In industrial manufacturing, products and machines communicate with one another, enabling the manufacture of customized products at a low cost, and much more. Website, Control Theory Martin HORN Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Students can apply for an exemption from tuition fees if they can prove that they have played a leading role in a student team for at least two semesters during the last two years of their bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral studies at TU Graz. By taking a diversity of elective courses and completing the master’s thesis, I was able to deepen my knowledge in a specific area. Tip: Use Ctrl + and Crtl - to change the font size. Furthermore, you familiarise yourself with natural language processing and intelligent user interfaces. At national and international levels, they work on a self-employed basis or in an employment relationship e.g. The following categories of applicants are eligible for the master’s programme without an admissions procedure: 1. Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics. You focus on practical aspects related to applying and using security mechanisms and understand the principles underlying these mechanisms. Dr.techn. Campus Alte Technik Rechbauerstraße 12 Phone: +43 316 873 6560 portier.alte-technik You have the opportunity to complete a study period abroad, providing the ideal complement to your degree programme. The degree programme is a successful mixture of theory and application, in which hardware and software are smoothly united to create an exciting symbiosis. Graduates have a variety of career opportunities: I completed my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Telematics (now: Information and Computer Engineering) at TU Graz. To enter the master’s programme, you have to undergo an admissions procedure. Website, Wireless Communications Klaus WITRISAL Assoc.Prof. in smartphones and apps or in robotic systems. Then the TU Graz Racing Team is the right place for you! Advanced Testing Techniques Bernhard AICHERNIG Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. In addition to acquiring basic theoretical knowledge about navigation, computer vision, machine learning, knowledge representation, decision-making, or speech comprehension, you also acquire the ability to design, apply and validate intelligent systems. Graz University of Technology Rechbauerstraße 12 8010 GRAZ AUSTRIA Phone: +43 316 873 0 Fax: +43 316 873 6009 E-Mail: info Campus map Opening hours: 6 am – 8 pm Information and service points. And now you want to know how everyday life works at a university, or what future perspectives do you have when studying your choice? The teaching academy is a new qualification program to promote higher education and lecturer's training at TU Graz. You can develop an initial game prototype. After working for a brief period of time in the private sector, I started a doctoral programme at TU Graz, which I am completing now. I was able to do all these things and more in the master’s degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering offered at TU Graz. The prerequisite for admission is a completed bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject., Deeply Embedded Systems Marcel BAUNACH Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Inf. You make contributions in the form of the conception, programming, or development of algorithms. Founded in 1811, the Graz University of Technology has three main campuses. Tip: Use Ctrl + and Crtl - to change the font size. In this way, specific application problems can drive further development in basic computer science. Each faculty awards two thesis scholarships, of 750 to 3.600 Euro, per year. Master (Seminar) Projects The main focus of a Master (Seminar) Project is to investigate a specific topic of your major or minor area of specialisation. Two of these are in the center of Graz, while the third is to the southeast of the city. Website, Graz University of TechnologyRechbauerstraße 128010 GRAZAUSTRIAPhone: +43 316 873 0 Fax: +43 316 873 6009E-Mail: infonoSpam@tugraz.atwww.tugraz.atCampus mapOpening hours: 6 am – 8 pm, Campus Alte TechnikRechbauerstraße 12Phone: +43 316 873, Campus Neue TechnikStremayrgasse 16Phone: +43 316 873, Campus InffeldgasseInffeldgasse 25DPhone: +43 316 873, Information from TU Graz on dealing with COVID-2019, News+Stories Library Job Vacancies Media Service Events. Supplementary Mathematical Foundations (minor): Numerical approximation methods are essential for the simulation of technical processes. If you want to explore the characteristics of the world and the universe, you should choose the Master Studies of Physics at Graz University of Technology in Austria. Dr.techn. TU Graz and the University of Ljubljana have teamed up to offer a specialised double-degree programme in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The members of the Faculty of Architecture at TU Graz understand architecture as a discipline whose effects on the quality of the environment we live in are deep, extensive and lasting – one that is embedded in contemporary societal, cultural, artistic and technical developments. You study the main theories, principles and methods of information processing, information technology and electrical engineering. Alternatively you can choose the Major in Internet of Things. in industry, young start-up companies, or in the service sector. TU Graz Portfolio of Affiliated Companies, Representative Bodies for Members of TU Graz, Overview: Degree and Certificate Programmes, Overview: International: Studying & Teaching, Internationals at TU Graz - COVID-19 Information, Competence Centres and Research Companies, Business Enterprises – Start-ups and Spin-offs, Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy, Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering, Environmental System Sciences / Climate Change and Environmental Technology, Construction Management and Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics, Research and Technology Advisory Committee, evidence of competence in the English language,, Admission and deadlines for international students, Admission and deadlines for Austrian students who are registering to study at TU Graz for the first time. Registration for the academic year 2022/23: 15 October to 15 December 2021. They can successfully apply the knowledge and methodical approaches they have learned in industry, business and science: As a graduate in the field of computer science, a whole world of opportunities is open to you. Register now using the form below to geht more infos about the 2021 season! I study Information and Computer Engineering because it’s extremely exciting being part of new technological developments right from the beginning. Dr. Website, Wireless Networking Kay RÖMER Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Inform. I’m interested in defining the true essence of things, digging right down to the core of the matter, and teasing out what’s hidden behind a line of code. I was able to do all these things and more in the master’s degree programme in Information and Computer Engineering offered at TU Graz. To enter the master’s programme, you have to undergo an admissions procedure. Support is also provided for master's thesis work in cooperation with local industry partners and for stays abroad. By choosing to major in the Internet of Things, based on the Master’s programme Information and Computer Engineering, you can study this subject through intensive research and specialise in a cutting-edge topic with the highest social relevance. Welcome to the LAMPSe - Laboratory of Applied Materials for Printed and Soft electronics Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Graz, Austria Students even have the opportunity to follow up on their master’s thesis by performing specialised dissertation research. One of the biggest challenges being faced is dependability of the Internet of Things. Dr.mont. The systems you design are used, e.g. Here, all current topics are presented. The degrees Diplom-Ingenieurin or Diplom-Ingenieur (DI or Dipl.-Ing.) Software Technology (as a major or minor): You explore advanced techniques that are relevant to the development of complex and critical software. Stipends for Information Security Master's View more. Tobias Renzler is a PhD student at TU Graz and a member of the student team Autonomous Racing Graz. 👨 🎓🥳🤓 Soon your studies will start at TU Graz. Campus Neue Technik Graz University of Technology Inffeldgasse 25/A A-8010 Graz. And a Master program (taught in English). In addition, visiting international professors regularly provide insights into their research. Intelligent pipelines locate leaks quickly and cost-effectively. Operations at the joint SGS-TU Graz research center at Cybersecurity Campus Graz will be launched during this year. For example, you perform statistical analyses on large amounts of data. Your master’s thesis will be supervised by teaching staff at the TU Graz and teaching staff at the University of Ljubljana. For information on admission to a particular programme of study, please contact the appropriate dean's office for that programme. Students benefit from accessing the teaching staff’s research network and can conduct thesis work at top universities, such as RWTH Aachen, ETH Zurich, or Stanford University. Furthermore, you become familiar with the associated software development and design models. 5 Finalists from TU Graz @ Austrian Cyber Security Challenge 2020 View more. Supplementary Statistics (minor): You learn how to use methods to model and analyse dependent variables. Their postal addresses are: • Inst. You also become familiar with programming languages and compiler construction. Cars communicate with each other on the road. *NAWI Graz degree programme. At present, as CIO & CDO at the IBS Paper Performance Group, I'm responsible for the company's information technology and its digital transformation. In the master’s programme Mechanical Engineering at TU Graz, you can deepen your knowledge in individual areas of mechnical engineering and specialise in 2 fields.Using advanced simulation and computer-aided design methods in fully equipped laboratories, you can pursue your studies while keeping pace with the latest trends. Smart fitting rooms for the development of virtual worlds, Extensive computing infrastructure for machine learning and data science and. All other programme applicants must undergo the admission procedure. Registration period for the academic year 2022/23: 15 October to 15 December 2021. Its location in the midst of the economic region Graz makes Graz University of Technology a focal point for teaching and research in technical sciences in the South of Austria. The master's degree programme Computer Science differs from other degree programmes in the IT sector in that it is a fundamental education programme that has strong methodological and algorithmic components. Information Security (as a major or minor): You learn more about the challenge inherent in making the digital world more secure and, for example, how to create secure systems such as ATM cards or chips. In the master’s degree programme in Computer Science, I was able to specialise in my personal favourite topic: IT Security. Dr.rer.nat. You can complete the admission procedure before the end of your bachelor’s studies. Dr.techn. Studying a subject in depth, applying knowledge in practical projects, doing research autonomously, studying abroad – all of these elements can feature in a TU Graz master’s degree programme, which is the next stage after a bachelor’s degree and is designed to prepare students to enter a relevant profession.. English Language Master's Degree Programme Physics - TU Graz, Microwave Engineering Wolfgang BOESCH Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Checklist | Additional information for Electrical and Audio Engineering Master Theses Robotics (as a major or minor): You learn which methods can be used to develop intelligent robots and systems. Werner Weselak; impressum edit edit Students holding a bachelor's degree from an educational institution other than TU Wien may be required to sit additional exams. ... whether in your own project or in bachelor and master theses. Enter your contact details here so that we can get … Since I’m planning to remain in science in the future, I decided to pursue a doctorate in this field. The areas of application range from medicine to industrial automation. You design, operate and assess complex hardware and software systems in the information technology field, the automotive industry and in telecommunications. go to main content go to main menu go to right sidebar go to ... We have new interesting and challenging topics for several Master Thesis. Critical applications in the areas of health, transportation or production always need to function flawlessly, even if they are exposed to disruptive influences and targeted attacks. It is possible to conduct research and industrial projects with regional cooperation partners such as AVL, Magna or Infineon, providing insights into practical applications. You can apply for admission at the Registration Office. After graduation, I started working as a data scientist. Veliki broj studenata i studentica iz BiH i regiona se odlučuje za studiranje u Grazu. The master's degree programme Computer Science consists of a major subject (major), a minor subject (minor), a free-choice subject and a master’s thesis. According to the curriculum, graduates of the following bachelor’s programmes offered at TU Graz and University of Graz will be accepted without an admission procedure (in part with with stipulations): Graduates of all other degree programmes offered at the TU Graz or, in the case of a NAWI Graz programme, the University of Graz, as well as graduates of the programmes listed on, also do not have to undergo the admission procedure. It also laid the foundation for research internships abroad. You learn to use both formal mathematical and engineering methods and to integrate findings from natural science and technology into computer science. Es gilt bis auf weiteres "90/10" statt "80/40". The project work in your area of specialisation will be supervised. In the end, you can choose between multiple job offers. I particularly enjoyed that I could select various subjects and courses, specifically tailoring the study plan to my interests. Information technologies and electrical engineering continue to develop at a rapid pace and have a major influence on everyday life and business. More information for students of TU Graz on how to apply is available on the page of each Dean's Office the intranet TU 4U. Supplementary Embedded and Mobile Systems (minor): You learn more about the architecture of embedded systems and their hardware and software, such as microcontrollers and basic software. You can specialise still further in the following focal areas: Algorithms and Theoretical Computer Science (as a major or minor): You learn the fundamentals of probability and information theory. You have the opportunity to participate in research and industrial projects during the course of your studies. First lead project at the TU Graz: Dependable Internet of Things in Adverse Environments. Graduates of all other degree programmes offered at the TU Graz can apply for admission at the Registration Office without an admission procedure. In that endeavor, Michael Krisper has earned the first overall Teaching Academy "Advanced" certification at TU Graz. In addition, you familiarise yourself with web technologies and evaluation methods. If you have already been admitted to a degree programme at TU Graz, or have studied at TU Graz before, please come to the registration office in person to complete your admission during the admission period. In this programme, you study at least one semester at the University of Ljubljana and complete at least 30 ECTS credit points. Hugo KARRE of Graz University of Technology, Graz (TU Graz) | Read 9 publications | Contact Hugo KARRE You choose three from the following ten areas for a total of at least 40 ECTS to major in the Internet of Things: You can find more specific information about the content, courses and mentors in each area here: Overview of the subject areas. 1K likes. Faculty of Architecture Mission Statement . Graz University of Technology (German: Technische Universität Graz, short TU Graz) is one of five universities in Styria, Austria.It was founded in 1811 by Archduke John of Austria and currently comprises seven faculties.The university is a public university.It offers 18 bachelors and 33 masters study programmes (of which 16 are in English) across all technology and natural science disciplines. All AddCours Master PhD Bakk. You learn how to identify the correct approach to use to solve problems and to design and apply user interfaces. In addition to mastering the theoretical basics in these areas, you will learn how to apply these in practice. This technology opens avenues to countless new applications that will have a huge impact on society. Graz University of Technology Institute of Biomechanics Stremayrgasse 16/2 8010 Graz, Austria. At the time, I thought that this was a good idea and, thinking back on that time, I can only confirm that. Visiting Professorship: University of Glasgow School of Mathematics and Statistics Glasgow G12 8QW, UK Additionally, you need to provide evidence of competence in the English language. Univ. Dr. techn. in industry, in young start-ups, or in the services sector. Internet address: You work on projects with fellow students, and teams from industry and international research. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology 7491 Trondheim, Norway. They design, operate, and evaluate complex hardware and software systems in the area of information technology, the automotive industry, and telecommunications. In the master's degree programme Computer Science, you expand and deepen your fundamental knowledge in the field, as well as knowledge about systematic and automated information processing technologies and applications. They conduct research at universities, other research institutions, and research and development departments in business. The admission procedure has already been completed. The Mathematical Doctoral School hosts two DK programmes funded by FWF: Discrete Mathematics, and the IGDK. Solid state physics is the study of how atoms arrange themselves into solids and what properties these solids have. This research is anchored in the Field of Expertise “Advanced Materials Science”, one of five strategic research core areas of TU Graz . TU Graz Portfolio of Affiliated Companies, Representative Bodies for Members of TU Graz, Overview: Degree and Certificate Programmes, Overview: International: Studying & Teaching, Internationals at TU Graz - COVID-19 Information, Competence Centres and Research Companies, Business Enterprises – Start-ups and Spin-offs, Faculty of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Geodesy, Faculty of Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering, Environmental System Sciences / Climate Change and Environmental Technology, Construction Management and Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics, Master's degree programme Biomedical Engineering, Study Guide by the student representatives, Research and Technology Advisory Committee,, Master's degree programme Electrical Engineering, Research Centre Dependable Internet of Things. You also take a closer look at methods used for deep learning and reinforcement learning. Tel: +43 (0)316 873 - 7226 Fax: +43 (0)316 873 - 107226 I was particularly fascinated by the Internet of Things. Examples include privacy aspects of the Corona App, ongoing worldwide standardisation procedures in the field of cryptography, as well as discussions and practical exercises related to the latest cyber-attacks and protection measures. You work nationally and internationally, independently, or as an employee, e.g. Filter by education level. EN: The language of instruction is English. The contents of this page can only be viewed at the institute. Further information about Information Security. You can tackle tasks such as the use of drones to deliver parcels, the development of games (games engineering), or the detection chip errors. These include analysis, design, validation and verification techniques. Website, Machine Learning Franz PERNKOPF Assoc.Prof. TU Graz. Students of TU Graz can apply for thesis scholarships for writing master’s and doctoral theses. Das „TU Graz online“-System ist dein persönlicher Begleiter durch das Studium. I still remember clearly that there was a lot of fundamental information to learn during the bachelor's degree programme, but a great deal of freedom was permitted in the master's degree programme. Website, Formal Verification Roderick BLOEM Univ.-Prof. Ph.D. Website, IT Security Stefan MANGARD Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing.

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