Dragon, Master Dragon, Master, Oversized Gecko, Campire with Legs, Dirty Rat (Skunk). Rabbit: Tai Lung, Dragon Ungrounded so i can enjoy what ever i want. The Mountain, Ninja monkeys trailer. Planning schemes Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Full Name Dragon was the guardian of the valley and a childhood friend of Panda. He is a negative influence for Skunk. Early concept art suggests that artists were thinking of making him all black, though this idea was never set into motion in the series proper. GenreComedy Action Fantasy Created byAidan Harte StarringJules de Jongh Paul Tylak Tony Acworth Patricia Rodriguez Rod Goodall Paul McLoone Country of originIreland United Kingdom No. Dragon: Yes I Ungrounded Skunk! follows the adventures of young Skunk (voiced by Jules Dejongh), who was accidentally dropped off in the wilderness by the stork when he was born. Dragon and the evil monkeys have failed in many battles. Skunk was raised by wise old Panda (Paul Tylack), who teaches Skunk martial arts and guides him with his wisdom. Dragon Though he still regains his power to give commands to, He is also shown to have magic on his side. “ The animals of the valley are in a race against the ninja monkeys, who are trying to procure the rare and mystical ingredients for a magical balm that will cure dragon’s burns and release him from his icy prison. " —Horn Book, starred review *"The scribbled artwork brims with small delights, like the attentive expressions of Skunk and Porcupine, draped with string they've quietly appropriated Vernon's yo-yo. Batareo is a rare,but mysterious grey-headed mega bat and recently new antagonist in Skunk Fu and a basically is the mentor to Dragon, a once kind creature whose Heaven descended him in deep in the Mountain. Besides being angry, Dragon has little humor left in him (except when it comes at someone else's expense). Where to Watch. animated flashback sequence for Skunk Fu! Skunk Fu! The Overlord, using the combination of ancient technology and the spa, transformed the ex-protector of the valley into the menacingly creature that the valley dweller and what we knew today. This page needs help to meet Skunk Fu Wiki's standards. In "Skunk Fu", Baboon who was the second-in-command to Dragon often attempted to defeat Skunk but often failed miserably due to Baboon's own mistakes or those of the Ninja Monkeys themselves. Rabbit is the tritagonist in the show Skunk Fu! With the exception of his head, Dragon's entire body is made up of different notches, giving him a more mechanical look than the rest of the cast. His mane, beard, and eye brows are a dusty dark green. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Baboon's Master of seasons1 No. He is Baboon's master. is an Irish-British animated series featuring the fables of anthropomorphic animals protecting their valley using martial arts. He doesn't entertain Baboon's jokes or attempts to please him. Harboring true hatred and a need for revenge, Dragon plots to destroy the Valley animals completely, raging war against them. Arts Known Baboon lives inside a tent in Lung mountain and is a very strong warrior. Skunk is a friend to all of the good animals in the valley who he trains with constantly. While he is constantly trying to impress his Master, he also wants to have fun at the same time so he tends to goof of rather than finish the chores Panda gives him. SKUNK FU! is an Irish animated series featuring a young skunk (Skunk) who wants to learn martial arts. The film was to conclude the first season of Skunk Fu! Evil-doer He has got a crush on Fox. For the use of his knowledge of the valley resistance's movement,Overlord grant this ancient creature back of his inconceivable power and immortality.Having nothing left to lose, Dragon imburse himself into a life long study of magics and studies and persuade the Ninja Monkeys to burn down the valley, hoping of attacked the animals and blamed them for his punishment, chasing them from the mountain with his power of fire. Tai Lung: And You You're Grounded Grounded Until Baboon & Dragon Die. Erik Killmonger (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Headlined Villain - William "Wild Bill" Wharton, https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_(Skunk_Fu! – Exit The Dragon . Dragon is the largest character in the series. Too bad scaredy-cat Tiger decides to tag along: when the Monkeys attack, Skunk has to teach him a thing or two about courage. Given his decision to blame the animal for his punishment, as well as his continued abuse of Baboon over trivial things, it appears Dragon has a tendency to negate blame from from himself onto everyone else. Dragon, Master Dragon, Master, Oversized Gecko, Campire with Legs, Dirty Rat (Skunk). Dark Arts, "You've made your final blunder" - Dragon in The Art of Wu-Shu. Appearance. He is a black and white Chinese Dragon capable of breathing fire. Alias Dragon was once a good person who, believe it or not, was the best friend of Panda. He is also a fine frie… Yet in the main back story, he was once a protagonist. The Art of Darkness 0:45 : Panda teaches Skunk the "Night of Vision" technique to fight in the dark. Eventually, Dragon, unable to take any more of Baboon's failures ultimately dismissed Baboon from the group, resulting in Baboon losing his place as leader of Dragon's Army with Baboon also being forced to leave the Valley for good as well. In, Dragon bears a resemblance to other animated villains, most notably Aku from. He is noted to be in his twenties, but is not proven in the show there for he and Fox are debatably in their twenties or teens. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In this rampage he ended up burning a mysterious lotus flower, which took away his power of water, burning him with his own fire. Of course when he did this Heaven was angered and punished him by taking away his power to fly and made his once beautiful scales black and ugly and hurled into the mountain and attracting the attention of the mysterious hooded bat named the Overlord. He is a purple and black male, Chinese Dragon capable of breathing fire. of episodes26 Production Executive producers Paul Cummins Tom van Wavaren Paul Young ProducerJordan Gaucher Running time22 minutes Production companiesInternational Rheingold Productions Cartoon Saloon Telegael Hoek, Line & Thinker Cake Entertainment DistributorCake Entertai… Dragon's appearance differs from every other character in the show, which has a much smoother, complete look to their design. Skunk Fu! Skunk also learns from a wise leader named Panda note .They defend their home valley from Dragon, who used to be good until he was punished by Heaven for his arrogance. A younger Dragon is seen in the intro to the series and in an animatic by the series creators. Duck (Skunk Fu!) Dragon is the overarching antagonist of the Skunk Fu franchise. He loves a dirty fight. Tai Lung: GRRRRR!!! He also demands respect from his minions to the point of threatening to kill a "monkey" for speaking gibberish at him. Rod Goodall Early concept art suggests that artists were thinking of making him all black, though this idea was never set into motion in the series proper. He is helped by his friends Rabbit, Fox, and Pig, who are — wait for it — a rabbit, a fox and a pig. Origin He is the general of Dragon's Army. Dragon is diabolical and extremely hateful. Both of them were friends again. He will often break Panda's rules but is also loyal to him. Dragon is the supreme leader of Baboon and the Ninja Monkeys as well as the main antagonist of the show. He'll often burn Baboon and the Ninja Monkeys over trivial matters. Skunk is a true friend and is close to Pig, Ox, and Bird and sticks up for them every chance he gets. 59 Baboon is a large male Asian baboon and is the secondary antagonist in the series. Skunk Fu! Skunk lives in a valley along with other animals. Fortunately, Cartoon Saloon in Ireland has decided to roll the dice and try their luck with: Skunk Fu! Feelers, present in modern and even some ancient depictions of Chinese dragons, give the impression of a mustache on his lip. Skunk Fu! Titles ), The Red Death (How to Train Your Dragon), Drago's Bewilderbeast (How to Train Your Dragon 2) Ke-Pa (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness) Cyclops - Tyrannor (Dink, The Little Dinosaur) Apollo, God of the Sun - Bonkers D. Bobcats (DIsney's Bonkers) Ares, God of War - Colonel Hathi (The Jungle Book) Then, Fox along with Squirrel and Rabbit were going to a romantic stroll and then, the evil Ninja Monkeys came to get Skunk for Dragon. Dragon could not bear to watch his friends die so, despite Panda's warnings, used his power of water to make it rain. Voiced By Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. :The Training Continues is an Irish/British animated comedy action series and sequel to Skunk Fu! Dragon is diabolical and extremely hatable. He is one of the more comic relief villains next to the Ninja Monkeys. To rule all of China Pepé Le Pew is an animated character from the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons, introduced in 1945. Sex None Dragon is the largest character in the series. He is voiced by Rod Goodall. Occupation Position Dragon: Rabbit You're Ungrounded fill free to do what ever you want. Season 1 Episodes. Powers/Skills The show chronicles the adventures of young Skunk, training with his kung fu master, Panda, with the support of Rabbit, Fox, Turtle, and others, who directly, or inadvertently, also help Skunk grow. trailer. Feelers, present in modern and even some ancient depictions of Chinese dragons, give the impression of a mustache on his lip. Dragon How Dare you Ungrounded Skunk That's Go Home! Dragon In a light Skunk is turned back to normal, and then past Dragon appears and he said that he's not gonna keep being trapped in he rather die free. Dragon is persistent about destroying the animals and will do anything to see the Valley perish for what he went through. Dragon is the largest character in the series. His scales are deep purple with a white stomach. Dragon is the overarching antagonist of the Skunk Fu franchise.He is Baboon's master.. Attemped murder He is rather close to his Kung Fu master, Panda and views him as his father or father figure. But, Dragon will help Skunk to become a warrior of evil and destroying everything of good to be vanished. Dragon With the exception of his head, Dragon's entire body is made up of different notches, giving him a more mechanical look than the rest of the cast. He is very violent and longs to see the Valley animals in harms way. He is a male grey and white rabbit and has no beard (obveously). Species Despite being burnt, He retreated with his newfound mentor into the icy lake, in which the overlord create to suppress Dragon's already burned skin of Lung mountain to sooth his burns. He is voiced by Northern Irish voice actor, Paul McLoone. Mastermind Overlord, who's been too, shunned by the world by exiling into the mountain, offer the battered Dragon of his position for as his disicple. A larger threat than Dragon looms over the Valley ushering with him the destruction of the entire Valley itself, it's up to this New Arrival to meet his destiny and thwart this villain. His scales are deep purple with a … Skunk Fu In this 5 chapter story, Skunk will do the unthinkable and gonna hurt the loved ones for good. Jeremy - Po (Kung Fu Panda) Nicodemus - Panda (Skunk Fu!) We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Skunk Fu A New Arrival The Rewrite by blaster702 reviews A rewrite of my old fanfic for anybody who cares. Dragon is the largest character in the series. Panda and him were even willing to make a bet outside of Baboon and Skunk's Wushu competition on who would win. Then he rips out his own heart. 2007-2008; 1 seasons CW Comedy TVY7 ... Panda sends Skunk to deliver a scroll to Dragon, but Skunk steals a magic jewel from Dragon and unleashes trouble. His scales are deep purple with a white stomach. He is the only character on the show that features a pair of glowing white eyes. His scales are deep purple with a white stomach. and it will premiere on November 10th 2021. Titans - Dragon (Skunk Fu! Type of Villain Please contribute in editing this page all you can. Mr. Ages - Crazy Legs (Banjo the Woodpile Cat) Auntie Shrew - Ms. Crimes He was voiced by Paul Tylack. Depicted as a French striped skunk, Pepé is constantly on the quest for love.However, his offensive skunk odor and his aggressive pursuit of romance typically cause other characters to run from him. Early concept art suggests that artists were thinking of making him all black, though this idea was never set into motion in the series proper. He seems to still have some respect for Panda and also misses his old life as seen in The Art of Kung Fruit. Hobby Dragon's appearance differs from every other character in the show, which has a much smoother, complete look to their design. Yet in the main back story, he was once a protagonist. His mane, beard, and eye brows are a dusty dark green. Skunk really wants to win at Chinese Conkers (a game where players try to smash each others walnuts, which are tied to strings), so he ventures into Dragon territory to find the hardest, most unbeatable walnut he can.

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