terms like pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, ambisexual, and fluid? ajnseksema, ĉiuseksema Esperanto. adj. "[2], The definition of pansexuality can encourage the belief that it is the only sexual identity that covers individuals who do not cleanly fit into the categories of male or man, or female or woman. 2. different sex)." Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. [8][9] The extent to which the term bisexual is inclusive when compared with the term pansexual is debated within the LGBT community, especially the bisexual community. A person who is attracted to multiple genders (Female, male, in between, no-gender, any others) but will not feel sexually-inclined to a person unless a serious relationship is developed and a certain level of trust is gained. [2] Furthermore, the term bisexual is sometimes defined as the romantic or sexual attraction to multiple genders. "[15], The term pansexuality is sometimes used interchangeably with bisexuality, and, similarly, people who identify as bisexual may "feel that gender, biological sex, and sexual orientation should not be a focal point in potential [romantic/sexual] relationships. 6 words related to pansexual: individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul. sexually attracted to many types of people, without considering whether they are men or women.
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