Juli 2020; Hip-Hop; Info. 1 / 3. piatok, 3. júl 2020 - 21:00. Grosse Allmend, Frauenfeld, Schweiz; 9-11. Watch outdoor film screenings of the last... - 2020-08-22. Openair Frauenfeld is one of Europe's biggest hip-hop festivals, held each summer in the city of Frauenfeld, northern Switzerland. Unfortunately, the Open Air Kino Frauenfeld is already over for this year. Junte-se à lista de-mails . So everything this year is a little different, and a reservation is needed even for the free film screenings. Thanks for your interest and support! Every summer in Vienna, numerous open-air cinemas show films on a wide range of topics. Openair Frauenfeld is a dedicated hip-hop and urban festival held in Frauenfeld, Switzerland. Letní kino v MeetFactory (foto: Dita Havránková) Open air Cinema Zlute lazne 2020 The area of Žluté lázně is a unique space in Podolí, which boasts amazing position on the Vltava river and a wide range of sporting and recreational activities. OPEN AIR Letné kino 2020: Přes prsty. Line-up; Celebrate hip-hop's superstars, tastemakers, and game-changers. About See All. 2021. Local summer cinema with its spacious grassy beach is able to accommodate 2.500 spectators. July, 2020 Allmend Frauenfeld, Frauenfeld, Switzerland. Wir freuen uns jetzt schon, euch auch im 2020 in der letzten Sommerferienwoche im Hof des Staatsarchivs anzutreffen. Openair Frauenfeld 2020. #OpenAirKino #oakff #Filmfestival Discover | Vienna. 37 people like this. Open Air Kino Wien 2020. Line-up; Die Superstars, Tastemaker und Game-Changer des Hip-Hop . Select Date. International Events 6 Events. You can find a central shower station on camping site A. Danke an alle Gönner, Sponsoren, Helfer und natürlich den Besuchern! Programm 2020. Buy Openair Frauenfeld tickets from the official Ticketmaster.com site. V piatok 31. júla 2020 o 21.00 h Vás srdečne pozývame do Parku pod lipami na ďalšie filmové predstavenie OPEN AIR letného kina v tohtoročnej sezóne, komédiu Přes prsty. Zürich Airport is just a half hour train journey from Frauenfeld. © 2021 Festicket® Ltd. Todos os direitos reservados. Endlich wieder was erleben ? Geniessen Sie auch diesen Sommer einen Film unter freiem Himmel an 20 Open-Air-Kino - Standorten mit besonderem Charme – am See, im Grünen oder vor historischer Kulisse. Open Air Kino Wien 2020. Create New Account. Bellinzona 29. Media/Partner. Agenda. But... Read more . Germany. And before the lights go out each night, local clubs like Bacardi Dome and Fabric Klub keep things poppin' until the break of dawn. Grosse Allmend, Frauenfeld, Suíça; 9-11 julho 2020; Hip Hop; Urban; Descrição. Open-Air Kino" in Frauenfeld über die Durchführung. V rámci sprievodných podujatí bude pre deti od 18.00-20.00 h pripravený nafukovací hrad a kŕmenie opice. PACKAGES . Your ticket shop for the whole region. Transporting the sense, spirit, and scenery of USA's urban streets to the heartland of rural Frauenfeld - quite literally with its convincing stage design - the festival attracts over 100,000 hip-hop hedonists each year. La Villette open-air film festival will be back in 2020. Brig 22. Grosse Allmend, Frauenfeld, Švýcarsko; 9-11. července 2020; Hip hop; Urban; Info. 1 / 3. With lineups that regularly feature the world's biggest rappers, from both sides of the Atlantic, looking back over previous editions reads like a who's who of modern rap royalty, with Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott, Nicki Minaj, 50 Cent, Cardi B, Young Thug, J. Cole, Wiz Khalifa, Eminem, Migos and countless others on the list of part performers. Juli – 31. - 13. August - 29. August – 27. Das Openair Frauenfeld ist ein Hip-Hop- und Urban-Festival, das in Frauenfeld in der Schweiz stattfindet. We are looking forward to welcoming you next year from August 06. th to 13. th in the courtyard of the Staatsarchiv! Wie wärs mit Hollywood im Garten ! Frauenfeld - cinema Open Air Kino Frauenfeld - Showtimes - Cineman; Cineman - Cineman - after the movie is before the movie. See more of Open Air Kino Wien 2020 on Facebook. Mailingliste beitreten. cinema programmes, movie reviews, DVD, poster, trailers, interviews, release lists, filmnews, charts, contests and much more. Weather. Lineup ; Celebrate hip-hop's superstars, tastemakers, and game-changers. OPEN AIR Letné kino 2020: Ženy v behu. Open Date Picker. Join Mailing List. 1 / 3. Having established itself as Europe's largest festival of its kind, Openair Frauenfeld continually attracts hip-hop's royalty to its stage; superstars, tastemakers, and game-changers such as Kanye West, Jay-Z, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Run DMC, and The Weeknd have all headlined within the festival's 13-year history. The parking grounds open from Wednesday, 4 pm until Sunday, 4 pm. Aarau 16. Despite the general situation, we were able to show eight films again this week. Enjoy the last August nights under the open sky in an idyllic waterside location! August 2020. Lucerne Blues Festival. Das Open Air Kino 2019 ist bereits wieder vorbei. Arbon 18. See More. Tags: kultúra. Log In. Zapsat se na Mailovací listinu . The festival transforms this space annually with all things urban and hip-hop. Zürich Airport is just a half hour train journey from Frauenfeld. There are no upcoming events in Germany. Openair Frauenfeld is a dedicated hip-hop and urban festival held in Frauenfeld, Switzerland. Frauenfeld - cinema Open Air Kino Frauenfeld - Showtimes - Cineman; Cineman - Cineman - after the movie is before the movie. See More. ABOUT OPEN AIR KINO WIEN 2020. piatok, 31. júl 2020 - 21:00. piatok, 17. júl 2020 - 21:00. ABOUT OPEN AIR KINO WIEN 2020. Openair Frauenfeld 2020. Wir freuen uns jetzt schon, euch voraussichtlich vom 06. >>> The masterpieces that will be screened at the City Open Air Cinema in Luxembourg City are completely free of charge >>> If the weather is not the best, don't worry. Tag: Datum: Einlass: Beginn: Titel: FSK: Trailer: Das war die Open Air Kino Saison für dieses Jahr. Explore Trending Festivals in Switzerland. Disclaimer: Event details may change at any time. Afro Pfingsten Festival. The festival will be providing shuttle buses from the station to the festival site from 2pm on Wednesday until 4pm on Sunday. For the use, provision and organization of the parking area, a parking fee for every vehicle must be paid (CHF 10-40). Tags: kultúra. August – 29. Watch outdoor film screenings of the last... - 2020-08-22. en . © 2021 Festicket® Ltd. All rights reserved. Grosse Allmend, Frauenfeld, 8500, Switzerland. RECOMMENDED TRIPS . December 17, 2020 . The beautifully set open air cinema of the Augarten, Kino Wie Noch Nie, is back again, ... A new club is opening for one night only in Vienna for New Year’s Eve 2020. World Band Festival. Francais; English; Deutsch; Season 2020 . Not Now. Erlebe Blockbuster auf einer Riesenleinwand! Trotz der allgemeinen Situation konnten wir in dieser Woche wieder acht Filme zeigen. Openair Frauenfeld is a dedicated hip-hop and urban festival held in Frauenfeld, Switzerland. Juli – 19. 38 likes. Find Openair Frauenfeld tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos. or. Afro Pfingsten Festival. Bookable offers. The 2021 lineup will be announced closer to the festival. Bleib auf dem Laufenden. August 2021 im Hof des Staatsarchivs anzutreffen. Entrance is free >>> On July 26th and 27th you have also the opportunity to see 4 movies at the Méchelsplaz in Mersch. cinema programmes, movie reviews, DVD, poster, trailers, interviews, release lists, filmnews, charts, contests and much more. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Surprising experiences. Member of the SMPA List of all concerts taking place in 2020 at Frauendweld Open Air in Frauenfeld. #openairkino #filmfestival #staatsarchivthurgau #abbau 09/08/2019 Openair Frauenfeld 2020. Wir hoffen es hat euch bei uns gefallen und vielleicht sehen wir uns 2021 wieder. Wie wärs mit Hollywood im Garten ! Don't worry, there are other events available below . Endlich wieder was erleben ? Forgot account? Open Air Kino Wien 2020. Find tickets Grosse Allmend - Frauenfeld, SwitzerlandOpenair Frauenfeld 2021 - Premium LodgeJul 07 2021. TICKET SHOP . Openair Frauenfeld 2020. On Vienna Würstelstand’s Instagram and Facebook channel, we’ll be asking YOU what you want this NYE party to look like. Jul 07 2021. Page Transparency See More. Buy tickets for an upcoming concert at Frauendweld Open Air. The festival takes place in a green space situated in the north of the Swiss city of Frauenfeld. 1 / 3. Community See … Programm 2020. Danke an alle Gönner, Sponsoren, Helfer und natürlich den Besuchern. V piatok 17. júla 2020 o 21.00 h Vás srdečne pozývame do Parku pod lipami na ďalšie filmové predstavenie OPEN AIR letného kina v tohtoročnej sezóne, komédiu Ženy v behu. Openair Frauenfeld is a dedicated hip-hop and urban festival held in Frauenfeld, Switzerland. Grosse Allmend, Frauenfeld, Switzerland; 9-11 July 2020; Hip Hop; Info. Please review the official website or check with the event organizer when planning to attend the event. September 2020. 116.6k Followers, 86 Following, 1,300 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Openair Frauenfeld (@openairfrauenfeldofficial) Endlich wieder was erleben ? V piatok 26. júna 2020 o 21.00 h Vás srdečne pozývame do Parku pod lipami na prvé filmové predstavenie OPEN AIR letného kina v tohtoročnej sezóne, rozprávku Ako si vycvičiť draka 3.O filme: Mladý Viking Štikút a drak Bezzubý sa vracajú v pokračovaní úspešnej dobrodružnej animovanej série Ako si vycvičiť draka. Jul. Keep updated. … The parking area is located next to the festival grounds. For the 2021 edition, the organisers have added an extra day of rap revelry to proceedings, with an additional day of programming added before the traditional three-day party. V rámci sprievodných podujatí bude pre deti od 18.00-20.00 h pripravený nafukovací hrad a maľovanie na tvár. On the menu: a month of free movie screenings on La Villette lawn, from July 23 to August 22, keeping barrier gestures up! From the highway, exit Frauenfeld-West on the A7, and follow the signs to the parking area. Wie wärs mit Hollywood im Garten ! 1 / 3. More than 80 international top acts at ZURICH OPENAIR 2021 from 25th to 28th of August. Wed. Grosse Allmend - Frauenfeld, Switzerland Openair Frauenfeld 2021 - Premium Lodge. Foursquare uses cookies to provide you with an optimal experience, to personalize ads that you may see, and to help advertisers measure the results of their ad campaigns. Das Open Air Kino 2020 ist bereits wieder vorbei. 1 / 3. Abonniere unseren Open Air Kino Kalender, um keinen Film mehr zu verpassen ! Delemont 7. Ganz entspannt auf einer Decke mit deinen Liebsten.. Cartaz; Celebrate hip-hop's superstars, tastemakers, and game-changers. Impressum. The buses will be free of charge. The buses will be free of charge. 40 people follow this. August 2020. The festival will be providing shuttle buses from the station to the festival site from 2pm on Wednesday until 4pm on Sunday. The Open Air Cinema Esch/Alzette will showcase 3 movies per day on July 22nd and 23rd. See 1 photo from 1 visitor to Open Air Kino Frauenfeld. It’s also possible to take the shuttle bus from the main station to the festival grounds. August 2020. Openair Frauenfeld 2020. 07. 1 / 3. Open-air cinemas are even more popular than normal in times of coronavirus. Esteja a par das novidades. Nech se zásobovat novinkami. FORSTMESSE. Media Portal; Accreditation; You want to participate as a sponsor? Wir freuen uns auf Sie. Am Mittwochnachmittag um 16 Uhr strömten die ersten Open-Air-Besucher durch die Eingänge aufs Festgelände. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. V piatok 3. júla 2020 o 21.00 h Vás srdečne pozývame do Parku pod lipami na ďalšie filmové predstavenie OPEN AIR letného kina v tohtoročnej sezóne, film Príliš osobná známosť. TV Channel. OPEN AIR Letné kino 2020: Príliš osobná známosť . Grosse Allmend is a large meadow in Frauenfeld. Openair Guide 2020 Wenn die Temperaturen steigen und die Tage lang werden, dann zieht es neben den Menschen auch die Kinos wieder nach draussen. To navigation To contents. Community See All. Tags: kultúra. 1 / 3.
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