ECMI2021; Plenary Speakers; Committees; Programme; Submission; Registration ; Prizes; Hauptnavigation Ende. E-Mail: webmaster {at} The University of Wuppertal (Universität Wuppertal) is a German scientific institution, located in Wuppertal, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. (2020): “Sustainable business practices can build resilient local economies for a post-COVID-19 recovery” Published as research Report at the university of Waterloo. Dr Adrián Gómez Suárez Organic Chemistry Bergische Universität Wuppertal Gaußstr. Gaußstraße 20. de; en; Hauptnavigation Anfang. Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) Server at Port 443 Gennemsigtighed på sider Se mere. Bergische Universität Wuppertal Organic Chemistry Gaußstr. Publication details. Bergische Universität Wuppertal. Central Student Advisory and Counselling Service (ZSB) Bergische Universität Wuppertal International Center / International Office Gauss Str. The university's official name in German is Bergische Universität Wuppertal, or BUW. Zentrale Studienberatung. Anfahrt The services orientation inherent in the concept of Student Services is a key element of the approach adopted in the faculty of Business Administration and Economics. : +49 202 2492-0 At present this is Prof. Dr. Cornelia Gräsel, Vice-President for International Relations and Diversity. : +49 (0)202 439 2775 Fax: +49 (0)202 439 2648 e-mail: 20 42119 Wuppertal, Main campus Grifflenberg building O, floor 06, Secretary OfficePhone: +49 (0) 202 439 3247 Fax: +49 (0) 202 439 3856 E-Mail: icenter{at}, Homepage: U.11.07. room V08.82 phone: +49 202 439 2754 Gaussstr. Christine Schneidereit. Contact Bela Gipp: Phone: +49 202 439 18 74 gipp{at} Building M, floor 14 . Facebook viser oplysninger for at hjælpe dig med bedre at forstå formålet med en side. kaening{at} +49 (0) 202 439 3836. Telefonische Anfragen und Beratung: Mi 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr Leitung; Gabriele KÄNING. The IC is organised into two departments, the International Office an the UniService Internationales, which form the executive division of the IC. zuletzt bearbeitet am: 18.08.2020. compulsory statements. technischer Kontakt: webmaster {at} at the University, Students interface to residential accomondation tutors of the HSW, Organisation of events to german culture and habits for international students, Support information and care of international students, Common student´s requests to foreign mobility, Awarding ERASMUS+ language tests and language course licences at portal, Data entry, data management, archival storage of documents ERASMUS+ -mobilities, Cooperate in the further development and realisation of the university´s internationalisation strategy, Network between the sector "Internationales" with relevant institutions, agents and partners within and outside the university, Further development of international university relationships; Contract management of international university partnerships with strategic importance, Exploitation of sponsorship opportunities for strategic internationalisation, Consultancy of university members to questions of international cooperations and sponsorship and cooperation programs, Reporting rector´s office, university council, senate and comitees, Coordination and support of the university´s quality circle "Internationales" ("I-Kreis"), Coordination ERASMUS+ Leitaktion2: university´s partnerships and cooperation projects (ERASMUS+ Strategic partnerships (KA203), Knowledge alliances, European universities, Capacity building in the field of higher education), Support faculties in preparing and creating applications for third-party funds with international reference respectively in connection with internationalisation measures, Coordination of central measures for internationalisation of the lecture formation, Support the facuilties in establishing bilingual events and international study offers, Organisation and support of international visits of groups and delegate on central section. Kontakt Bergische Universität Wuppertal på Messenger. 20 42119 Wuppertal Germany Main campus Grifflenberg building O, floor 06 Secretary Office Phone: +49 (0) 202 439 3247 Fax: +49 (0) 202 439 3856 E-Mail: icenter{at} In 2014/15, approx. Corporate collaborations and research projects Items of this site: mail clients and their configuration; e-mail addresses at Uni Wuppertal; limitation of storage space; Mail-Clients and their Configuration. University of Wuppertal D-42097 Wuppertal GERMANY . Kontakt; Sitemap; Webmail; Ergänzende Navigation Ende. From the bus station in front of the Hauptbahnhof take bus number 645, 615 or E to the university main entrance in Gauss Str. University of Wuppertal School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering Rainer-Gruenter-Str. Den travleste tid på dagen . Accédez aux publications, aux photos et plus encore sur Facebook. Homepage > Incoming > International students > Prospective students/Applicants for a degree program > Accommodation > Kontakt zuletzt bearbeitet am: 31.01.2013 compulsory statements Impressum. ), Project administration for DAAD programs STIBET + LEI, Troughout university coordination Welcome Services for international guest scientists, Conclusion of affiliation agreements for international scientists executing research projects at the university, Common student´s requets to foreign mobility, Data entry, data management, archival storage of documents PROMOS-mobilities, Support the organisation and execution of information events about foreign mobility, Students interface to International Students Team (I.S.T.) The BUW is a dynamic university with an interdisciplinary teaching and research profile. Kontakt; Sitemap; Webmail; Ergänzende Navigation Ende. : +49 (0)202 439 2775 Fax: +49 (0)202 439 2648 e-mail: Startseite ECMI2021; ECMI 2021 conference. Åben nu. Publikationen. Iris LECLAIRE (50%) O.06.12 leclaire{at} +49 (0) 202 439 5308, Mon-Thu:3.00 pm - 5.00 pmService Center at Main Entance, rustemeyer{at} +49 (0) 202 439 5706, hausmann{at} +49 (0) 202 439 5706, Interested potential students with foreign reports / educations certificates with questions to the application at the University Wuppertal, to german language course offers and to admission and enrolment are kindly asked to contact the, Direkt zur Schnellnavigation: Informationen für, Information and consultancy to General issues of internationalisation, Central Rectorate funds for internationalisation, Contract review and contract Management for general issues of international university partnerships, Consultancy to conception of international/bi-national study offers, Conceptional development of the university´s support concept for international students, Information und consultancy to bi- and multinational Joint doctoral procedures ("Cotutelle") / Cotutelle-contract review and -management, Throughout university coordination and project management ERASMUS+ Leitaktion 1: mobility with partner countries (KA103), Throughout university coordination ERASMUS+ Leitaktion 1: mobility with partner countries (KA107), Conceptual (further)development, coordination and realisation of formats and measures to advance the intercultural competency Wuppertaler, Information and consultancy for lecturers, employees and postgraduates about foreign mobility, Coordination of the troughout university´s application of, Public relations and conception of information formats for the working area, Contract affairs and contract management Inter-Institutional Agreements ERASMUS+ Leitaktion 1 - Individual mobility with program countries, Administration and support ERASMUS + Leitaktion 1 - Individual student´s mobility in university area with program countries, Consultancy to student´s foreign mobility in line with ERASMUS+ und PROMOS during open consultancy hours, Documents check for students ERASMUS+ und PROMOS-applications, Execution of information events for students and partnership delegates, Coordination and quality management of the university´s support concept for international students / Contact point, Consultancy and support faculties in preparing and organising international study courses, Project coordination Support-Ticket-System in work area "Ausländerstudium", Public relations and reporting "Ausländerstudium", Orienting consultancy for students and pupils to study-depending foreign mobility, Accompany students before, during and after their stay abroad, Execution and support of information events to student´s foreign mobility, publication of appointments, Support placing international student apprentices in the faculties, Support organisation and execution of IC-events / exhebitions, Consultancy for refugees who are interested in studying at the University Wuppertal, Consultancy and support of international guest students in the framework of university partnerships, Execution of information and introduction events for international study-interested students and (guest)students, Coordination and administration of support measures for international students, Contact point International Students Team (I.S.T. INFORMATION: Interested potential students with foreign reports / educations certificates with questions to the application at the University Wuppertal, to german language course offers and to admission and enrolment are kindly asked to contact the international students office. Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH. Suchen Home; Research & Transfer; Visionlabs; Contact; Visionlabs. The ECMI 2021 conference will be held as an online conference hosted by the Bergische Universität Wuppertal from … Gaußstraße 20. Welcome to the University of Wuppertal (BUW). For strategic design and innovation development, contact Prof. Gert Trauernicht Bergische Universität Wuppertal. Hermelingmeyer et. … WIB - Wuppertal Research Institiute for the Economics of Education. The following list contains the names, areas of responsibilities, opening hours and contact addresses of the IC team members. Kontakt. ; Legal references. Die Bergische Universität Wuppertal ist eine dynamische und zukunftsorientierte Universität im Herzen Europas. Contact. Administrative Assistant to Prof. Dr. Stefan F. Kirsch. Research for my forthcoming book … Dr Adrián Gómez Suárez Organic Chemistry Bergische Universität Wuppertal Gaußstr. Right of admission to a degree program; Duration of program. Homepage > Incoming > International students > Current students > from university to profession > Kontakt zuletzt bearbeitet am: 31.01.2013 compulsory statements Åbningstider 09.00-17.00. Dr. Hendrik Kersten. Coordinates (Lat/Lon): 51.245289, 7.1495. Kooperationen Kontakt Ablauf einer Kooperation Referenzen. Internet: 42119 Wuppertal. Telefon: +49 202 439-0. 21 D-42119 Wuppertal Office: FC 1.14. Universitet. It was founded in 1972. Sprache wählen. Telefon / E-Mail. Postfach: 42097 Wuppertal. Suche. Alterna-tively, take bus number 603 to Sandhof, from where it is only a short walk along Fuhlrottstr to 2020 . 42004 Wuppertal . For topics related to interfacing, interaction or user experience, contact Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert Alight at Wuppertal Hauptbahnhof (Main Station). Contact secretary: Frau Marita Hofstetter Phone: +49 202 439 14 31 officegipp{at} Kontakt. Sustainable business practices can build resilient local economies for a post-COVID-19 recovery. 42119 Wuppertal. Specialization Empirical Analysis: Prof. Dr. Falko Jüßen Schumpeter School of Business and Economics Tel: +49 (0)202 439 5113 E-Mail: juessen{at} Specialization International Economic Policy: Prof. Dr. Paul J.J. Welfens Schumpeter School of Business and Economics Tel: +49 (0)202 439 3171 E-Mail: welfens{at} 42119 Wuppertal Tel: +49 (0)202 / 439- 24 37 Fax: + 49 (0)202 / 439- 28 89 dekanat(at) Visitor's address / delivery address. Email:funken{at} Phone: +49 (0) 202 439 2465: Assistant Consultants: David Honscha: Email: honscha{at} Phone: +49 (0)202 439 5234: Services. Admission requirements. Roy Sommer Professor of English University of Wuppertal Gauss Str 20 42119 Wuppertal Germany E-mail: rsommer{at} . Döppersberg 19. Tel. We demonstrate our commitment to the structures and potential of the Wuppertal region by tailoring the content of the courses offered and … 42103 Wuppertal. Phone: +49 202 439-0. Our references; Frameworks for collaboration; The Process; Basics; Contact; Beispielprojekte ; Interface Lab; methodLAB; Let's talk! As a rule, 6 semesters. sjust{at} +49 (0) 202 439 5307. The director of the IC is the member of the Rectorate responsable for international affairs. al. For questions about technical development, capital investment goods and system design or consumer goods, contact Prof. Martin Topel and Prof. Andreas Kalweit, © 2021 Studiengang Industrial Design der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. Se handlinger, som er blevet udført af de personer, som administrerer og offentliggør indhold. Campus Grifflenberg, University of Wuppertal . A bachelor’s degree is a prerequisite for entry into a master’s program. box 10 04 80. Willkommen auf dem offiziellen Facebook-Profil der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal! If you have ideas for - or questions about - the future of your product range or your corporate strategy, then let's talk! University of Wuppertal Gaussstrasse 20 D-42119 Wuppertal GERMANY. 20 K J’aime. 20 42119 Wuppertal Germany Office: Building V, room 10.019 Tel. What does it lead to? You can get to Wuppertal by intercity, regional or by "S-Bahn" train services from Cologne, Düsseldorf or Dortmund. Telefon / E-Mail. Search for: Search. 20 42119 Wuppertal hkersten{at} Kontakt; Publikationen; Site Search. What is visionlabs? An Academic Board, chaired by the Rectorate member responsible for international affairs, is responsible for providing academic and strategic guidance to the IC. 20 42119 Wuppertal ; Data protection statement. Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal. WIB - Wuppertal Research Institiute for the Economics of Education. Internet: 20 42119 Wuppertal Germany Office: Building V, room 10.019 Tel. For general consultancy please contact Frau Leclaire. Postfach: 42097 Wuppertal. Aktuelle Seite: Home; Research; Publications ; Phd Supervision; Links; @students; Hauptnavigation Anfang Hauptnavigation Ende. P.O. Germany . Startseite > Home; News. Vice-President for International Relations and Diversity (s. "Rektorat"), O.06.14abehnke{at} +49 (0) 202 439 3247, Andrea BIECK O.06.14 bieck{at} +49 (0) 202 439 2181, O.06.14dstellmann{at} +49 (0) 202 439 5221, O.06.14e hae-eun.cho{at} +49 (0) 202 439 5140. Bergische Universität WuppertalInternational Center / International Office Gauss Str.
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